Friends of Latin American Railways

News Peru


USA – Peru

In September 2024, Caltrain (USA) began electric operation on the 79 km route from San Francisco to San José Tamien. Today, the trains serve the route every 30 minutes, 7 days a week, and many additional trains run on weekdays. Diesel operation was retained between San José Tamien and Gilroy, where only 4 to 5 train-pairs run during peak hours. Stadler supplied the 23 electric 7-car trains of the KISS type. This changeover freed up a lot of rolling stock. Only a few cars and locomotives are still needed for traffic to/from Gilroy.

The Caltrain management remembered the tender for a project for local trains in Lima, the capital of Peru. And those responsible in Peru immediately agreed to the offer. In the coming months, 90 double-decker carriages, some of them with bicycle compartments, and 19 class F40 locomotives will be transported to Peru by ship. The very rail-friendly state of California also wants to actively support Peru, which is why the entire delivery only costs US$6 million! Coaches and locomotives are from the 1980s and in best shape, so they can be used immediately in Peru.

According to Peruvian sources, local transport between Lima and Chosica over 40 km is to begin in 2025. In the first phase, 4 stations may be served, but 14 stops are to be set up by the end of 2026. Journey time between Lima and Chosica will go down from over 2 hours to less than 1 hour. The existing railway line will be upgraded and get a second track.
(Source: FCNews 84)

Tren Macho

After another interruption of service of around 4 months, the Tren Macho has resumed operations again. The entire route from Huancayo to Huancavelica is still not in operation, but the railcar is running again between Huancayo Chilca and Cuenca over a distance of 57 km since December 20, 2024. The trips only take place on Mondays and Fridays, departing at 06.30 from Huancayo and at 13.00 from Cuenca. Only the railcar, which was technically renovated during the interruption of the service, is running. Reconstruction - which according to ProInversion - is equivalent to new construction - is to begin first on the 71 km long section from Cuenca to Huancavelica. The trips currently offered are free of charge for the population.
(Source: FCNews 84)


Metro Lima

Metro line 2 began operations on December 23, 2023 on the first section from Municipalidad Ate to Santa Anita in the east of Lima. It is the first about 5 km long section of the 27 km long Line 2, which is currently under construction and will run completely underground and will later run from Ate to Puerto de Callao.
(Source: FCNews 77)

Ferrocarril Tacna-Arica

After more than 2 months without rail service, traffic between Tacna and Arica will resume on February 19, 2024, as the press in Peru and Chile reported. According to the information available, both pairs of trains should run again. These would be the departures at 06.00 and 16.00 from Tacna with the corresponding return journeys. The tariff remains at 20 soles and sales take place in both stations from 7.30 to 13.00. For the time being, railcar No. 261 with 49 seats, which has been renovated again in the meantime, is in operation. As the provincial government further announced, railcar no. 257 with 70 seats is now being refurbished in the Tacna workshop. It should be back in use about at the middle of the year. In addition, the small railcar no. 396 (presumably a Wickham vehicle) was made operational again. The railway museum in Tacna has been open again since the beginning of February and entry costs 5 soles, he said. The closure period was also used for some repairs on the over 60 km long route.
(Source: FCNews 77)


Tren Macho

After a long interruption, the Ministry of Transport and Communications MTC resumed rail traffic on part of the Huancayo – Huancavelica route. On Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, a railcar runs on the 57 km long Huancayo Chilca – Cuenca section. From Huancayo 06.30, to Cuenca 08.30/from Cuenca 13.00, arr. Huancayo 14.45. The trips are offered free of charge. The ticket offices are closed.
(Source: FCNews 76)

Tacna - Arica

The province of Tacna has made 1.8 million Soles (approx. € 440,000) available at the end of 2023 to put the 60 km long railway to Arica back into operation. Flooding near Tacna had damaged the track in places. The work was completed in December, but some damage was found on the railcar, which is why it is now being repaired. Work is underway on this, but the railway cannot yet set a new date for the start of operations.
(Source: FCNews 76 / Guido Klamt (AIFFLA))


Tacna - Arica

March 9th, 2023, the traffic of the railcar between Tacna and Arica may be resumed. According to press reports from Chile, the outward journey from Tacna should take place at 06:00 and the return trip at 18.00, but the exact times were not communicated.
(Source: FCNews 68)



On December 22, 2022, traffic resumed on the 62 km long international railway Tacna – Arica FCTA. This occasion was celebrated with a big ceremony at Tacna train station, of course with the presence of the press, television, ministers and diplomats. The railcar then drove to Arica with the first passengers and various official guests. The province has only approved one pair of trains for the time being, Tacna dep. 06.00 and Arica dep. 08.00 (both Peruvian time). The fare in each direction is still 15 nuevos soles.
(Source: FCNews 67)



Both the Peruvian and the Chilean side report that the Ferrocarril Tacna-Arica FCTA can resume traffic between the two cities around the turn of the year 2022/2023. The approximately 40 km of track in Peru have been repaired and the 20 km in Chile are also being checked with selective repairs. Within Peru, 50 members of the army participated in the work. There is a push to reopen for the busy summer season.
(Source: FCNews 66)

Tren Macho

After long and unsuccessful attempts to concession the 126 km line of the Tren Macho Huancayo-Huancavelica for its modernization, the state has taken matters into its own hands. Traffic was stopped in mid-November 2022 and construction work began immediately. First, the Huancayo – Izcuchaca section will be completely modernized in order to resume traffic there by mid-June 2023. This is followed by the Izcuchaca – Huancavelica section and it is hoped that traffic will be offered here again at the end of 2024. However, this work only includes the entire track systems, engineering structures and securing the route against flooding and landslides. The stations will then be repaired and the purchase of new vehicles initiated.
(Source: FCNews 66)


Tacna – Arica

The regional government of Tacna, together with 50 members of the army, has started to rehabilitate the railway line Tacna - Arica. The work should take about 3 months. During a test drive with the only railcar on the railway, a car driver rammed the rail vehicle due to carelessness in Tacna. The property damage can be repaired by the railway itself.
(Source: Volta o Trem 26-3)

Tren Macho

The Ferrocarril Huancayo – Huancavelica (Tren Macho) is not licensed after all. The government has decided to rehabilitate the 128.2 km long line as a separate project under a priority measure. The railway will continue to be used for passenger and freight traffic after the renovation.
(Source: Volta o Trem 26-3)



An initiative by the Tacna Free Trade Zone and the Chilean Chamber of Commerce sees great potential for freight and passenger traffic in the reactivation of this international railway. Up to 7 million annually passengers were calculated for 2059 and several million tons of goods, which would make the railway very profitable.
(Source: Volta o Trem 26-0)


Tacna - Arica

Tacna province called the national transport ministry to examine the situation of the railway to Arica and re-nationalize it. The results of this study are not yet known.
(Source: Volta o Trem 25-1)


Tacna – Arica

After 7 months closure of the Tacna – Arica line due to the covid pandemy the line suffered so many damages, that services can’t restart again. There was some vandalism and the only railcar (nr. 261) suffered also from many damages. Unfortunately neither local or nationale authorities show any interrest to sepnd a cent for rehabilitation to repair all and reopen the line. Furthermore some illegal settlements have been errected extremly close to the track and electric poles have been put between the rails.
(Source: Volta o Trem 24-8)

Huancayo – Huancavelica

Ferrocarril Huancayo – Huancavelica will run again from 5 December 2020 on with one train daily in each direction, except Wednesday, with departure from Huancayo at 06.30 and from Huancavelica at 14.00.
(Source: Volta o Trem 24-8)


Corona Update

Perurail cancelled all tourist trains from 17 March for at least 2 weeks. The local train Cuzco – Hidreléctrica runs unchanged because it is a basic service for the local residents. That seems also to be the case for Tren Macho Huancayo – Huancavelica. Because of border closure to Chile, services between Tacna and Arica are also suspended. These measures are valid until at least 31 March 2020.
(Source: Volta o Trem 24-2)


Huancayo – Huancavelica

News from Peru indicate that the Transport-Ministry wants now to invest US$284mio. in the rehabilitation and modernisation of the Huancayo – Huancavelica railway. This happens because no private enterprise was willing to take this over. The works may start early in 2021.
(Source: Volta o Trem 24-1)


Huancayo - Huancavelica

According to recently sourced information, the Ministry for Transport will now invest US$ 284m into the rehabilitation and modernisation of the Huancayo to Huancavelica railway line as no tenders from private companies had been received. Works are expected to start in early 2021.
(Source: Fahrplancenter/Volta o Trem)


Huancayo – Huancavelica

In August 2019 landslides near Izcuchaca (Km 67) interrupted Tren Macho Huancayo – Huancavelica. For this reason a railcar runs until further notice Monday, Wednesday and Friday between Huancayo and Cuenca (Km 57).
(Source: Volta o Trem 23-6)


Transcontinental Railway

It has now been established that the planned transcontinental railway from Santos in Brasil via Puerto Quijarro, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Cochabamba and Viacha to the peruvian port of Ilo will be built in metre gauge and that existing railways will be integrated in the route. The climb on the eastern slopes of the Andes will require some longer sections with racks. Whether the western section down to Ilo will also require a rack railway still has to be determined. Chinese and Brasilian contractors are being considered to carry out the work.
(Source: Local media and Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul)

Lima – Huancayo

FLB correspondent Koki Zelaya from Lima has launched a petition for the re-introduction of scheduled passenger train service on the peruvian central railway from Lima to Huancayo and Cerro de Pasco. Our readers are encouraged to take part and sign the petition.
(Source: Koki Zelaya)


Petition for Passenger Trains

FLB correspondent Koki Zelaya of Lima started a petition for reimplantation of scheduled passenger trains between Lima and Huancayo and Cerro de Pasco, because there is sufficient demand for such trains. Please participate by signing the petition
(Source: Volta o Trem 23-2)


Ferrocarril Central published the running days for the Lima – Huancayo tourist train for 2019:

From Lima 7:00
18. April
1. May
1. June
28. July
30. August
20. September
5. October
31. October
22. November

From Huancayo 7:00
21. April
4. May
4. July
29. July
1. September
22. September
8. October
3. November
25. November
(Source: Volta o Trem 23-1)


Lima – Huancayo

The tourist train Lima – Huancayo will run again in 2019. Between April and November, 9 round-trips have been scheduled.
(Source: Ferrocarril Central Andino SA)


Lima – Huancayo

Ferrocarril Central confirmed that the Lima – Huancayo tourist train will operate again in 2019, the extact dates will be released in January.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-A)


Capacity extension Metro Lima

All Lima metro trains have been lengthened to 6 cars from early October in order to carry a maximum of 1200 passengers per train. It is hoped that this will relieve capacity restraints which cause long waiting times, particularly during peak periods. As station platforms are built to accommodate 6 cars per train, no infrastructure work had to be carried out.
(Source: La Razón)

Extension of Trains

Metro Lima increased all trains to 6 coaches from early October 2018 on to increase the number of passengerst o 1200 per train.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-9)


Tacna - Arica

The Tacna-Arica Railway completed repairs on the line which led to a reduction of the journey time by about 15 min. Furthermore the depart-ure of the evening train from Arica was advanced by about 15 min. and for the first time since reopening of the line fares increased by about 20%.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-3)


PeruRail Titicaca

PeruRail renamed its „Andean Explorer“ Train between Puno and Cuzco to „PeruRail Titicaca“ and reduced the fares slightly.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-2)


Lima – Huancayo

Finally the departure dates for the Lima-Huancayo tourist train arrived, in 2018 only 9 trains will operate.

From Lima 7:00
29. March
28. April
29. June
26. July
10. August
30. August
6. October
1. November
23. November

From Huancayo 7:00
1. April
1. May
1. July
28. July
12. August
2. September
8. October
4. November
25. November
(Source: Volta o Trem 21-9)


Ferrocarril Tacna – Arica

The Tacna-Arica Railway started to rehabilitate railcar nr. 0257 to become a second operational railcar apart of nr. 0261. Additionally some sections of the line are currently rehabilitated and some improvements at Tacna station are carried out. The railway made 300'000 Soles available for these investments for the year 2017. The number of passengers over the first 5 months of 2017 doubled nearly to 19'000 against the number carried from June to December 2016.
(Source: Volta o Trem 21-7)


Tacna – Arica

The southernmost railway of Peru has started repair work on their railbus number 0257 in order to have a second operational railbus as a relief to the normally operating railbus 0261. A funding of 300'000 Soles is available for this, but part of the money will also be used to repair some weak spots on the track, and there will be some improvements made to the Tacna railway station.
During the period from June to December 2016, 10'703 passengers were carried, while between January and May 2017 there were 19'010 passengers using the service. Some 90 per cent of the users came from Chile, while the rest were Peruvians.
(Source: El Comercio)


Tren Macho

The Transport ministry is looking for offers to buy new workwear for the staff of the Tren Macho Huancayo – Huancavelica.
(Source: Volta o Trem 21-4)


Cuzco - Puno

Against earlier plans the passenger train Andean Explorer between Cuzco and Puno will continue to run. In 2016 PeruRail planned to suspend it when the new luxury train Cuzco – Puno – Arequipa starts operation.
(Source: Volta o Trem 21-3)


Lima – La Oroya

April 01, 2017 the Central Railway Lima-La Oroya ressumed train services after reconstruction of a 10 km section between Corcona and Chaclacayo, which was destroyed by floods in March 2017.
(Source: Volta o Trem 21-2)


Central Raylway

The Central Railway announced the running days for 2017 for the tourist train Lima - Huancayo. Journey about 12 hours. Departure at 7:00.
Departures at Lima: April 13, April 28, May 25, June 16, June 29, July 28, August 10, August 27, September 14, October 05, October 29, November 23.
Departures at Huancayo: April 16, May 01, May 28, June 18, July 02, July 30, Aubust 13, August 30, September 17, October 08, November 01, November 26.
(Source: Volta o Trem 20-7)

Ferrocarril Huancayo-Huancavelia

November 2016 the journey time was reduced from about 6 hours to 5 hours 30 min.
(Source: Volta o Trem 20-7)


Rehabilitation Lima - Huancayo completed

In September 2016 rehabilitation of 170 km of tracks of the Central Railway between Lima and Huancayo have been completed. As a further measure to improve operations the zig-zags should be replaced by helicoidal tunnels. This could even be financed by the railway itself.
(Source: Volta o Trem 20-6)


Huancayo - Huancavelica

After repairing the damages caused by a rock-slide at Km 85 of the Tren Macho line Huancayo - Huancavelica train services ressumed May 02, 2016.
(Source: Volta o Trem 20-4)

Puno - Cuzco

May 2017 will see the end of the train Andean Explorer Puno-Cuzco. It will be replaced by a luxury train Cuzco-Puno-Arequipa, which will run partly overnight.
(Source: Volta o Trem 20-4)

Huancayo - Huancavelica

Passenger fares for the Lima-Huancayo train have increased heavily for Peruvian and foreign passengers.
(Source: Volta o Trem 20-4)

Tacna - Arica

May 27 the railway from Tacna (Peru) to Arica (Chile) was officially reinaugurated and three days later scheduled services started to run, again with a round-trip early morning and another one in the evening. Fares have been set at 18 New Soles, slightly over the fares for bus journeys. June 7 a technical failure on the railcar halted traffic for at least one day.
(Source: Volta o Trem 20-4)


Huancayo - Huancavelica

A rock-slide interrupted the Tren Macho Line between Huancayo and Huancavelica at Km 85 between Mariscal Cáceres and Acoria over a length of 200 metres on February 10, 2016. According to press information the line may again be open with the next few days.
(Source: Volta o Trem 20-3)


Tren Macho

A rock fall at the beginning of February 2016 has, once more, disrupted the Tren Macho route, this time at Kilometer 85 between Mariscal Cáceres and Acoria. It appears that authorities have reacted quickly this time as clearing and repair work on the line and the adjacent tunnel started just a few days after the event, and reopening of the line is expected for April.
(Source: )


Tacna - Arica

Recent news indicate that the railcar between Tacna and Arica may start in April 2016 after the end of the rain season. The insurance fee could be lowered to US$ 50‘000 and the province was finally able to pay it.
(Source: Volta o Trem 20-2)


Tacna - Arica

Chilean customs administration dismantled its installations at Arica station because the reintrodution of trains between Tacna and Arica never took place, despite many announce-ments by the Peruvian government.
(Source: Volta o Trem 20-1)


Huancayo - Huancavelica

Since about August 2015 railcar no. 32 operates twice weekly between Huancayo and Huancavelica.
(Source: Volta o Trem 19-8)


Tacna - Arica

Reopening of the Tacna-Arica Railway will be delayed by about one month until August 2015 because the rehabilitation work on the railcar could not be completed in time. The railway line is repaired and there have already been some test runs over the entire 62 km long line.
(Source: Volta o Trem 19-6)


Lima - La Oroya

Heavy rainfall at the end of March 2015 disrupted the road between Lima and La Oroya. Therefore, Ferrocarril Central Andino decided to temporarily operate a mixed train for the transport of passengers and freight in order to enable the flow of people and goods between these two cities. Any transport, whether passenger or freight, is free of cost!
(Source: Diário Correo)

Lima – Huancayo

The tourist train Lima – Huancayo will, as in the previous year, run 6 times in 2015.
(Source: Fahrplancenter)

Metro in Lima

Construction of line 2 of the Lima metro system is progressing well, and the first 5 stations will be built during 2015. The first section to be opened will be from the Santa Anita station to Bolognesi, expected to happen during 2016. The final destination of the line will be the international airport „Jorge Chávez“, to be connected by 2020. Planning for the extension of line 1 towards Lurín has also started.
(Source: América TV)

Tacna – Arica

On 16th February 2015, track repair and refurbishment work on the international railway line Tacna – Arica commenced within the city of Tacna, where the line is running on the streets. Work is carried out on behalf of the Ministry of Transport of Perú and consists mainly of sleeper replacement as well as laying new rails on some 10 km of the line. It is expected to terminate the works until the end of July 2015 and to then resume operations.
Meanwhile, the only railcar (Autovagón) in useable condition is also being refurbished. Apart of technical attention, a toilet will also be fitted.
The government intends to privatise this line in 2016.
(Source: Rieles and La República)


Tacna – Arica

Reconstruction of the railway from Tacna to Arica has started. The works are done by the Peruvian Transport ministry. Sleepers and some rails will be replaced and the only useable railcar undergoes rehabilitation including the installation of a toilet. Services should commence towards the end of 2015 and later on the line should be privatized.
(Source: Volta o Trem 19-2)



Ferrocarril Central Andino published the running dates of the train Lima-Huancayo for 2015, there are again 6 round-trips. April 02. from Lima 07.00, April 05. from Huancayo 07.00, May 01. from Lima 07.00, May 03. from Huancayo 07.00, June 27. from Lima 07.00, June 29. from Huancayo 07.00 , July 26. from Lima 07.00, July 29. from Huancayo 07.00, August 28. from Lima 07.00, August 31. from Huancayo 07.00, October 8. from Lima 07.00, October 11. from Huancayo 07.00. For the trips in April and July only round-trips-tickets are sold.
(Source: Volta o Trem 19-1)


Tren Macho

Tren Macho was put back into service July 14, 2014 over the entire Huancayo – Huancavelica line. The trains runs new Monday, Wednesday and Friday from Huancayo and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from Huancavelica. Rollingstock maintenance may be carried out on Sundays.
(Source: Volta o Trem 18-6)


New diesel Locomotives M629 for PeruRail

The south Peruvian railway company PeruRail has ordered a batch of 4 newly-built diesel locomotives from Sygnet Rail Technologies. These locomotives are of the M629 type, will be powered by a Cummings QSK engine and have an output of 1800 hp. They will be used on the three-foot narrow gauge railway Cuzco – Machu Picchu and are said to be the most low-emission locomotives in South America as they fully comply with the norms laid down in the Kyoto Protocol.
(Source: Railway Gazette International)

Britsh Projects

A group of six British companies has presented a project to Proinversión, the Peruvian state authority for privatisation and investments. This includes the construction of lines 3 and 4 of the Metro Lima, a monorail through Arequipa and takeover of the Tren Macho Huancayo – Huancavelíca. The project is currently under scrutiny by the government.
(Source: Fahrplancenter correspondents)


Huancayo Chilca - Cuenca

Since June 2 a Kinki railcar runs again on the Tren Macho line between Huancayo and Cuenca (Km 56) Mondays to Saturdays. The remaining section to Huancavelica, which was heavily affected by floods in January is under recon-struction.
(Source: Volta o Trem 18-5)


Tren Macho

Rehabilitation of the railway between Huancayo and Huancavelica, , is under way after the disastrous floods in January 2014and it is expected that the train “El Macho” may run again from late May or early June on. The national transport secretary announced plans to rent railcars to improve the service and that there are plans to run a regularly scheduled mixed train for freight and passengers over the whole line from Lima to Huancavelica to improve connections between Lima and the Mantaro Valley.
(Source: Volta o Trem 14-4)


Tren Macho

Heavy floods and landslides on the Tren Macho line between Huancayo and Huancavelica caused during heavy rainfalls on January 20/21, 2014 are heavier than expected. 480 metres of track are completely destroyed. There is no date for the reopening of the line.
(Source: Volta o Trem 14-2)


Tren Macho

Because of heavy floods Tren Macho between Huancayo and Huancavelica is suspended for an undetermined time.
(Source: Volta o Trem 14-1)



On a provisorial basis departure dates for 2014 of the Lima-Huancayo tourist train have been published (subject to confirmation):
From Lima: 4/17, 6/27, 7/26, 8/29, 10/5 and 10/31
From Huancayo: 4/20, 6/30, 7/29, 9/1, 10/8 and 11/3
(Source: Volta o Trem 17-7)


Cement producer Gloria is building a cement plant at the Tacna economic free zone and wants to rehabilitate the railway Tacna-Arica by 2015 to export cement to Chile using the port of Arica.
(Source: Volta o Trem 17-7)

Metro Wanka Tambo-Huancayo-Chilca

Still not completely finished Metro Wanka got permission for regular operation between Tambo, Huancayo and Chilca from the Transport Ministry on November 17. Sources at Ferrocarril Central are giving the first quarter of 2014 for initiating operations.
(Source: Volta o Trem 17-7)



Although the “Metro Wanka” is being further delayed – fencing of the line and installation of barriers at 18 level crossings are still outstanding – planning has already moved one step further. The next stage will include regional traffic on the 42 km long Huancayo – Jauja line, also operated by the danish Y railcars (they are titled as “supermodern” in Huancayo!). That line will gain even more importance because the regional airport Jauja Francisco Carlé is to be upgraded within the scope of a National Development Plan. The new airport will have its own railway station served by the future regional line.
(Source: Metro Wanka)



The new urban railway in the city of Huancayo, to be marketed under the brand of “Metro Wanka” and due to commence service in March 2013, will be delayed. The track repairs within the city only started in March 2013; heavy plant has been transferred to Huancayo for this.
There is still a number of agreements involving the city of Huancayo which need signed. Intermediate stops and its platforms have not been built yet, and the city government requests securing some well-frequented level crossings with automatic barriers. That equipment hadn't been sourced yet at the beginning of March. On top of it, the city of Huancayo insists on establishing a separate stopping point for the urban railway at the current railway station in order to separate passenger flows of tourist trains from those of the urban railway.
(Source: Metro Wanka)


Tacna - Arica

The Tacna – Arica Railway will be rebuilt and put again in service by the local government of Tacna with some financial help from the Peruvian government. Sources are indicating that some elements of the study for rehabilitation of this railway, done by FLB-Member David Sorg will help for the re-development of the line.
(Source: Volta o Trem 17-1)


Tacna – Arica

The government of the Tacna province is finally providing 6 Mio Nuevos Soles (over 2,2 Mio USD) for track repairs on the 62 km long line from Tacna to Arica (Chile). Also, the Toshiba railcar of the Huancayo – Huancavelica line is supposed to be transferred to Tacna in order to have a “more modern” vehicle available for service.
(Source: Fahrplancenter)

Ferrocarril Central

The operator of the central railway system has decided to use the second-hand railbuses of the Y type (Lynetter), which were purchased in Denmark, for an urban/suburban traffic at Huancayo. A frequent service under the “Metro Wanka” brand is expected to remove up to 10'000 car journeys per day from the streets. Traffic should start in March 2013, and the fare is quoted between 0,90 and 1,00 Nuevos Soles.
Ferrocarril Central is also planning to introduce regional traffic with “Lynetter” units on the sections Huancayo – Jauja, Huancayo – La Oroya and La Oroya – Cerro de Pasco. Public runs were offered on 21st and 22nd December 2012 between Huancayo and Jauja.

(Source: Fahrplancenter)


Metro Wanka

Urban Rail company Metro Wanka at Huancayo will begin operations in March 2013 using the Danish railbusses impor-ted recently second-hand. December 21 & 22 Ferrocarril Central operated public trips with the Danish railcars bet-ween Huancayo and Jauja and there are plans to establish a regional line between these two cities.
(Source: Volta o Trem 16-8)



This train ceased to run after a construction engine destroyed a section of track. The construction company is not willing to repair the damage.
(Source: Volta o Trem 16-6)

Exhibition 100 Years Lima Desamparados Station

Koki Zelaya’s exhibition at Desamparados station at Lima, which has been supported by FLB and some of FLB’s members is well visited and will close October 19. Unfortunately Ferrocarril Central has not granted the assured financial support, leaving Koki with partly unpaid bills. One week after opening the exhibition unfortunately Koki’s father, Don Telmo Zelaya Revolledo, died leaving the family without any support, worsing the entire situation a lot. Fahrplancenter did again some financial help, but it would surely be a theme on the next FLB meeting on October 27th. Thank you for your attention and help in the name of Koki Zelaya.
(Source: Volta o Trem 16-6)


Ferrocarril Central

The popular tourist train Lima – Huancayo will, despite steady demand, only operate 6 round trips in 2013. A reason for this severe reduction of the offer has not been revealed.
The dates are:
Departing Lima 28th March, 29th June, 26th July, 30th August, 5th October and 1st November.
Departing Huancayo: 31st march, 1st and 29th July, 1st September, 8th October and 4th November.
All trains will run during daytime.
(Source: Fahrplancenter correspondents)

Tren Macho

The passenger train Huancayo – Huancavelica is running again. It departs Huancayo on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 06.30 hrs; the departures from Huancavelica take place on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 06.30 hrs. At present, only one locomotive is in operating condition.
The government is preparing legislation to secure the long-term existence of this train which is socially very important for the region. Voices in the government environment talk about an extension of the line past Huancavelica via Lachoc and Castrovirreina to Pisco at the Pacific coast. In the past, the track had already stretched as far as Lachoc; and the project to Pisco dates back to the 1920ies.
(Source: Fahrplancenter correspondents)


In spring 2012 a project for a standard gauge railway link from Piura to Lambayeque in northern Perú was presented. The line should carry freight and passengers; it could be the first stage of the long-awaited coast railway between northern and southern Perú.
On the other hand, a number of ministers have requested the construction of a high-speed line along the coast.
(Source: Fahrplancenter correspondents)