News Argentina
Rail Replacement Transport with...
Passenger traffic between Buenos Aires, Olavarría and Bahía Blanca has been suspended since March 2023. By the end of 2023, almost all slow speed sections on this route have been eliminated and the requests of the affected communities to resume traffic could probably have been met during 2024, but the current government declared the train's traffic to Bahía Blanca to have been definitively suspended.
At the time of the change of government, over 50% of the Maipú – Ayacucho – Tandil route have been renovated, rails and sleepers were replaced and ballast was laid. The finances for completion were available. With the change of government, the available funds were transferred to the general state treasury and the work was stopped and the majority of the workers were laid off.
Although the Milei government rejects subsidies for public transport, it always seems to depend on the mode of transport. Apparently there seems to be a means of transport that is entirely in line with the government's wishes. From November 2024, flights (!!!) will be offered instead of trains on the Buenos Aires – Olavarría and Buenos Aires – Tandil routes! At the same time, the bus companies are reducing their services and have announced that they will no longer serve all places with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants from 2025 - although subsidies are still being paid for this!
(Source: FCNews 84)
Emergencia ferroviaria / Railway Emergency
All railways are to be privatized in 2025. Nobody knows what will happen to the already private or regional railway companies. The following are expected to be offered:
The Belgrano Sur, Mitre, San Martin, Roca, Sarmiento and Tren de la Costa suburban railway systems.
The Urquiza and Belgrano Norte suburban railways are still operating on the basis of provisionally extended concessions from the Menem era.
Long-distance passenger trains:
These are the Buenos Aires – Junín, Buenos Aires – Bragado, Buenos Aires – Mar del Plata and General Guido – Pinamar, Buenos Aires – Rosario, Buenos Aires – Tucumán and Buenos Aires – Córdoba lines. It is completely unclear whether each connection will be offered individually or all trains in a package.
Regional passenger trains:
Güemes – Salta – Campo Quijano; Roqué Sáenz Peña – Chrorotis; Resistencia – Cacuí – Los Amores; Rosario – Cañada de Gómez; Villa Maria – Córdoba; Córdoba – Capilla del Monte; Paraná – Jorge Méndez; Posadas – Encarnación; Neuquén – Plottier.
Freight transport:
Here the companies Nuevo Central Argentino NCA, FerroSur Roca and FerroExpresso Pampeano appear to be keeping their concessions. However, the state-owned Belgrano Cargas is to be split into several parts. The broad-gauge San Martín lines and the standard-gauge Urquiza routes will be offered separately. However, it is unclear how the government will divide the meter-gauge Belgrano network. Some provinces therefore want to secure the routes in their areas.
The situation is very "mixed" in regional transport. Neuquén – Plottier could be transferred to Tren Patagonico. The corresponding steps have already been taken. The province of Chaco will probably be unable to raise the funds for the lines to Chorotis and Los Amores and, given current developments, it is possible that these two lines will be closed in the course of 2025. The situation is similarly bad for the local Güemes – Salta – Campo Quijano service, but the province of Salta could save this service at the last minute, as will the province of Córdoba with the train to Capilla del Monte. Entre Rios appears to re-establish the former UEFER and would then take over the only line in the province. The international Posadas – Encarnación connection is already operated by the Casimiro Zbikoski company on behalf of Trenes Argentinos and could be transferred entirely to Casimiro. The situation is very bad for the regional train Rosario – Cañada de Gómez. The train is breaking down very often because there are only two locomotives and hardly any spare parts. And these locomotives often have to help out on the trains to Córdoba and Tucumán. In the province of Buenos Aires, there is great concern about the popular connection to Mar del Plata. There have already been calls for the provincial government to revive the company Ferrobaires, which existed from 1993 to 2018, as soon as possible. This would also make it possible for trains to Bahía Blanca and Pehuajó to run again.
Even if everything has to be reorganized again, in the long term only the reconstruction of an efficient state railway system that will exist for many decades will improve the transport situation in a country of such great dimensions.
(Source: FCNews 84)
The regional train Córdoba - Villa Maria previously only ran twice a week in each direction. Improvements came into effect on December 2, 2024. The regional train now runs three times a week and the long-distance train (twice a week) Córdoba - Buenos Aires has also been opened for local traffic. Previously, only passengers to and from stations outside the regional train section were allowed.
As of December 2, 2024, an additional pair of evening trains will also be introduced on the Salta – Güemes route Monday to Friday. This measure has been requested for some time.
(Source: FCNews 84)
New Fares
As of December 2, 2024, fares have been increased on almost all regional trains (the national inflation rate was 147%)
Córdoba – Capilla del Monte plus 10%
Córdoba – Villa Maria plus 25%
Güemes – Salta – Campo Quijano plus 25%
Rosario – Cañada de Gómez plus 25%
Paraná – Jorge Méndez plus 25%
Resistencia – Los Amores plus 30%
Sáenz Peña – Chorotis plus 20%
Posadas – Encarnación from 07/11/2024 plus 50%
Neuquén – Plottier no change
(Source: FCNews 84)
Rosario – Cañada de Gómez
As of December 10, 2024, the regional train service between Rosario Norte and Cañada de Gómez was finally shut down. The 72 km long connection with 6 intermediate stops has resumed operation in 2021 after a break of 44 years, and what was initially one pair of trains on weekdays soon became 3 pairs of trains and over 100,000 passengers were transported per year. Normally, a long-distance train composition of Chinese carriages and a Chinese locomotive ran. An older locomotive was available for emergencies until 2023. Since August 2024, the train has been cancelled repeatedly due to locomotive damage. This is when rumors of closure began and the provincial government of Santa Fe tried several times to save the train with Trenes Argentinos Operaciones. In November 2024, the train only ran on 4 days. The Buenos Aires - Córdoba night train also runs on this route, but at very inconvenient times for local traffic and only the Correa station is served. The stations Antártida Argentina, Funes, Roldán, San Gerónimo and Carcarañá therefore lose all service. The train fare was set at 1,000 pesos on December 1, 2024, which would be affordable for the population, as the cheapest bus connection currently costs 7,500 pesos.
(Source: FCNews 84)
La Banda, Rosario
On December 12, 2024, the Materfer railcar, which was stationed in La Banda and formerly served the route to Fernández for a while, was transferred via Rosario to Ferreyra near Córdoba to be overhauled at Materfer. Since then, rumors have been circulating that it could then perhaps be used between Rosario and Cañada de Gómez.
(Source: FCNews 84)
Tren Patagónico
Good news is coming from Rio Negro. The province's own railway company Tren Patagónico has good news for the 2024/2025 summer season.
The Materfer railcar has come through its regular maintenance and is available twice a week for the evening excursion train from San Carlos de Bariloche to Perito Moreno. The spanish FIAT-railcar TER (Tren Expreso Rionegrino) has been overhauled too, and is being used twice a week on the local service between San Carlos de Bariloche and Ingeniero G Jacobacci.
Before Christmas, Tren Patagónico received a further 9 km of tracks, which were installed immediately on the Viedma - San Antonio Oeste section. This means that the route will be fully operational again between the middle and the end of January 2025 and the weekly long-distance train from San Carlos de Bariloche will run to/from Viedma again.
The rolling stock for the long-distance train mentioned has been completely renovated. The sleeping and Pullman cars have been renewed inside and out. The dining car now has internet access, which can be used by passengers. In addition, the cinema car, which dates back to before 1993, has been refurbished and is now attached to the train again. The “Trochita” in Rio Negro will only run between Ing. G. Jacobacci and Empalme Km 648 on the three-track section until further notice. The section up to Ojos de Água is still closed after a derailment
(Source: FCNews 84 / P.R.)
Ramal C-14
On the initiative of the province of Salta, the central government in Buenos Aires has decided to renovate the Viaducto La Polvorilla on the Salta - Socompa line. The viaduct is located at 4200 meters above sea level, is 223.5 meters long and is at a maximum of 63 meters above the valley floor, and the line is curved. On one hand, the countless tourist trips between San Antonio de los Cobres and the viaduct are famous, and on the other hand, the C-14 line is the only line open for freight traffic from Argentina to Chile to the Pacific port of Anto-fagasta. The provincial government of Salta also emphasized correctly that 38% of all goods on the meter-gauge Belgrano network originate in its territory and that foreign trade via the Socompa pass in particular could increase. In addition, once the viaduct has been renovated, the province of Salta also wants to restart the local freight train with passenger transport between Salta and Socompa, since rail transport is slower but more reliable than road transport.
(Source: FCNews 84)
After the number of trains between Buenos Aires Once and Bragado was reduced from four to three pairs of trains a few weeks ago by attaching the train to and from Pehuajó to the Buenos Aires - Bragado train, the weekly Buenos Aires - Pehuajó train will now be eliminated on November 1, 2024.
The frustration in the affected municipalities of Nueve de Julio, Carlos Casares and Pehuajó is great. This connection was already closed in 2015 after Ferrobaires had to close all routes. In 2022, after many efforts on the part of the three communities mentioned, traffic with a pair of trains (Friday from Buenos Aires, Sunday from Pehuajó) resumed and the trains were well used. Under the Fernández government, it was still planned to extend the route beyond Pehuajó to Catriló and General Pico in the province of La Pampa. But the rehabilitation of the worst section from Pehuajó to Trenque Lauquén could not be completed before the change of government. The first signs appeared after the last fare increase, raising the rail fare above that of the bus, with the bus companies on this route receiving good subsidies - from a government that claims to abolish subsidies. This inevitably led to a decline in rail passengers, because people have to think twice about every peso anyway. But the reaction of a local politician to the regional press, who has now described the President as "crazy", is understandable.
(Source: FCNews 83)
Trenes Argentinos operates two passenger rail lines in the province of Chaco. One runs 187 km from Presidencia Roque Sáenz Peña to Chorotis with 16 stops, the railcar runs daily in just under 6 hours in each direction.
The second line runs 147 km from Cacuí to Los Amores with 14 stops, and the suburban service to the capital of the Chaco, Resistencia, is also connected to it, with just two pairs of trains Monday to Friday. The railcar to Los Amores runs 6 times a week. The once quite good suburban service in Resistencia has not been fully resumed, although the renovation work from Cacuí to Puerto Tirol has been completed. The two longdistance railcars provide access to remote villages that in most cases are not accessible at all, or only in dry weather, by “roads” (mostly just tracks in the steppe) and are therefore vital for the population. But the regional railway management describes the two routes as a "loss-making business" and the new operations manager sent from Buenos Aires is doing nothing to make improvements.
On the contrary: in October 2024, five level-crossing guards and three other railway workers were dismissed without advance notice and without further explanation. Now the remaining railway employees in the Chaco fear that they will also soon be laid-off and that both lines will be closed. Such a step will be devastating not only for the directly affected railway workers, but also for the population of the places served. This will once again increase the migration to the slums of the big cities.
(Source: FCNews 83)
Some Money
More and more train compositions are out of service due to a lack of spare parts. The suburban railways from Buenos Aires are particularly hard hit. On many routes - especially those with diesel engines - the timetables have had to be reduced to a level not seen since the 1990s. But other trains are also repeatedly being left behind due to locomotive damage. The government has now instructed the central bank to release precisely these sums in foreign currency to Trenes Argentinos, which are necessary for the most important spare parts. This measure should make it possible to put some of the decommissioned locomotives and railcars back into service in the coming months. This measure is valid for 6 months.
(Source: FCNews 82)
Reducing Costs
The railways are still functioning reasonably well, but this is only possible thanks to the extreme use of staff and the excessive use of rolling stock and infrastructure without adequate maintenance. But now the government has set its sights on staff. It is not enough to lay off around 30% of Trenes Argentinos' employees. The remaining employees will now have various wage components cut. For example, no salary will be paid in the event of illness or on vacation days. The inflation adjustment has been reduced to 25% of the increase in prices, after it was already well below the actual increase. This means that strikes must be expected again, and no salary will be paid on strike days.
(Source: FCNews 82)
Rosario - Cañada Gómez
The state of rolling stock is evident in the very popular regional train on the 70 km long Rosario - Cañada de Gómez route, which should actually run up to 3 times in each direction on weekdays. The locomotive had to be used repeatedly for the long-distance train to Tucumán, or it broke down completely. This meant that the regional train was only able to run on 7 days in the first 25 days of August!
(Source: FCNews 82)
In August 2024, Trenes Argentinos signed a contract with the freight railway Nuevo Central Argentino NCA to rent up to 8 diesel locomotives in order to maintain the long-distance trains from Buenos Aires to Rosario, Córdoba and Tucumán. The locomotives should be available from October 2024 at the latest. Although NCA has enough locomotives, some of Trenes Argentinos' demands seem to go too far for NCA. For example, NCA was asked to repaint the locomotives in the colors of the state railway and also take over their maintenance, even though the rental is at the lowest possible level. So some points will probably still have to be clarified in court.
(Source: FCNews 82)
Paraná - Colonia Avellaneda
Finally, an old demand from Entre Rios is being implemented! From September 2nd, 2024, Trenes Argentinos will operate an additional pair of trains on the Paraná - Colonía Avellaneda suburban line. In addition to the departures from Paraná at 04.55, 07.55 and 13.30, a departure at 18.00 will now be added. This service has been requested for a long time, because although the 13.30 train is used intensively by schoolchildren and people who have to do something in the city, there has been no evening train for employees. Since the buses of Paraná's city transport are repeatedly cancelled due to strikes and their fares are far too expensive at around 2,000 pesos (the train costs 450 to 750 pesos depending on the distance), this additional train connection has become very important.
(Source: FCNews 82)
The city of Cipolletti is doing everything it can to to resume local rail transport between Neuquén and Cipolletti. The track and rolling stock are available. Ferrosur Roca runs freight trains over the bridge over the main road 151 every day, even though this bridge - which has been damaged several times by over-high trucks - was the reason for the closure of passenger traffic. The city is also receiving support from the city of Neuquén and the provinces of Rio Negro and Neuquén. After numerous measures were taken by the city, such as the ongoing monitoring of truck traffic by security staff and the imposition of very high fines for attempts to drive under the bridge with over-high vehicles, the damage to the bridge has been contained. But the national highway authority still does not want to do anything about lowering the road. Now the city wants to ban all truck traffic on the main road 151 in the area of the bridge from September 2024 on. This means that there is no longer any reason for anyone involved not to resume passenger traffic. The city does not even rule out legal action against those responsible in Buenos Aires.
(Source: FCNews 82)
Santa Fe - Laguna Paíva
President Milei's government actually declared the planned Santa Fe - Laguna Paíva regional train dead before it could even start operating. The rolling stock and all but two stations are finished. But there is no money. The government of the province of Santa Fe does not want to accept this and insists on starting operations with two pairs of trains every working day. But all they have received from Buenos Aires are rejections. The province is therefore looking for other ways to put the train into operation, and in extreme cases they are even prepared to go to court. Trenes Argentinos, however, seems to have other plans, because on August 29, 2024, the three passenger cars were transferred to Buenos Aires.
(Source: FCNews 82)
President Milei wanted to govern a country in which the government should not pay out subsidies. But he is getting further and further away from that, although his "favorites" are beginning to emerge. In Buenos Aires' urban transport, subsidies for bus transport have now been increased considerably, which has made it possible to no longer apply fare increases since April 2024. Not so with the subway and suburban railways, where further fare increases are possible at any time. Adjustments were made to the suburban trains on May 6, 2024 and to the subway on June 1, 2024, and the fare for the subway is to be increased from 650 to 725 pesos by October at the latest. The situation is different for long-distance and regional trains in the interior of the country. It was not until the beginning of August that various fares were raised again and here the subsidies for bus transport are even more noticeable.
While the train to Mar del Plata is still a little cheaper than the bus, the situation has changed dramatically on the long-distance train route Buenos Aires Once - Bragado - Pehuajó in favor of bus travel. While a trip to Pehuajó by train in first class now costs 18,000 pesos, the same trip can be made by bus for 9,800 pesos. This is still an exception, but the number of passengers to Pehuajó has fallen by around 45% as a result.
(Source: FCNews 82)
New President FASE
Finally, a president has been appointed for the Ferrocarriles Argentinos Sociedad del Estado FASE. His name is Dr. Luis Federico Canedi. He comes from the northwest of the country and has already served in several institutions at provincial and national level. He now has the difficult task of finding the necessary funds to be able to carry out at least a halfway decent rail service, passenger and freight transport.
(Source: FCNews 81)
The provinces are now increasingly trying to take over the railways in their area. After Salta, Neuquén and Rio Negro, Entre Rios has now proposed similar steps. The big problem, however, are the finances, and the central government must act and provide the provinces with funds. In this way, however, the government under Milei could gradually get rid of the railway issue. Of course, the provinces would have to work closely together.
(Source: FCNews 81)
Construction Works
At least it can be observed that renovation work is being carried out on some routes, such as the Belgrano Sur line in the west of Buenos Aires. In some places, level crossings are also being renovated. On the other hand, in many places, work on important projects has come to a complete standstill.
These include the extension of the Belgrano Sur commuter rail line to Plaza Constitución, the freight bypass line around Santa Fé, the reconstruction of the Maipú - Tandil line, the renovation of the Palmira - Gutierrez, Los Cardales - Capilla del Señor or Embarcación - Pocitos lines and many more. In these cases, the construction sites were completely abandoned and the companies concerned were released from work - but without pay. In all these and other cases, the work was 40, 50 or even over than 70% completed.
Only the work on the extension of the Mendoza light rail network is being carried out, as this is a project of the province and the city.
(Source: FCNews 81)
Güemes - Salta - Campo Quijano
The province of Salta has put another stop into operation. After the José de San Martín stop in the west of Salta was put into operation a few months ago, the Macacha Güemes stop followed a little further west on July 8, 2024, meaning that trains will now stop twice between Salta and Cerrillos. The province hopes to take over traffic on the Güemes - Salta - Campo Quijano route itself when the state railway Trenes Argentinos will probably be dissolved, which is expected to take place in 2025.
(Source: FCNews 81)
The regional railcar service Presidencia Roque Sáenz Peña - Charatá - General Pinedo - Chorotis experienced some improvements on July 5, 2024 for the first time in 2 years. The travel time was finally reduced from 6hs20 to 5hs42 and the new timetable gives passengers a stopover time of over 7 hours in Roque Sáenz Peña for all duties and appointments. In addition, the railcar runs in both directions every 7 days of the week again, previously it had only 5 days of operation. The fare, which was only ARP 37.00 at the end of 2023, rose to ARP 850.00 in May 2024 and to ARP 1600.00 at the time of the timetable change mentioned above, which is around 50% of the fare for a bus ride.
(Source: FCNews 81)
Rio Negro - Neuquén
For the first time, two provinces in Argentina have joined forces to operate rail transport jointly. The governments of Rio Negro and Neuquén have reached an agreement to jointly resume passenger transport between Neuquén and Cipolletti.
The project to establish passenger transport via Cipolletti to the east as far as Villa Regina is also to be set up through this partnership. A fundamental decision also includes the restart of passenger transport from Neuquén to the west as far as Zapala. This cooperation has also led to the freight concessionaire Ferrour Roca S.A. being prepared to participate in the maintenance of the infrastructure and to reopen the bridge over the main road 151 - which is now closely monitored by the traffic police - for railcar travel. It is now up to the government in Buenos Aires to grant this cooperation the necessary concessions so that the two provinces can start looking for financial resources and vehicles.
The province of Rio Negro was able to provide funds amounting to around €400,000 to repair the San Antonio Oeste – Viedma section so that the train from San Carlos de Bariloche can once again run to the provincial capital Viedma.
(Source: FCNews 81)
Presidial Politics / Railway Emergency
After numerous incidents, especially on the Buenos Aires suburban railway network, around US$2.2 billion must be spent on maintenance and urgent repairs alone. An amount that the current government cannot afford. On June 13, 2024, decrees 525 and 526/2024 were issued, which refer to the emergency state of the railways. These decrees stipulate that around 35% of the necessary funds should be distributed within 24 months in order to remedy at least some of the deficiencies. During this time, President Milei also has the option of privatizing the railway completely, although this time the entire infrastructure and the land belonging to it will probably also be sold. This means that the catastrophic consequences of 1993 will be created again, from which the railway will probably not recover at all. A few days earlier, voices from the government had already been heard saying that the S-Bahn system only needs no more than 3,000 employees instead of the current 33,000! A completely illusory number, considering the number of trains that should be running in order to prevent traffic collapse in and around Buenos Aires.
(Source: FCNews 80)
Tren Patagonico
Tren Patagonico has put the through train San Carlos de Bariloche – San Antonio Oeste back into operation. There have already been calls in the province of Rio Negro to repair the San Antonio Oeste – Viedma section as well and to allow the train to run to the provincial capital Viedma again.
(Source: FCNews 80)
Neuquén – Cipolletti
The provinces of Neuquén and Rio Negro were able to convince the freight railway company Ferrosur Roca SA to reopen the Neuquén – Cipolletti section for passenger traffic after the city of Cipolletti had taken numerous steps to prevent the traffic of overly high trucks through the underpass on the main road 151. This ensures safety on the railway bridge.
(Source: FCNews 80)
Cipolletti - Chichinales - Senillosa
The regional initiatives to set up passenger traffic from Cipolletti further east to Chichinales and Senillosa are also being continued in a targeted manner and it looks as though Tren Patagonico can be persuaded to operate it. Now the initiative, led by local politicians Magdalena Odarda and Luciano Delgado Sempé, has decided to include the Cipolletti - Barda del Medio branch line in the same project under the name Tren del Dique. Efforts are now being made to obtain the necessary concessions, which the government in Buenos Aires has to issue. In principle, the central government should be happy if something is taken off its hands.
(Source: FCNews 80)
La Plata
The La Plata urban railway runs now more frequently on Saturdays, which is the only notable improvement in the Roca network of Buenos Aires' suburban railways. In addition, the universities in the provincial capital of La Plata, which are served by this railway line, suggested that this railway line may be further extended and electrified.
(Source: FCNews 80)
Tren de la Quebrada
According to the latest reports, the “Tren de la Quebrada” runs between Volcán and Maimará from June 17, 2024. 3 Train pairs will run daily to Maimará and another pair to/from Purmamarca. It is the first route in Latin America to be ope-rated with solar-powered railcars.
(Source: FCNews 80)
Presidial Politics (Sabotage?)
Since April 2024, at least 1,000 Trenes Argentinos employees have been laid off every month by government decision. All departments are affected, from infrastructure to operations and maintenance. Depending on the length of employment, those laid off will receive a one-off severance payment in pesos, which will, however, depreciate very quickly given the still high inflation.
At the end of April 2024, 92% of the people employed by Trenes Argentinos Infrastructure had already been laid off. In the remaining departments (passenger transport, freight transport, rolling stock maintenance, etc.) 10 to 31% have already been laid off.
It is now clear that Trenes Argentinos no longer receives any money for rolling stock maintenance. They will have to work with any material which is still on stock. The bills for diesel, water and electricity have not been paid since January 2024. The suppliers for this are still state-owned companies, but they are scheduled to be sold (privatized) in 2024. Private companies will no longer supply the railway under such circumstances.
The railway itself is also foreseen to be privatized or even sold! The company DOTA S.A., operator of bus lines, whose owner is a very close person to President Milei, has already announced that it is interested in taking over the Roca, San Martín and Belgrano Sur suburban trains.
In May 2024 it has become public that all funds from international financial sources for the renovation of railways in the Buenos Aires area have been transferred to the general state treasury, which also largely explains the sudden surplus in the state budget. There are US$600million from the Inter-American Development Bank and US$75million from the French Development Agency for Belgrano Sur and US$400 million for the San Martín S-Bahn (just to give the known figures).
(Source: FCNews 79)
Various investments that began in 2023 have now been canceled and any reserved funds have already been returned to the state treasury. The following railway projects are affected:
Renovation of the Cañuelas – Olavarría – Pigüé – Bahía Blanca line (therefore already without a passenger train for over a year).
Reconstruction of the Maipú – Tandil route. The eastern half between Maipú and Ayacucho has been completed, the western half has been cleared of vegetation to about 50%. Victoria – Capilla del Señor: Passenger trains run here on the Victoria – Los Cardales section if the diesel supply allows. The rehabilitation from Los Cardales to Capilla del Señor and the recommissioning of the already repaired line from Capilla del Señor to Arrecifes was canceled.
The following works also stopped: construction of the Santa Fé freight bypass; Rehabilitation of train stations between Santa Fé and Laguna Paíva for the resumption of passenger traffic; Renovation of the railway from Embarcación to Pocitos on the border with Bolivia; Rehabilitation of the Posadas – Garupá line for local transport; Further extension of the Tren de las Sierras beyond Capilla del Monte.
The services listed in FCNews78 could still be shut down at any time. For May 2024, the tariffs for long-distance trains have now been increased between 150 and 350%, depending on the route. The cheapest class – 1st class – costs in many cases around 80-90% of the bus fares! The advantage of the train over the bus is dwindling more and more and since the buses are a little faster on some routes, this harms the train even more.
(Source: FCNews 79)
On April 4th, 2024, the Buenos Aires – Palmira night trains, which run every two weeks, were shut down. The section Justo Daract – Palmira is affected. Trains still run weekly from Buenos Aires to Justo Daract.
(Source: FCNews 79)
End of Mercedes - Thomas Jofre
On May 8th, 2024, an unloaded truck drove out of Mercedes on the main road 41 at full speed. The driver apparently did not notice that the vehicle's tipping body was raised. At the underpass under the meter-gauge Belgrano railway, the tipping body attached to the railway bridge and took it with it. The steel bridge in the Mercedes - Altamira section was completely torn down at both abutments and was dragged by the truck for a few meters before it fell completely onto the truck. The driver did not suffer any significant injuries. But in the current railway crisis, reconstruction seems very unlikely. The weekend excursion trains to Tomás Jofré were very popular and, especially in these difficult times, an inexpensive way for city residents to spend a few hours in the two rural towns of Altamira and Tomás Jofré. Last notice: the road is again open for traffic, not the railway.
(Source: FCNews 79)
Concordia / Entre Rios
As in Brazil, there are also floods in the northeast of Argentina. Belgrano Cargas/Trenes Argentinos Carga has parked closed freight cars at Concordia train station, which can be used by evacuated people from the area of the port on the Rio Uruguay at Concordia until further notice. Freight traffic on the Posadas – Zarate route could be interrupted at any time, as in some places the water comes very close to the railway line.
(Source: FCNews 79)
Accident at Palmero
On May 10, 2024, a serious accident occurred on the San Martin suburban line not far from Palermo train station on the bridge over a main road. A passenger train rammed an empty material train consisting of a locomotive and a baggage car. 90 passengers were injured, 51 of whom had to be taken to hospitals. However, 50 of these injured people were released home within 2 to 3 days, one person is still in a hospital with a skull fracture and other injuries. In the meantime it was possible to determine the reason for this accident. Once again, cables from the signaling systems were stolen and since - compared to the times before December 10th, 2023 - there are no longer any regular checks (the staff responsible for this was fired), some signals no longer worked. Other possibilities for the cause of the accident are now being mentioned, including a cell phone that doesn't work.
This accident even led some politicians from the current ruling party, La Libertad Avanza, to say that only the privatization of the railway could prevent something like this!
(Source: FCNews 79)
Presidial Politics (Sabotage?)
Anyone who closely followed the destruction of the Ferrocarriles Argentinos by President Menem in 1992/93 willsee many parallels in the current development. According to reports from various people (including the President of the FLB, P. Rudin), the Sube readers no longer work in many stations. Sube is the card with which you pay the social fares of all local trains, subways and bus lines. At the same time, rows of ticket offices are closed. This means that the population is no longer able to pay for the journeys, which means that people are forced to “fare evade”. Remedy will is longer provided! The railway's operating costs remain, but revenues are falling, despite monthly tariff increases. What is disastrous is that only paying passengers are counted. This leads to a forced decline in passenger-numbers, just like in 1992/93. The falsified numbers can be used to justify politically the discontinuation of rail connections. In 1992/93, however, even the passenger-numbers for long-distance trains were subsequently falsified. At that time, the reservation and sales books of the Córdoba train station showed almost complete occupancy of all trains to Buenos Aires, but only a few dozen tickets sold were mentioned before the committee that dealt with the later decreed abolition of long-distance trains. In April 2024, the state railway's workforce is to be reduced by 15% and in May by a further 15%. The options for booking places are becoming increasingly scarce. On March 30th it was not possible to make reservations for April 1st, 2024; these were only made available on April 1st, 2024. Previously it was possible to buy tickets up to 3 months in advance. However, insiders and workers unions expect some long-distance trains to be shut down, or at least services will be reduced. This unpleasant development will be pursued further.
(Source: FCNews 78)
Anyone who closely followed the destruction of the Ferrocarriles Argentinos by President Menem in 1992/93 will see many parallels in the current development. According to reports from various people (including the President of the FLB, P. Rudin), the Sube
It is now official that the renovation work between Los Cardales and Capilla del Señor has been stopped and the staff working on this construction site has been laid off. Only in Zelaya a few meters of track have been repaired after a slight damage by a derailed train bogie.
(Source: FCNews 78)
The latest reports confirm the fears. In the coming days and weeks there will be mass closures of rail connections. This affects:
Salta – Campo Quijano, Salta – Güemes
Resistencia – Los Amores
Presidencia Roque Sáenz Peña – Chorotis
Paraná – Jorge Méndez
Rosario – Cañada de Gómez
Buenos Aires – Junín
Buenos Aires – Justo Daract – Palmira
Buenos Aires – Bragado – Pehuajó
Offenbar auch/apparently also:
Alejandro Korn – Chascomús
Haedo – Temperley
Merlo – Lobos
Cañuelas – Monte
Cañuelas – Lobos
Mercedes – Tomás Jofré
Maipú – General Guido – Pinamar
The state oil company YPF has been given the right to stop deliveries of diesel fuel to the railway at any time, as these deliveries have no longer been paid since January 2024. According to current plans, the Buenos Aires – Mar del Plata and Buenos Aires - Tucumán connections are the only ones that could be retained.
(Source: FCNews 78)
Tren Patagonico
On April 4th, 2024, the completely renovated TER type railcaris scheduled to resume traffic between San Carlos de Bariloche and Ingeniero G. Jacobacci. A pair of trains will run every Thursday. The San Carlos de Bariloche – Viedma connection is still out of service.
(Source: FCNews 78)
Tren Solar de la Quebrada (JUJUY)
It was planned to start public transport of this railcar connection between Volcán and Maimará (35 km) on March 20, 2024. Although the additional 7 km to Tilcara was not yet planned due to objections from - mostly illegal users - of the railway land at Tilcara train station, a court in Buenos Aires apparently stopped the start of operations because it is state land and therefore the government has to decide the start of operations, which is anything but certain given the current policy. The province of Jujuy has invested millions of dollars in the renovation of the line and stations and the purchase of solar railcars from China, with government approval!
(Source: FCNews 78)
Presidial Politics
The lack of planning continues in Argentina. In the meantime, the Ministry of Infrastructure, which was also home of the Secretary for Transport, has been integrated into the Ministry of Economic Affairs. The responsible secretary for transport, Dr. Franco Moguetta seems extremely dissatisfied with this and he is also accused of disclosing internal matters, which is the reason to give up his job. Guillermo Dietrich is currently named as his successor. Dietrich was transport minister in Mauricio Macri's government from 2015 to 2019. However, there have been bad times for the railways, because back then Dietrich was more a minister for road and air transport than for the railways. As one of his major missteps can be cited his statement when he was asked about the establishment of local rail transport between the two neighboring train stations of Neuquén and Cipolletti (7 km apart!) and he said that the establishment of low-cost airlines lines will solve this problem. He also strongly promoted bus transport in the city of Neuquén because he was a mayor importer for such vehicles!
(Source: FCNews 77)
Victoria - Capilla del Señor
The renovation of the section from Los Cardales to Capilla del Señor was canceled and postponed indefinitely. This also applies to the planned electrification of the Victoria – El Talar section, for which detailed planning was also canceled.
(Source: FCNews 77)
Long-distance Trains
Against the normal practice, seats for long-distance trains cannot be booked beyond February 29, 2024 - not even for the very popular trains from Buenos Aires to Mar del Plata and Rosario. Normally, bookings should have been open from January on for the period March-May. This suggests that the government wants to shut down all long-distance traffic from March 1, 2024.
(Source: FCNews 77)
Los Cardales – Capilla del Señor
The rehabilitation work on the 12 km long Los Cardales – Capilla del Señor section has been stopped. When and whether they will even resume is unknown.
(Source: FCNews 76)
Tren Patagonico
Report from December 22, 2023: The trains Viedma - San Carlos de Bariloche, San Carlos de Bariloche - Ing. G. Jaco-bacci and Ing. G. Jacobacci - Ojos de Agua (Trochita) of Tren Patagonico have been shut down for an indefinite period. The reason given are safety concerns about vehicles and infrastructure. In addition, Tren Patagonico has accumulated a huge amount of debts that cannot be reduced given the current situation in the country, let alone raise money for the renovations. The San Carlos de Bariloche – Perito Moreno tourist railcar and freight trains will continue to operate until further notice. According to the latest reports, traffic is not expected to resume before April 2024. But given the catastrophic financial situation in the country, this seems questionable.
(Source: FCNews 76)
Tren de las sierras
The 108 km long line from Córdoba to Capilla del Monte was put back into operation in several stages. As a result of the new government's not very rail-friendly policies, the province of Córdoba is now trying to privatize this route, as it plays a particularly important role in tourism. Demand on the three daily train pairs is extremely high. No wonder, because a bus trip that lasts a bit more than 2 hours currently costs ARP 2600 (as of January 15, 2024), while a train trip of just over 3 hours costs just ARP 66.00 (ARP 100.00 = € 0.11 ). In order to operate the route privately, the fare would have to be increased to at least around 60% of the bus fare.
(Source: FCNews 76)
New President
On November 19, 2023, the politically right-wing Javier Milei was elected President of Argentina. Normally, this is not worth reporting when it comes to the railways. But this time the situation is repeating itself as it was in 1993 when then President Menem was elected. Milei has already taken the first measures in his interests. The number of ministries was drastically reduced. The Ministry of Transport, together with other former ministries, was integrated into the new Ministry of Infrastructure, in which only one secretary is responsible for transport. Milei's plans for transportation are clear and probably even more devastating for the country than Menem. Aerolíneas Argentinas and other state-owned transport companies are to be privatized, including the railways – for the second time. After billions of dollars have been invested in the rail network in recent years - debts that still have to be paid back to creditors - are to be handed over to private companies again. It looks like all long-distance trains could be shut down in March 2024 and since the subsidies to the railways are to be completely canceled anyway, the regional lines will hardly survive either. The suburban lines of Buenos Aires should survive, but the fares should be increased so much that subsidies are no longer necessary. This will mean that the average worker will no longer be able to pay for train tickets. Will this then set off a downward spiral? The first negative signs can already be seen. Payments to the companies rebuilding the Belgrano freight line C18 (east of Tucumán) were stopped, meaning they stopped the work in the middle of the line. It is unclear whether the ordered rolling stock (railcars for regional services and vehicles for the Buenos Aires S-Bahn) will ever be delivered and paid for. It is also completely unclear whether there will be new companies interested in taking over freight transport if they might have to expect new changes in 4 years. You can see that there is a lot of uncertainty at the moment. Thousands of Trenes Argentinos employees will be laid off and becoming impoverished, as is already the case with almost 50% of the population. Those who live with state support will lose it at the beginning of 2024 anyway. The province of Santa Fé expects that the regional train Laguna Paíva – Santa Fé will not start operation, although everything except a few intermediate stations is operational. We will continue to keep you up to date here. By the way, Milei comes from a family that owned a large bus company.
(Source: FCNews 75)
Tren solar de la Quebrada (JUJUY)
The two railcars with solar energy supplies built in China were unloaded from the ship in the port of Zaraté in November 2023 and were then brought to Volcán as quickly as possible. A first test journey over parts of the route took place on December 1st, 2023, with former railway workers from the region and their families as the first passengers. These test runs were completed very satisfactory. The official opening took place on December 7th, 2023, but since there are still some minor problems in Tilcara, public transport is scheduled to begin in February 2024. The line measures 41.7 km and connects the stations of Volcán, Tumbaya, Purmamarca, Maimará and Tilcara. During full operation, there will be several return trips from 08.00 to 20.00. The fare for tourists will be US$100.00.
(Source: FCNews 75)
Tren Patagonico
From November 13th, 2023 to December 7th, 2023, due to infrastructure problems, all traffic over the Tren Patagonico main line was temporarily cancelled, the entire route from San Carlos de Bariloche to Viedma was rigorously checked and all damage was repaired. All trains are now running again as planned. Freight traffic from Viedma to Bahía Blanca is developing well. Two pairs of trains run now weekly, mostly to transport raw materials from the province of Rio Negro towards Buenos Aires and even as far as Tucumán.
(Source: FCNews 75)
Victoria – Capilla del Señor
From December 11, 2023, traffic on the diesel-powered suburban route Victoria - Capilla del Señor to Los Cardales was resumed and significantly improved. Eight pairs of trains now run every day over the entire 45 km to Los Cardales, two other pairs of trains run to and from Matheu only, 29 km from Victoria. The 12 km long section from Los Cardales to Capilla del Señor is still under reconstruction. It is still unclear whether and when this work can be completed under the new government. The preservation of the route was initiated several years ago by a signature collection, also supported by FLB/AIFFLA.
(Source: FCNews 75)
Trenes de las sierras
November 14, 2023, Trenes Argentinos began traffic on the 36 km long section Valle Hermoso – La Cumbre – Capilla del Monte. Direct trips from one of the three stations at Córdoba to Capilla del Monte are possible twice a day, but unfortunately the timetables are not very attractive.
(Source: FCNews 75)
Tren Patagonico
On October 9th, 2023 at 14.07, after almost 30 years, the first freight train from Rio Negro arrived at the Ingeniero White freight station in Bahía Blanca. With the help of Trenes Argentinos Carga, Tren Patagonico renovated the 275 km long route between Carmen de Patagones and Bahía Blanca Aguara to such an extent that a freight train could easily cover this route. In order to explain the condition of the route, here are the travel times that were required for this first journey:
San Antonio Oeste dep. October 8th, 2023 at 14.00
Viedma after 189 km and brake revision from dep. 20.00
Carmen de Patagones km 196 dep. 22.00
Bahía Blanca Aguara arr. 12.30 on 09.10.2023 at km 471
Ingeniero White arr. at 14.07 in km 488.
At Ingeniero White, Ferro Expreso Pampeano took over the train, which consisted of wagons loaded with gravel, empty container wagons and a passengercar that served for the staff. The 282 km long route between Bahía Blanca and Viedma has now been officially reopened for freight traffic. However, Tren Patagonico wants to do everything it can to start a direct passenger train from Buenos Aires to San Carlos de Bariloche as soon as possible, together with Trenes Argentinos Operaciones.
(Source: FCNews 74)
Materfer in Paraná
Of the 5 standard gauge Materfer railcars used for local transport in Paraná on the 27 km long Paraná – Jorge Méndez line, only CM004 and CM005 are in use. Additional railcars have been parked in the workshop for a long time. CM001 and CM002 have now been sent to Ferreyra in the province of Córdoba, where they will be completely refurbished at the Materfer factory and converted to diesel-electric transmission. The railcar CM006, on the other hand, is currently being renovated in Paraná, with the mechanical parts being repaired or replaced and a new paint being applied.
(Source: FCNews 74)
On October 29, 2023, traffic between Cevil Pozo and Tucumán resumed. The Cevil Pozo – Tucumán traffic was interrupted for three years because a new bridge over the Rio Salí had to be built. The stop in Cevil Pozo remains and a new stop for the Buenos Aires – Tucumán train has been opened in Alderetes, 8 km from Tucumán.
(Source: FCNews 74)
Victoria – Capilla del Señor
On November 6th, 2023, Trenes Argentinos Operaciones reintroduced passenger services between Victoria and Matheu (a distance of 29 km). This after a long interruption for the complete reconstraction of this route. The missing 28 km to Capilla del Señor are in various stages of progress, as it is the extension to San Antonio de Areco, which will be served again as soon as Capilla del Señor can be reached again. Three pairs of trains now run to Matheu every day, including Sundays. The journey time has now been reduced from 95 to 56 minutes.
(Source: FCNews 74)
Trenes de las sierras
The first journey of a railcar from the current terminus of regular traffic, Valle Hermoso, to Capilla del Monte, 36 km further north, will take place next November 13th, 2023. Trenes Argentinos hopes to be able to start regular traffic to Capilla del Monte by the high season from mid-December.
(Source: FCNews 74)
Belgrado sur
For the first time in 30 years, a train ran from Tapiales via Mercedes Belgrano to Tres Sargentos. The journey of a local railcar went smoothly. 156 km were covered in around 7 hours. By this way Trenes Argentinos demonstrates that the route can be put back into operation using relatively few ressources. There are still 38 km missing to Salto, which still need to be repaired. From Salto there is still the possibility of reaching Rosario on meter gauge.
(Source: FCNews 74)
Trenes Argentinos
The Tren Universitario route was extended by another 4 stations (Avenida 7, Circunvalación, Meridiano V and Hospital San Juan de Dios) on September 18, 2023. The now 11-station route through the capital of the province of Buenos Aires is served by 9 trains per day Monday to Friday and 4 services on Saturday.
(Source: FCNews 73)
If the far-right candidate Javier Milei wins the presidential election on October 22, 2023, things won't look good for the railways. Milei has announced several times that he will eliminate the ministries of transport, health and education. Regarding the railway, he said that it should be completely reprivatized and he wants to abolish all subsidies. For the residents of Buenos Aires, for example, this means a price increase of an average of ARP 50.00 to over ARP 700.00 for the buses and to over ARP 1000.00 for the S-Bahn. In the worst case, the scenario could be more devastating than in 1993 under President Menem.
(Source: FCNews 73)
Tren Patagonico
Heavy rains in the Ñirihuau area softened the subsoil of the railway line, which led to two derailments of the Viedma - San Carlos de Bariloche train. This forced the railway company to temporarily shut down the long-distance train. After extensive construction work (stabilization of the ground, installation of new sleepers and rails where necessary), through traffic will resume from September 29, 2023. The remaining trains continue to run. La Trochita in Rio Negro has resumed services with its steam trains between Ingeniero G. Jacobacci and Ojos de Agua in time for the start of spring.
(Source: FCNews 73)
The 560 meter long bridge over the Rio Salí river, which has been closed to traffic since 2019, will be reopened to rail traffic in the coming weeks, no later than November. Due to flooding, several bridge pillars became unstable and for this reason all rail traffic, including passenger trains from Buenos Aires, had to end in Cevil Pozo, 14 km outside of Tucumán. A completely new bridge was built within 3 years. Trenes Argentinos has now repaired the tracks in the Tucumán train station and also the train station itself. Traffic will resume immediately after the stress tests on the bridge have been completed.
(Source: FCNews 73)
Trenes Argentinos
With a contribution from the FOCEM development fund, various sections of the Urquiza standard gauge network are finally being renovated, as freight traffic is increasing very rapidly. The most precarious sections between Concordia and Basavilbaso, around Virasoro, from Apóstoles to Posadas, as well as the connecting section from Paso de los Libres to the Brazilian border, totaling 210 km will be upgraded for higher speeds and higher tonnages, for over US$44 million.
(Source: FCNews 72)
La Trochita
An old passenger car is currently being rebuilt in the El Maitén workshops and it will be completely wheelchair accessible. The car may be used on trains in 2024.
(Source: FCNews 72)
Construction Works
Apparently Trenes Argentinos seems to get lost in too many construction sites. Because various track renovations hardly seem to be finished, as the finances are very tight. Here are some examples:
Maipú - Ayacucho - Tandil, 50% of the route would be operational, but between Ayacucho and Tandil the works are stuck.
Victoria - Capilla del Señor - San Antonio de Areco: BetweenVictoria and Capilla del Señor, some sections are complete, others have been under reconstruction for 10 months, and still others have not yet started. Although the route is passable between Capilla del Señor and San Antonio de Areco, further renovations, including the stations, have not yet begun.
Cevil Pozo – Tucumán: Reconstruction of the 560 meter long bridge over the Rio Salí is proceeding according to plan and traffic is expected to resume as far as Tucumán in 2024.
Buenos Aires - Mendoza: Although a passenger train Buenos Aires - Palmira (Mendoza province) now runs every 2 weeks, the planned repairs on this line have still not been tackled. Instead, travel time for the 1028 km route was increased from 28 to 31 hours.
Pehuajó - Catriló - General Pico: After the province of La Pampa worked tireless for the resumption of passenger traffic from Buenos Aires to General Pico and traffic was resumed as far as Pehuajó (still in Buenos Aires province), the existing funds have been diverted to others routes, which meant that repairs between Pehuajó and Catriló were forgotten for now. Rosario - Cañada de Gómez: One track of this 70 km long double-track line was completely renovated in time for the start of operations of the regional train, but the second track is still waiting for completion today, which is why the journey to Rosario is around 20 minutes faster than vice versa. These conditions continue to slow down the train to Córdoba.
(Source: FCNews 72)
Trenes Argentinos Operaciones tries to offer a maximum of passenger train connections. Unfortunately, the matter reveals another side. More and more trains are all well and good, but the rolling stock situation is too tense to set up unlimited new connections. This became apparent after the Materfer railcar on the La Banda – Fernández connection had to be transferred to the builder Materfer in the province of Córdoba due to a major technical problem. Since the railcar was not ready after a few weeks, the locomotive of the Rosario – Cañada de Gómez regional train was quickly transferred to La Banda in order to resume local traffic to Fernández. The result: countless passengers from Cañada de Gómez and theother places have indefinitely no train service. Similar situations can be found again and again, such as the connections Paraná - Jorge Méndez, Posadas - Encarnación (Paraguay), Maipú - General Guido - Pinamar and others.
(Source: FCNews 71)
Tomás Jofré – Mercedes GB
On 05/28/2023, Trenes Argentinos Operaciones resumed passenger services on the 12 km section Tomás Jofré – Mercedes GB. After more than 30 years without traffic, this section of the meter-gauge General Belgrano railway, which once ran from Buenos Aires via Villars to Mercedes and on to Pergamino, was repaired and at the urging of the city of Mercedes, an Alerce railcar was renovated to start this local tourist traffic on Sundays. The journey time is just over 40 minutes in each direction. In Mercedes, the route is also called "La Trocha" (the gauge) by the population, since it differs from the other broad-gauge routes in its meter gauge. All three stations (Mercedes GB, Altamira and Tomás Jofré) have also been beautifully refurbished.
(Source: FCNews 70)
Justo Daract – Palmira
After several test journeys, Trenes Argentinos Operaciones was able to start the long-announced connection Buenos Aires Retiro – Palmira on June 2nd, 2023. The 23 km long section from Palmira to General Guiterrez is still missing in order to get the train to the outskirts of Mendoza, where a connection to the tram from Mendoza can be made - construction work for this has already started. Since the railway company has too few passenger cars, the composition of the night train Buenos Aires – Justo Daract has to be used for the new connection. The result is that the Buenos Aires – Justo Daract (654 km) train only runs every 2nd week and in the weeks in between it serves the 1028 km route Buenos Aires – Justo Daract – Beazley – La Paz – Palmira in different timetable. The travel time to Palmira is just under 29 hours.
(Source: FCNews 70)
Justo Daract – Villa Mercedes
On June 3, 2023, after the Buenos Aires – Palmira service started operation, a test journey from Justo Daract to the town of Villa Mercedes, 36 km away, was running with two Clase Unica coaches (local service class). There are several reasons for this successful journey. First, the city of Villa Mercedes is to be connected to Buenos Aires. However, it is not on the route via Beazley to Palmira, but on the line to San Luis, which no longer reaches the capital of the province of San Luis. On the other hand, it is intended to test whether the regional train “Expreso Puntano” between the towns of Justo Daract and Villa Mercedes, which has been planned for around 15 years, can be realized with it. The original project called for the purchase of a railcar, but the province of San Luis was not willing to release the funds for this. In the past (1980s and earlier) many shuttle trains operated between the two towns.
(Source: FCNews 70)
By train to Brazil soon?
Argentina is negotiating with Brazil to reopen the Paso de los Libres (AR) – Uruguaiana (BR) standard gauge railway. Argentina wants to open access to the port of Rio Grande, which can also be used for transit goods from Paraguay. The Brazilian side, where goods traffic is carried out by the company Rumo Logística, is also very interested in the resumption of this traffic. In addition, the combined rail/road bridge over the Rio Uruguay was recently renovated. On both sides, however, the railway tracks have to be repaired. The route through Paso de los Libres requires a lot of work. In Uruguaiana the track is in the street and can be used without much work.
Trenes Argentinos also plans to introduce a passenger train between the two countries. In Paso de los Libres the train station is in usable condition. Not so in Uruguaiana, where the train station was disconnected from the network around 20 years ago and a new location would have to be found.
(Source: FCNews 69)
Renovation and Expansion Work
Observing the progress made in the renovation and expansion work on various routes, it can be expected that various new passenger train connections will be added during 2023.
Maipú – Ayacucho – Tandil: The work between Maipú and Ayacucho has been completed and is in full swing between Ayacucho and Tandil.
Caseros - Haedo: The line rehabilitation is almost complete and a Materfer railcar has already been delivered.
Tren de las Sierras: The 6 km long section from Valle Hermoso via La Falda to Huerta Grande is operational again and test runs with a railcar are currently taking place.
Justo Daract – Mendoza: Later than planned, this long-distance route will again have a passenger train, the plan was April 2023, but commissioning is now expected in the second half of the year, which will enable a journey of over 1000 km from Buenos Aires to Mendoza.
Laguna Paíva – Santa Fe: The route is rehabilitated and one train composition is operational and over the next 6 months the rail stations are to be refurbished to start operations before the end of 2023.
Pehuajó – Trenque Lauquén – General Picó: Various repairs on the track are coming over the next few months and the start of operations will be possible at the end of 2023.
Bahía Blanca - Carmen de Patagones - Viedma: Since there are problems with the use of the stations along the line - many are privately used or in ruins - only freight traffic will be included in 2023.
Victoria - Capilla del Señor: The complete rehabilitation of this route will be completed in 2023, which will allow traffic to resume in full. It is still unclear whether the extension to San Antonio de Areco will also be included in 2023.
(Source: FCNews 68)
Presidial Politics
The public transport situation is starting to get worse day by day. However, all lines are still in operation. In the Buenos Aires area, bus traffic has been reduced by up to 50% because there are no subsidies and operators have to get the rapidly increasing operating costs under control. The timetables on the suburban railway lines are changed almost weekly and the service is reduced a bit with every change. Here too, the railway is trying to manage the costs of rolling stock and staff. The tariffs are increased every month, but wages have largely been frozen. With the consent of a railway workers' union, the Unión Ferroviaria, most ticket offices on the Tren de la Costa and the Mitre suburban lines were closed in order to save costs. In some cases, the trains are running on wear and tear because no real management has been set up to date. This means that the procurement of spare parts and operating materials is becoming increasingly difficult. With a few exceptions, all construction sites on railway lines have now been stopped. In Buenos Aires, however, work on the viaducts to introduce the Belgrano-South S-Bahn into Plaza Constitución station is apparently still underway. However, work on renovating the Belgrano-South route to Navarro and beyond was stopped. Thefts of railway property are increasing again in the interior of the country. Near Aguaray in the north, on the line from Embarcación to Bolivia, police picked up a truck full of stolen rails and other steel parts from a branch line. The metal should have been sold illegally to Bolivia.
(Source: FCNews 76)
New Train Stops
Trenes Argentinos is opening more and more stations for passenger transport. At the end of November and beginning of December 2022, the completely new stops ETON (long-distance bus terminal), Aeropuerto and Barrio Unión were opened on the suburban route Neuquén – Plottier.
In November 2022, the long-distance train Buenos Aires – Cevil Pozo (Tucumán) got an additional stop in Herrera (876 km from Buenos Aires), after previously resuming service at San Lorenzo station (km 338).
There were also new stops in the vicinity of Buenos Aires. This is the case in Maquinista Ricardo Cal on the Merlo – Lobos route. The new Quilmes Sur station is under construction on the Buenos Aires – La Plata route. With the Tren Universitario (at La Plata) extension currently under construction, 3 more stops will open in 2023.
(Source: FCNews 67)
Line Closure again
On October 13, 2022, the Buenos Aires – Olavarría railway had to be closed to all traffic by the concessionaire Ferrosur Roca SA. The bridge over the Rio Salado between Videla Dorna and Gorchs stations was closed after an inspection - the first inspection since 1990! – when it was seen no longer as sure. Once again, the problem of licensing operations and infrastructure has shown itself from the worst side. As a result, the Buenos Aires – Bahía Blanca train is not allowed to operate during the important summer season. Incidentally, this bridge was already damaged in 2003 by a Ferrosur freight train that derailed and was then partially repaired. At that time, Ferrobaires was the operator of the passenger train and was able to divert it via General Alvear and Ranchos, but in the meantime Ferrosur has gambled away this possibility due to the neglect of the corresponding infrastructure. After about a month, under pressure from the state, Ferrosur finally started the bridge renovation. However, the route will remain closed until around the end of February 2023. Unfortunately, Trenes Argentinos did not respond to the demands of the communities between Olavarría and Bahía Blanca to run a local train in the meantime.
(Source: FCNews 67)
Tren del Valle Neuquén – Plottier
On November 12, 2022, the new stops ETON (Terminal de Omnibuses) and Aeropuerto de Neuquén were put into operation on the Tren del Valle Neuquén – Plottier line.
(Source: FCNews 66)
Buenos Aires Retiro - Rosario Norte
On December 1st, 2022, an express train between Buenos Aires Retiro and Rosario Norte will start to operate. It will take 5h46 for the 315 km, about 45 min less than the daily train with many intermediate stops. It will leave Retiro on Saturday at 06.12, and from Rosario Sunday at 16.20. However, it is unclear whether it will be a refurbished Talgo composition or a conventional train.
(Source: FCNews 66)
Rosario - Cañada de Gómez
The regional train Rosario Norte – Cañada de Gómez has startet running August 5th, 2022. There are trains from Cañada de Gómez Monday to Friday at 05:15 and 22:15 and from Rosario at 19:10. On Saturday at 05.15 another train leaves Cañada de Gómez to stop the composition in Rosario for the weekend.
(Source: Volta o Trem 26-3)
La Banda - Fernánez
On August 8th, 2022, the local traffic La Banda - Fernandez in the province of Santiago del Estero began. For the time being, only 1 pair of trains will run in the morning.
(Source: Volta o Trem 26-3)
Cacuí - Puerto Tirol
The rehabilitation of the 10 km long section Cacuí - Puerto Tirol in the Chaco has started. Trenes Argentinos hopes to resume local traffic between Resistencia and Puerto Tirol by 2023 at the latest.
(Source: Volta o Trem 26-3)
The infrastructure of the suburban route Paraná - Colonia Avellaneda is finally being renovated. Several stops will be given real concrete platforms, and the track will be renewed in places. Work on extending the line via Colonia Avellaneda to Montrull, which had come to a standstill, was resumed. On September 16, 2022, the Col. Avellaneda – Enrique Berduc section was put into operation. Another Materfer railcar is currently being renovated for this route. Rider numbers increased by 100% in 4 weeks
(Source: Volta o Trem 26-3)
Border crossing Test Train
In July 2022, for the first time in 7 years, a freight train ran from Posadas (Argentina) to Encarnación (Paraguay) for test purposes. Due to the low water levels of the rivers that connect Par-aguay with the Argentine deep-sea ports and the rising fuel prices for truck transport, Paraguay has long been looking for opportunities to export by rail. From October 2022 there will be a weekly train between Encarnación (PY) and Zárate (AR).
(Source: Volta o Trem 26-3)
Capilla del señor - San Antonio de Areco
On July 20 a train reached San Antonio de Areco for the first time in 30 years. This after months of work on the overgrown track. However, traffic will not start until 2023, when the route from Victoria is continuously open again. At the moment tracks from Matheu to Los Cardales are being completely renovated.
(Source: Volta o Trem 26-2)
In 2019, a flood damaged the bridge over the Salí River. Since then, long-distance trains from Buenos Aires have ended in Cevil Pozo, 14 km from Tucumán. The contract for rebuilding of the bridge has now been awarded. 5 pillars of the 560 meter long bridge must be replaced. The work will last until 2023.
(Source: Volta o Trem 26-2)
Rufino - Justo Daract
On July 22nd, 2022, the 233 km long section Rufino - Justo Daract was reactivated for passenger traffic, for which the weekly night train Buenos Aires - Rufino was extended to Justo Daract in San Luis province. There is already talk to extend this service to Mendoza in 2023.
(Source: Volta o Trem 26-2)
Rosario - Cañada de Gómes
On May 4th, 2022, a public regional train will be put into operation for the first time (in over 40 years) on this line. It will run Monday to Friday morning from Cañada de Gómes and back in the evening.
(Source: Volta o Trem 26-1)
Maipú - Tandil
Rehabilitation of this line is progressing rapidly and Trenes Argentinos hopes to run the first train for the July winter holidays.
(Source: Volta o Trem 26-1)
La Trochita - Chubut
There are now regular trains running from El Maitén in Chubut Province to Ñorquincó in Rio Negro, apart of the excursions from El Maitén to Desvío Ing. Thomaé. The last trip for the Summer season was April 16. Next departures are planned for December 2022 and some special journeys may be possible.
(Source: Volta o Trem 26-1)
Tren Patagonico
The new TP administration wants to expand rail traffic again. An application was made to the Ministry of Transport to operate occasional freight trains run again from Viedma to Bahía Blanca. It is also planned to run 2 passenger trains per week between San Carlos de Bariloche and Viedma during high season, as demand cannot be met with just 1 pair of trains. From May 2022 there will also be 1 excursion train (railcar) per week from San Carlos de Bariloche to Perito Moreno and La Trochita may operate if possible between Ing. G. Jacobacci and Empalme. In addition, the regular local railcar San Carlos de Bariloche - Ing. G. Jacobacci will again run twice a week.
(Source: Volta o Trem 26-1)
La Trochita Chubut
During October and November 2021 La Trochita was breaking record numbers of passenger. Never the railway was operating even more than 3 round-trips a week during these months. During October alone over 3700 tourists have been carried by 29 departures.
(Source: Volta o Trem 25-3)
December 13, 2021 the first train in 15 years from El Maitén was reaching Ñorquincó 36 km away. The station at Ñorquincó was refurbished and a wye built to turn the steam locomotives. Regular traffic will start in January 2022.
(Source: Volta o Trem 25-3)
La Trochita Rio Negro
The Rio Negro portion of La Trochita opened new amenities at Empalme station and Ojos de Agua station got a completely new long platform. Trains for the 2021/2022 are fully booked until February 2022, all trains run with an additional coach.
(Source: Volta o Trem 25-3)
Buenos Aires – Rufino
On November 3, 2021 a weekly passenger train was reintro-duced between Buenos Aires and Rufino after a 5 year break during which the dam over the La Picasa Lake was rebuilt.
(Source: Volta o Trem 25-3)
Tren de las Sierras - Tren Metropolitano de Córdoba
20 December 2021 the Tren Metropolitano de Córdoba service was introduced. It runs over the first 22 km of the Tren de las Sierras line. Monday to Friday 5 pairs of railcars run from Córdoba Mitre or Alta Córdoba station to La Calera and back, supplemented by 2 services Córdoba – Valle Hermoso of Tren de las Sierras. On weekends there are now 3 train pairs Alta Córdoba – Valle Hermoso.
(Source: Volta o Trem 25-3)
Maipú – Tandil
Trenes Argentinos Operaciones began inspecting the 127 km Maipú - Tandil route in mid-May. It branches off from the Mar del Plata line at Maipú and leads via Labarden, Fair, Ayacucho, Cangallo and Iraola to Tandil and was served by Ferrobaires until 2007, but has been closed since. Once the repairs terminate, passenger traffic will start in 2022.
Another project is the return of passenger trains over the Las Flores – Rauch – Tandil line.
(Source: Volta o Trem 25-2)
Santa Fé – Laguna Paíva
While infrastructure works are going ahead between Santa Fé and Laguna Paíva, the train consist of locomotive and coaches was already completely refurbished and is ready for use.
(Source: Volta o Trem 25-2)
Santa Fé – Rosario
Negotiations between Trenes Argentinos Operaciones and the province of Santa Fé are ongoing to run local passenger trains over the 166 km long metre-gauge line via Capitán Bermudez and Coronda to connect the two biggest cities of the province and intermediate municipalities.
(Source: Volta o Trem 25-2)
Salta – Campo Quijano
Passenger traffic between Salta and Campo Quijano started finally July 09, 2021 with 2 train pairs daily Monday to Friday. Works to improve level-crossings are still going ahead.
(Source: Volta o Trem 25-2)
La Trochita Chubut
July 10, 2021 La Trochita was starting operation between Esquel and Nahuel Pán. Trains operate until 31 July Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, from August on it runs Saturday only.
(Source: Volta o Trem 25-2)
Buenos Aires – Junín
Since rehabilitation of the crossing over La Picasa lake will terminate in a couple of days, Trenes Argentinos Operaciones will reestablish passenger transport from Junín to Rufino (166 km) once a week. It may be extended very soon from Rufino to Laboulaye, another 64 km. The railway hopes to reach Justo Daract until December 2021, 169 km West of Laboulaye. Talks started for a further extension to Villa Mercedes, 36 km West of Justo Daract (or 690 km from Buenos Aires).
(Source: Volta o Trem 25-2)
Tren de las Sierras
August 09, 2021 the 17 km section from Cosquín to Valle Hermoso was reopened for passenger traffic. There are 2 train pairs Córdoba – Valle Hermoso and 2 pairs Cosquín – Valle Hermoso, all Monday to Friday only.
(Source: Volta o Trem 25-2)
Local Trains Buenos Aires
29 July the 9 km long section of the Belgranos Sur suburban line of Buenos Aires between 20 de Junio and Marcos Paz was re-inaugurated after 28 years without traffic.
(Source: Volta o Trem 25-2)
La Banda – Fernandez
Until the end of 2021 the 40 km section La Banda – Fernandez of the Rosario – Tucumán main line will get a local passenger service. A trial operation was running August 13, 2021. During the next 3 months the stations of La Banda, Vilmer, Beltrán, Forres and Fernandez will be rehabilitated.
(Source: Volta o Trem 25-2)
Transport Minister Meoni died
On April 23, 2021, Transport Minister Mario Meoni had a fatal accident in his car on the way from Rosario to Junín. He was on his way from a work meeting in Rosario to the weekend to see his family in Junín. The accident occurred near San Andrés de Giles. It is assumed that the nocturnal conditions, the accident occurred around 10 p.m. and the wet road surface are to blame for the accident. Meoni was a strong promoter of the rail system.
(Source: Volta o Trem 25-1)
New Transport Minister Alexis Guerrera
On May 3rd, 2021 Alexis Guerrera was appointed as the new Minister of Transport by President Alberto Fernández. Guerrero promised to continue the rail-friendly policy of Meoni unchanged.
(Source: Volta o Trem 25-1)
Santa Fé – Laguna Paíva
Transportminster Meoni signed the contract for the repair of the 38 km long railway line Santa Fé - Laguna Paíva on April 23, 2021 in order to put a regional passenger service into operation. Only a few days later, the first works began on the route, which is also used by freight trains.
(Source: Volta o Trem 25-1)
Salta - Cerrillos - Rosario de Lerma - Campo Quijano
On April 16, 2021, local transport from Salta via Cerrillos and Rosario de Lerma to Campo Quijano was officially opened. For the time being, 2 pairs of trains are planned Monday-Friday over the 45 km long route of the Ramal C-14 (Socompa line). Due to Corona, however, traffic was withdrawn again April 17. If all goes well, the trains will run again from the end of May.
(Source: Volta o Trem 25-1)
Neuquén - Plottier
On March 29, 2021, railcars began operating between Neuquén and Plottier, 15 km to the west. The 4 trains running Monday to Friday run partly via Neuquén to / from Cipolletti. Construction work began at 5 of the planned 6 intermediate stops and they should be in operation by the end of the year. After the end of the pandemic, the number of train journeys may be increased.
(Source: Volta o Trem 25-1)
On May 5th, 2021, Trenes Argentinos began to serve Serodino station 48 km north of Rosario again with the stop of the twice weekly Buenos Aires - Tucumán (Cevil Pozo) train. This be-came possible after residents of the village refurbished the train station. In Herrera, 561 km from Rosario, the community began to renovate the station in the hope that the train will soon stop here too. The 7 municipalities from San Lorenzo to Gálvez have submitted an official application at the railway for the introduction of a local train Rosario–Gálvez 118 km.
(Source: Volta o Trem 25-1)
Tren de las Sierras
From May 25, 2021, Tren de las Sierras will be extended beyond Cosquín by 17 km via Molinari and Casa Grande to Valle Hermoso. Only pandemy-related restrictions could change the date. The whole route has been freed from vegetation and repaired where necessary. At Valle Hermoso, 2 level crossings are about to be provided with electric level-crossing barriers. The single fare from Córdoba to Valle Hermoso will be ARP 20, compared to bus fares with ARP 700. The trains will serve both local transport to / from Córdoba and local tourism.
(Source: Volta o Trem 25-1)
La Trochita Chubut
End April, the province of Chubut was finally able to solve its financial problems and to pay the workers of the La Trochita narrow-gauge railway the outstanding wages. Repair work on the Esquel - Nahuel Pán line and on the rolling started again. It is planned to offer trips from Esquel and El Maitén again at the beginning of the winter season in June or from September at the latest.
(Source: Volta o Trem 25-1)
Corona Update
Trenes Argentinos is expanding more and more connections under strict security requirements. Domestic tourists have been able to use the trains again since January 2021. The traffic from Buenos Aires to Mar del Plata has now been expanded to 3 daily trains and from February 12th, 2021 another pair of trains will be added on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Ferrobaires operated over 6 years back such a great number of trains over this line.
(Source: Volta o Trem 25-0)
General Guido - Pinamar
Traffic between General Guido and Pinamar started definitely January 25, 2021. The railcar takes 2 hours 25 to cover the 101 km route.
(Source: Volta o Trem 25-0)
Neuquén - Plottier
Local traffic between Neuquén and Plottier is expected to begin in March or April 2021 instead of September 2021, but for the time being without serving the intermediate stops, which be built froml March 2021 on.
(Source: Volta o Trem 25-0)
Salta - Campo Quijano
On Monday, February 8th, 2021, a railcar will travel from Salta to Campo Quijano and back for the first time. This trip, organized by the municipalities, is intended to pave the way for regular traffic to start operating in around 2 to 3 months.
(Source: Volta o Trem 25-0)
Corona Update
Trenes Argentinos reintroduced several train services at a reduced number trips and with severe security measures, tourists may only be accepted from early January 2021 on. Since early/mid-December the following services have been added:
Buenos Aires – Mar del Plata 2x daily
Buenos Aires – Tucumán 2x weekly
Buenos Aires – Bragado 2x weekly
Alta Córdoba – Cosquín 2x weekdays
Alejandro Korn – Chascomús 2x weekdays
Tren a las Nubes from 09 Jan. 2021
San Carlos de Bariloche – Viedma from 08 Jan 2021 weekly
Ing. Jacobacci – Ojos de Agua from 02 Jan. wöchentlich to 27 März/March 2021
Tren Patagonico La Trochita of Rio Negro put its third Steam locomotive, no. 19, back in Service.
(Source: Volta o Trem 24-9)
General Guido - Pinamar
Trenes Argentinos begins operation of the train from General Guido (on the Mar del Plata line) no later than mid-January. A refurbished ex-Renfe DMU has already been transferred to General Guido station. The 101 km long branch line had no services at all for over 5 years.
(Source: Volta o Trem 24-9)
Corona Update
Trenes Argentinos reintroduced several train services at a reduced number trips and with severe security measures, tourists may only be accepted from mid-December or early January 2021 on. To date the following operate:
Buenos Aires – Mar del Plata 1x daily
Buenos Aires – Bahía Blanca 1x weekly
Buenos Aires – Bragado 1x weekly
Buenos Aires – Junín 2x weekly
Buenos Aires – San Nicolás 1x daily, to Rosario from 1 Dec. 2020
Alta Córdoba – Cosquín 2x weekdays
Güemes – Salta 2x weekdays
Neuquén – Cipolletti from 01/12/2020 6x weekdays
Alejandro Korn – Coronel Brandsen 2x daily
Cañuelas – Monte 2x daily
Cañuelas – Lobos 2x daily
Tren a las Nubes from 09 Jan. 2021
(Source: Volta o Trem 24-8)
Corona Update
Argentina extended the shutdown caused by Corona until the end of October 2020. From end-october 2020 services in the interior of the country may start one after the other. One of thew first will be Buenos Aires – Mar del Plata. This line may get 5 daily train pairs during summer per (December-March). Passenger service from General Guido to Pinamar as a feeder to the Mar del Plata service, may start Friday 31 Dec 2020. It will operate Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The 3 Camello railcars (exRenfe) are under refurbishment for this service.
(Source: Volta o Trem 24-7)
Double Decker Coaches
All 24 TBA double decker coaches will be renovated and rebuilt for a use in long distance services. For example they could be used between Buenos Aires and Rosario starting in 2021.
(Source: Volta o Trem 24-7)
Cacuí – Resistencia
Argentina extended the shutdown caused by Corona until 20 September 2020. Despite that passenger traffic between Cacuí and Resistencia was reinstated after a gap of 4 years. There are 3 trains per day Monday to Friday.
(Source: Volta o Trem 24-6)
Encarnación - Posadas - Garupá
After many years without freight transport to/from Paraguay on rails, Trenes Argentinos Operaciones will reintroduce a freight service to/from Encarnación in Paraguay from an unknown date in September 2020. Since freight traffic to Garupá is well developping Paraguay asked for this possibility to ease export of different comodities which faces problems on the transport over the waterways which have a very low level of water,
(Source: Volta o Trem 24-6)
Montevideo - 25 de Agosto - San José
AFE did not exclude rehabilitation of passenger services between 25 de Agosto and San José, after reintroducing this service between Montevideo and 25 de Agosto in 2022. There also plans to this on the line to Victor Sudriers after 2022.
(Source: Volta o Trem 24-6)
Passenger traffic
Despite the pandemic, freight trains and, with some restrictions, Buenos Aires suburban services are performing fairly well. Passenger trains to other provinces are, however, still disrupted.
(Source: Volta o Trem 24-5)
Paraná – Colonia Avellaneda
Train services between Paraná and Colonia Avellaneda have been reinstated on 1 June 2020 as the first ones outside the Buenos Aires area. Two round-trips operate Monday to Friday.
(Source: Volta o Trem 24-5)
Garupá - Zárate
One 07 June 2020, Garupá station in Misiones province saw its first freight train arriving since 2017. Starting from 16 June, a weekly freight train will link Garupá and Zárate.
(Source: Volta o Trem 24-5)
Ferrosur Roca
Freight train operator Ferrosur Roca continues with great problems and it is not sure if the company will continue for the near future. This would put the „Tren del Valle“ local train Cipolletti – Neuquén into danger of discontinuance, because the staff of this train is employed by Ferrosur Roca.
(Source: Volta o Trem 24-4)
Corona Update
Even during the pandemy some activities, others than freight and Buenos Aires suburban traffic, can be observed. Passenger Rail transport to other provinces is still interrupted. In the Northeast test runs have been untertaken with a Wadloper (ex-NS DH-2) railcar over the 12 km long line from Posadas to Garupá. The plan is to introduce a local passenger service over this line, once public transport may be again possible. More Wadlopers are under repair and Garupá municipality is repairing the local station. Two more stations may follow later at Ñu Porã and Miguel Lanús. Tracks are in good shape with the exception of weeds and waste which must be eliminated. A journey time of this service of about 20 min. will be realsitic.
Preparing works are currently under way to reopen the line from Paraná to Colonia Avellaneda after the 2 months shut-down as soon as possibly.
(Source: Volta o Trem 24-4)
Ferrosur Roca
Freight train operator Ferrosur Roca wants to reduce the number of employees and reduce the wages for all others due to a drop of about 14,7% in freight tonnage. The company has not yet paid the supplements of January 2020 of 3000 Pesos and 1000 Pesos for each month afterwards, which already mobilizes the workers unions.
(Source: Volta o Trem 24-3)
Corona Update
To reduce the expansion of the Coronavirus the Government prohibited all long-distance Travel by bus, train or plane until at least March 31. All local trains in the interior are also concerned, including the international railcar Posadas – Encarnación (Paraguay). Buenos Aires suburban trains and the metro are operating to Sunday schedules and some intermediate aren’t served.
(Source: Volta o Trem 24-2)
Is there a silver lining on the cloud?
First, a word about COVID-19 and the impact it has on the railways in Argentina
Argentina introduced a comprehensive lockdown in the early stages (i.e. containment phase) of the disease. Long-distance trains as well as regional trains in the interior of the country have been withdrawn until further notice, while suburban trains and the metro system of Buenos Aires operate a Sunday timetable, omitting many of the intermediate stations. Hopefully this helps to curb the spread of the virus as the health system would be extremely challenged by having to cope with a large outbreak of the disease.
A new Transport Minister takes over
After the incumbent president Mauricio Macri failed to secure a second term in office, his opponent Alberto Fernández took over on 10 December 2019. Mr Fernández appointed Mario Meoni as Minister for Transport, who became the successor of Guillermo Dietrich. Mr Meoni was Mayor of the city of Junín during 12 years. Junín is one of the many emblematic railway cities in Argentina with its workshops, suffering heavily from the decline of the railways in the country since the early 1990ies. Although he is not a railway professional, Mr Meoni seems to embrace the railways as a key mode of transport and uses common sense and comprehensive thinking in order to define the future of freight and passenger transport in Argentina. However, in light of the severely depleted financial reserves (some may call it an empty till...), this is a mammoth task and only a sequence of small steps will be possible.
The legacy of the Macri government (2015 – 2019)
The decline of the Argentine railway system began long before the Macri years. In 1992, the then president Menem ordered massive closures of railway lines which emptied vast parts of the country – 400 municipalities were wiped from the map - and caused a steady migration to the big metropolitan areas. These are now bursting at the seams with infrastructure unable to cope, poverty, lack of jobs and an increase of crime. All this adversely affects the railway by illegal dwellings in close proximity to the tracks, theft of rails, sleepers and goods from passing trains. During the Kirchner governments (2003 to 2015), the state gradually assumed a more proactive role in the railway sector which led to a re-nationalisation of most of the suburban lines of Buenos Aires. Also, freight operations on the Belgrano, Urquiza and San Martín routes were brought back under state control. After the debacle of purchasing second-hand rolling stock from Spain and Portugal, the government changed their strategy and modernised the fleet by acquiring scores of newly-built vehicles from China.
Once Mr Dietrich - he is well connected to the road transport sector - took over as Transport Minister in 2015, he declared that the railways would have two fields of action: Freight transport on key routes and passenger transport in Metropolitan Buenos Aires. What is the situation at the end of his tenure in terms of infrastructure, projects and traffic?
Passenger traffic: Three projects to put sections of suburban railways on viaducts in order to free space for road traffic (motorised traffic, not bicycles or pedestrians, as it turned out) were started, one on the line to Tigre (Mitre railway, mostly complete), one on the San Martín railway (Palermo – Villa del Parque, operational, but two stations and signalling still incomplete) and one on the Belgrano Sur railway. On the latter one, just the elevated station of Dr. A. Sáenz is operational while the continuation, a new line to extend the Belgrano Sur line to Plaza Constitución station, is far from being finished. So far, no service improvements or increased frequencies have been introduced on any of these routes. Over on the Sarmiento route, where a double-track tunnel is supposed to replace a quadruple-track line at level, work has stopped altogether, due to a lack of funds. The Puente Alsina to Aldo Bonzi line has been closed. Outer suburban/tangential routes which connected western suburbs of the capital like Temperley – Morón or Merlo – Lobos didn't see any investment at all which even led to the closure of the formerly mentioned line. After a collision in June 2016, for which by no means the passenger train was to blame, the governor of Buenos Aires province shut down Ferrobaires and devoid the province of all medium and long-distance trains. Eventually, a few routes came back into operation, using the new Chinese carriage fleet. However, frequencies were substantially reduced, for example once (Junín) or twice a week (Bragado) where Ferrobaires operated daily. Trains to Rosario, Córdoba and Tucumán have been retained as well as regional services in Salta and Chaco provinces. However, the urban railway at Resistencia, capital of Chaco province has been closed. All in all, quite a half-hearted approach to passenger trains. In the run-up to the elections, the government tried to woo the electorate with some “cosmetic” measures, but this didn't wash; it was too little too late. Not just the railways but the entire country experienced a severe decline during the Macri years. Although the country produces plenty of food, millions of Argentinians are suffering from hunger.
Freight: The only scheme promoted by Mr Dietrich was the Vaca Muerta project to connect the oil fields in northern Neuquén province. However, the Public-private partnership didn't attract any investors and it is currently still open whether and how the scheme can progress. Neglecting the infrastructure in vast parts of the country led to spectacular results. Uncountable derailments resulted in huge damage and loss in terms of locomotives, wagons and freight. Some of the “hotspots” are the passage through the city of Santa Fe, on the Belgrano metre gauge network the Buenos Aires – Rosario and Córdoba – Tucumán lines. The standard-gauge Urquiza network, connecting the northeast of the country, almost collapsed and was nearing abandonment. Its link with the capital was severed when the diamond crossing at Pilar (intersection with the San Martín line) was lifted. The re-connection of the Belgrano network with Bolivia has been postponed twice by Mr Dietrich and is still pending. The former trunk line Buenos Aires – Mendoza (San Martín railway) has also seen its share of derailments. As the dam across the Picasa lake is flooded, trains have to diverge over some poorly-maintained secondary lines, increasing journey times by several hours. The Macri government eventually began rehabilitation work on the Picasa dam, reluctantly, as it appears. The concessionaires Ferroexpreso Pampeano, NCA and Ferrosur Roca continued to operate, while the now state-owned Belgrano Cargas received delivery of new locomotives and wagons, built in China, although these had been ordered by the previous government of Cristina Kirchner. At present, rail has a share of just 7% of the modal split in terms of freight transport, while this is 20% in neighbouring Brazil! Road haulage is detrimental to exports as the direct costs are substantially higher than rail mode, let alone indirect costs like wear and tear of roads and bridges, accidents, environmental impact like carbon footprint etc.
The new government and its Transport Minister recognise that a comprehensive approach is required with railways as the backbone of transport, complemented by rivers and roads. Well, it doesn't just happen with snipping the fingers... Ferrolatino News will have a look at the various smaller and bigger steps that are planned, some of which are already being put into practice.
So, here we are – the new government is now facing the mammoth task to address all the issues. It is certainly quite similar to climbing the Andes mountains! It has been recognised that the railways have a pivotal role to bring Argentina back on its feet. Mobility is a key requirement in today's society and life. But where to start? Infrastructure – certainly! Rolling stock – of course, but where is it? It is unclear, how many carriages and railcars were sold for scrap or have been donated to schools and parks by the previous government. As long as there is existing stock in a condition which allows for adequate refurbishment, projects can go ahead swiftly and at low cost, but should there be a requirement to purchase new rolling stock, the matter will be more complex as the Treasury will have its say... The experience with vehicles manufactured in China has been somewhat mixed; supply of spare parts being one of the core issues.
The various parts of the country are connected with the capital and the seaports by railway systems of different track gauges, and the attention has turned towards the trunk routes of each network.
The standard-gauge Urquiza line has been virtually saved in the last minute, and its main route is to be rehabilitated from Paso de los Libres to Garupá with a subsequent extension to Encarnación in Paraguay. Traffic has already resumed as far as Santo Tomé, while repair work further north is currently under way.
Repair and track relay work is key to bring the vast metre-gauge Belgrano network back into action. The most precarious sections on the Rosario – Córdoba – Tucumán and further towards the north trunk route are currently being attended to. Some spots even saw multiple derailments during the last year! Repair work on the section from Pichanal to the Bolivian border at Pocitos, twice called of by Mr Dietrich, should now go ahead, so that there is at least a connection to the eastern network of Bolivia. In Chaco province, the previous government had somewhat reluctantly started track refurbishment on the C13 route between Presidencia Roque Sáenz Peña and Resistencia, although for some unknown reason, use of Puerto Barranqueras port on the Paraná river was not promoted by the Macri government. This decision seems to have been reversed, and the relay work is going ahead.
Work on the dam across the Picasa lake is ongoing, so that freight trains on the San Martín trunk route to and from Mendoza can use the original route.
Some consideration is given to reconnect the Tren Patagónico route at Viedma. The track south of Bahía Blanca is currently passable at walking pace over several hundreds of kilometres. A commercial operation is, therefore, not viable. Substantial remedy work will have its price tag attached to it!
Passenger trains
The following is an overview from north to south, system by system, over the various projects promoted by the state and regional/local authorities. Both social and tourist schemes are covered.
Belgrano network (metre-gauge)
Salta province is giving priority to suburban trains Salta to Cerrillos. This seems to be justified by the huge success of the Salta to Güemes trains.
A bit further north, Jujuy province is working steadily, but slowly – due to the limited funding available – on the reconstruction of the Jujuy to La Quiaca line. Progress is visible on the centre section between Volcán and Maimara. A solar-powered railcar, similar to the one at Byron Bay in Australia, will carry tourists on this scenic route in the same fashion as in Ecuador. The long-term vision is a tourist corridor by train from Jujuy to Machu Picchu.
Over in Chaco province, the Macri government started relaying sections of the C13 branch line between Presidencia Roque Sáenz Peña and Resistencia as a series of derailments made this a necessity. However, the passage through the city of Resistencia was left out as the urban passenger service was not meant to resume and Puerto Barranqueras was not considered a priority. The new transport minister, Mr Meoni, visited Resistencia on 12 March 2020 in response to requests from the province government. It was agreed that repair and rehabilitation work on the urban section will start immediately. As a first step, this should allow for the train from Los Amores to continue its journey from Cacuí station to Resistencia within a month's time. At present, the bus fare for this 9 km stretch is a multiple of the rail fare for the 147 km from Los Amores to Cacuí! Local trains on the Puerto Tirol – Resistencia – Puerto Barranqueras should follow as soon as possible. The railcars for this service are actually there! Freight trains to Puerto Barranqueras on the Paraná river will also benefit from the track upgrade.
Now let's go to Córdoba province. The government has provided funding in their budget for the Tren Ferrourbano in the province capital. The link line between the metre-gauge network and the main station of Córdaba is finally usable – a few test runs took place – and railcars are available on site. From the part of the national government, there is a plan to extend the Tren de las Sierras for a further 20 kilometres from its current terminus Cosquín to La Falda, and in the long term, a further extension to Huerta Grande and Capilla del Monte is envisaged. However, long-term projects are always subject to continuity in politics...
Urquiza network (standard-gauge)
A project that has been mooted for some time now is a suburban train from Posadas over a distance of 16 km to Garupá in the north eastern extreme of the country. Mr Meoni has visited Posadas and gave the project a boost. In terms of infrastructure, the track improvement work will also benefit that passenger train, and further halts will be built. Some of the Dutch Wadloper railcars are one site to operate on the route, however, they are in need of some repair work. It is still open whether the current operator of the international train to Encarnación, Casimiro Zbikoski, will also operate the suburban train. The high fares charged for that international connection to Paraguay are raising some eyebrows.
Further south, repair work is currently under way on the suburban route Paraná – Colonia Avellaneda, although this is purely manual work with a small squad of workers. However, once this is complete, another 10 km of track will be rehabilitated so that the trains can continue to La Picada and Sauce Montrull. There is some talk at Paraná to reopen the route to Oro Verde, but this will be a challenge for Entre Rios province as the track alignment has been occupied at some spots by illegal dwellings.
Mitre network (broad gauge)
Rosario is the third biggest city of Argentina, and there have been demands for suburban rail transport which date back decades. In fact, Santa Fe province enacted a law a few years ago which would set the base for this, but nothing has come from that law so far (no surprise, though...). A new effort is now being made, endorsed by the FLB/AIFFLA partner organisation Asociación Rosarina Amigos del Riel, and it was in fact storming through open doors in Buenos Aires! The first stage will be a suburban service over 70 km from Rosario Norte to Cañada de Gómez, thereby re-opening all intermediate station. This would be complemented with further stops, one of them at the airport. The second route would connect Rosario with Casilda. Both lines require substantial infrastructure improvements, and the co-operation with the freight concessionaire Nuevo Central Argentino is essential. Another option is a link towards the south, from Rosario Norte to Villa Constitución, but this would involve substantial work to upgrade the long passage through Rosario.
At the northern end of the Mitre network, an elevated urban train is proposed in Tucumán, but it is questionable whether such a prestige project can be funded at all.
Back in the years of the Menem presidency, most of the Buenos Aires – Pergamino – Venado Tuerto route was closed, and only the 80 km long section to Capilla del Señor was retained as a suburban route. Its infrastructure is in poor condition, and it required a public petition (supported by FLB/AIFFLA) to keep the route open after a brief closure during 2019. The plan is to improve this line and extend suburban services as far as San Antonio de Areco, followed by regional trains onwards to Pergamino. Due to the severe depopulation beyond Pergamino towards Venado Tuerto, that section of the route is not considered for re-opening.
San Martín network (broad gauge)
Currently under review is the extension of the Buenos Aires – Junín route to Vedia and additional weekly trains to Junín. Mr Meoni has initiated the re-opening of the railway workshops at Junín.
Sarmiento network (broad gauge)
A track survey took place, starting at Bragado over a distance of 101 km to Carlos Casares with the result that the infrastructure was found to be in good condition; just a few level crossing require attention. That trains would run there in March sounded quite optimistic, but traffic should resume in a few months time. It is far more pressing to carry out track remedy work on the Luján to Mercedes section, where even passenger trains derailed during recent months.
It didn't take long until demands came up for a further reopening of the line from Carlos Casares via Pehuajó, Trenque Lauquén and Catriló to General Pico, in order to re-connect La Pampa province by train. There are, however, some sections of track between Carlos Casares and Catriló that require comprehensive refurbishment. Freight trains of Ferroexpreso Pampeano have to obey a 10 km per hour speed restriction there. The branch line from Catriló to Santa Rosa also needs quite some work on tracks and level crossings in order to be suitable for passenger trains.
Belgrano Sur network (metre-gauge)
Towards the end of 2019, the section González Catán to 20 de Junio reopened after many years, and there is significant progress on the following section to Marcos Paz. A rugby pitch is still obstructing part of the yard at Marcos Paz station, but people at this sizeable town are looking forward to use this route to Buenos Aires.
Roca network (broad gauge)
There are repeated calls from the communities along the 304 km long line from Lobos to Bolívar and Daireaux asking for the re-introduction of passenger trains. This had been reduced and finally withdrawn due to the poor condition of the infrastructure. Bus connections to this area are sparse, and the former transport minister, Mr Dietrich, had signalling equipment removed at 25 de Mayo station, and level crossings had been paved over in order to make resumption of services impossible. The current transport minister has committed himself to look into the matter. It would also be interesting to reopen the route for freight trains – at present, this terminates at Daireaux coming from the western direction! - as many intermediate stations have grain storage silos.
There is an excellent chance that the passenger train from Lobos to Saladillo and General Alvear will run again as the president of Trenes Argentinos Infraestructuras hails from Saladillo. A survey of the track and the level crossings ins currently under way.
The struggle of the Tandilenses (people living in the city of Tandil, some 120,000 inhabitants) to have the passenger train to Buenos Aires back seems to be heading in a good direction. The transport minister is very welcoming towards this project. At this time, it is still open whether there will be a through train or whether the connection will involve a change of trains at Las Flores.
Then, there is yet another chance for a railway project that involves Tandil. A steam locomotive has been refurbished at Ayacucho, and the venture now receives support from the state in the form of 4 passenger carriages which once were in use in long-distance trains of Ferrocarriles Argentinos. Delivery of the coaches – they are being refurbished at Rosario – is expected later this year. With several lines radiating from Ayacucho, the one to Tandil was chosen because it can be repaired at low cost.
The ministry of transport and local pressure groups coincide that re-opening of the General Guido to Pinamar branch for passenger trains is important. This will require some track repair work, but the key issue is the terminus at Pinamar. The previous transport minister ceded the facility to the municipal government who use it as their weekly market. This needs reversed.
Significant progress is made in the Neuquén area with the expansion of their urban train service. Extension of the route in western direction to the town of Plottier has commenced with 3 new stopping places now under construction. Funding for this had been secured a while ago, but the monies were re-directed by the previous transport minister to the urban bus system. Mr Meoni is now looking into a further extension of the route at its eastern end from Cipolletti to General Roca. Three railcars are available to supplement the two existing ones; two of them at their manufacturer Materfer and a further one at Remedios de Escalada workshops.
Many people in Argentina would love to see the Bahía Blanca to Viedma route reopened in order to have a direct link to Río Negro province and the south of the country. Rehabilitation work will be extensive and only makes sense when both passenger and freight traffic use the line.
There is a lot to do – lets hope some or all of this becomes reality! Ferrolatino News will report in future editions.
(Source: Fahrplancenter/Volta o Trem)
Victoria – Capilla del Señor
The petition for rehabilitation of the line from Victoria to Caspilla del Señor, also underwritten by FLB members, was positive. Since 22 December 2019 passenger trains are again running, but at slow speed, since works have been minmal.
(Source: Volta o Trem 24-1)
Neuquén - Plottier
Neuquén province is working hard to introduce passenger services from Neuquén to Plottier. 3 neu stations will be built. For the moment the national controlling authority CNRT has not yet issued a license. But the new government is not again this project, as long as the province is financially engaged.
(Source: Volta o Trem 24-1)
González Catán – 20 de Junio
December 2, 2019 the repaired section from González Catán to 20 de Junio has been put into operation after a gap of 26 years without passenger trains. Trains need 22 min for the 9 km long Belgrano Sur metre-gauge suburban line.
(Source: Volta o Trem 24-1)
Victoria - Capilla del Señor
The petition for the repair of the Victoria - Capilla del Señor route, which had been signed by FLB members, has had an impact. Despite the rehabilitation work being of minor size, it allowed for the passenger trains to run again as from 22 December 2019.
(Source: Fahrplancenter/Volta o Trem)
Neuquén - Plottier
Neuquén province are frantically working to reopen the route from Neuquén (city) to Plottier. Three new halts are in the process of being built. The operating licence from the state transport regulator CNRT is still pending, but it appears that the new federal government supports the project as long as the province puts some money into the scheme.
(Source: Fahrplancenter/Volta o Trem)
González Catán – 20 de Junio
On 02 December 2019, the 9 km long section González Catán to 20 de Junio, part of the metre-gauge Belgrano Sur suburban railway system, reopenend after 26 years. Passenger trains take 22 minutes to run through the section.
(Source: Fahrplancenter/Volta o Trem)
Petition continues
The petition continues!
In the election battle Trenes Argentinos Operaciones reopened many stations to passenger services, these are:
Between Buenos Aires & Tucumán: Baradero, Sunchales
Between Buenos Aires & Junin: José C. Paz, Pilar, Mercedes, Rivas, O’Higgins
Between Buenos Aires & Chascomús: Domselaar
(Source: Volta o Trem 23-6)
Luján - Mercedes
After the derailment of a passenger train on the way to Mercedes, Trenes Argentinos Operaciones started finally with track repairs on this 32 km long section from Luján to Mercedes. As a consequence journey times to Mercedes increased by over 20 min. and the number of trains has been reduced by 50%.
(Source: Volta o Trem 23-6)
El Maitén - Ñorquincó
La Trochita started rehabilitation of the 37 km section from El Maitén to Ñorquincó and regular tourist trains may start early in 2020.
(Source: Volta o Trem 23-6)
Petition helps
It seems that the aforementioned petition is helping to make enough pressure on Trenes Argentinos Operaciones. Traffic between Garín and Matheu resumed recently. But it must be said, that track repairs have been at minimal levels. It remains still open, if the section to Capilla del Señor will also be repaired and reopened to traffic.
(Source: Volta o Trem 23-5)
Buenos Aires - González Catán
During October 2019 the Belgrano Sur suburban railway will be extended from González Catán to 20 de Junio. At 20 de Junio station the last works are currently under way. There is apparently even a project to reopen the metre-gauge line even further to Marcos Paz.
(Source: Volta o Trem 23-5)
Güemes - Salta
Beginning September 2, 2019 Monday to Friday a third pair of trains will run between Güemes and Salta to reduce over-crowding of the existing two trains.
(Source: Volta o Trem 23-5)
La Trochita
La Trochita operates always more charter trains over sections normally without traffic. From Esquel trips have been made to La Cancha and Lepá (92 km from Esquel) and from El Maitén about 35 km to the North to close to Ñorquincó. La Trochita of Rio Negro was operating for the first time a charter from Ing. G. Jacobacci to Cerro Mesa a distance of 127 km.
(Source: Volta o Trem 23-5)
Victoria – Capilla
After closure of the line from Victoria to Capilla del Señor the aforementioned petition was created, which you can also subscribe. A week after the start of the petition a small victory was registered when SOFSE began operating passenger trains over the short section between Victoria and Garín. But pressure must be maintained that the entire line will be repaired and put back into operation.
(Source: Volta o Trem 23-4)
Cachari Station
Since 26 July the Buenos Aires – Bahía Blanca train serves now also Cachari station between Buenos Aires and Olavarría.
(Source: Volta o Trem 23-4)
Resistencia out of Service
SOFSE started to release all staff at Resistencia or to send them to other places which means the definitive end of the Resistencia suburban traffic.
(Source: Volta o Trem 23-4)
Viedma - Carmen
Tren Patagonico reopened the 7 km section from Viedma to Carmen de Patagones on August 9, 2019. But damages on the road-rail-bridge between the 2 stations forced to close the line again a week later. Repairs on the bridge commenced immediately.
(Source: Volta o Trem 23-4)
Buenos Aires – Chivilcoy – Mechita – Bragado
The Buenos Aires – Chivilcoy service was extended to Bragado July 15, 2019 with an intermediate stop at Mechita. From 23 August the trains serve als Andrés Vaccarezza station.
(Source: Volta o Trem 23-4)
Santa Fe
The Urban Train of Santa Fe was shut down definitively in July 2019.
(Source: Volta o Trem 23-4)
Mitre suburban railway line to Tigre
After test runs which lasted for more than a week, the 3,9 km long viaduct of the Mitre suburban railway line to Tigre was opened to traffic on 10 May 2019. While the Belgrano C station was also ready for receiving passengers, the Lisandro de la Torre station remains incomplete to date; none of the available sources give any indication about when this could happen. The new timetable doesn't meet the expectations of the public as less trains are now running on the Tigre line – particularly during peak periods – than before construction of the viaduct.
(Source: Trenes Argentinos Operaciones, Misdiasenlavía, Crónica Ferroviária)
Victoria – Capilla del Señor
The repeated derailments of local trains on the Victoria – Capilla del Señor line forced Trenes Argentinos Operaciones to close the route until further notice. It is intended to rehabilitate all track on the entire length of the line, but no timetable for the execution of this work has been revealed.
(Source: Trenes Argentinos Operaciones, Misdiasenlavía, Crónica Ferroviária)
Belgrano Sur
Construction of a 5,6 km long viaduct, linking the metre-gauge Belgrano Sur network from its temporary terminus Sáenz with Plaza Constitución, keeps progressing, albeit at a much slower pace. During the second half of June, the bridge section that will carry the future Sáenz station has been erected.
(Source: Misdiasenlavía)
Palermo – La Paternal
On 12 June 2019 the first test runs operated on the 5 km long viaduct of the San Martin suburban railway line between Palermo and La Paternal stations. Two diesel locomotives, normally used for freight traffic, were drafted for the weight test of the viaduct. Normal passenger train operation began on 10 July 2019, although without calling at Villa Crespo and La Paternal stations as work on these still has to be finished. Whether and when the long-distance train Buenos Aires and Junín will start using the high-level track is still unknown.
(Source: Misdiasenlavía, Trenes Argentinos Operaciones)
Belgrano Sur suburban railway
After more than one year of reconstruction work, a permanent way train finally operated on the 9 km long line connecting Gonzalez Catán (terminus of the Belgrano Sur suburban railway) with 20 de Junio station. There is a big amount of hope that the transport minister will allow an extension of passenger trains to 20 de Junio. No hints exist of such a decision being taken.
(Source: Crónica Ferroviária)
Embarcación – Pocitos
It appears that the ministry for transport will again advertise for the rehabilitation of the Embarcación – Pocitos (border to Bolivia) railway line. The start of those works was imminent not too long ago, but the project was abandoned at the last minute as savings of US$ 60m had to be achieved. Current figures regarding the costs are, however, considerably higher. It is quite doubtful whether anything will happen before the October national elections.
(Source: Crónica Ferroviária)
Buones Aires subway line E
After a construction period of 15 years, the extension of the subway (Subte) line E from Bolívar via Correo Central to the Retiro stations was finally opened for traffic.
(Source: Enelsubte)
Buenos Aires – Córdoba – Tucumán
Further stops were added to the timetables of the twice-weekly operating trains Buenos Aires – Córdoba and Buenos Aires – Tucumán, effective 17 June 2019. The additional stops at Campana, Zárate and San Pedro are intended to improve the low loadings of those very slow trains.
(Source: Trenes Argentinos Operaciones)
Buenos Aires – Bahía Blanca
The director of Trenes Argentinos, Mr Marcelo Orfila, announced during a visit at Olavarría that after negotiations with the freight train concessionaire Ferrosur Roca, the main line track on those 270 km under the control of Ferrosur is to be rehabilitated in order to reduce travel time of the Buenos Aires – Bahía Blanca trains. It is also planned to introduce an additional stop at Cachari, located between Las Flores and Olavarría.
(Source: Misdiasenlavía)
Buenos Aires – Chivilcoy – Bragado
Various media report that Trenes Argentinos Operaciones will extend its Buenos Aires – Chivilcoy train to Bragado during July 2019. Whether the trains will also call at Andrés Vaccarezza and Mechita stations is still unclear. Both towns have been campaigning for this since at least one year.
(Source: Misdiasenlavía, Crónica Ferroviaria)
Bahnhof Domselaar
Domselaar station, located on the route to Mar del Plata at a distance of 52 km from Plaza Constitución, is currently being refurbished and will reopen for service in the coming months. The regional trains of the Alejandro Korn to Chascomús service will then call at that station.
(Source: Crónica Ferroviária, Misdiasenlavía)
Ezeiza – Cañuelas – Lobos
Since 8 June 2019, the regional trains on the Ezeiza – Cañuelas – Lobos route are now also operating on Saturdays and Sundays. At the same time, travel times between Cañuelas and Empalme Lobos have been extended as the track condition allows for speeds considerably under 50 kph only.
(Source: Trenes Argentinos Operaciones)
Tren del Valle
Refurbishment of a Materfer railcar was finished at the end of June 2019, the work having been carried out in the Remedios de Escalada (Buenos Aires) workshops. It will be transferred to Neuquén at the start of July and will serve as a spare/backup vehicle for the Tren del Valle in order to avoid service cancellations when the so far only available railcar suffers from mechanical problems.
(Source: Crónica Ferroviária, Misdiasenlavía)
Salta – Güemes
The offer of the Salta – Güemes regional train has been boosted with a third round-trip on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. This applies during the month of July 2019 only.
(Source: Trenes Argentinos Operaciones)
La Trochita
Due to increasing demand La Trochita increased considerably the number of trips from Esquel to Nahuel Pan and between El Maitén and Desvío B. Thomae during July 2019.
(Source: Volta o Trem 23-3)
Additional Stops
From June 17, 2019 on the trains from Buenos Aires to Córdoba and Tucumán stop also at Campana, Zárate and San Pedro.
(Source: Volta o Trem 23-3)
Victoria – Capilla
After more derailments Trenes Argentinos withdrew all passenger trains between Victoria and Capilla del Señor until further notice.
(Source: Volta o Trem 23-3)
Cañuelas - Lobos
Trenes Argentinos introduced weekend services between Cañuelas and Lobos and lengthened journey times of all trains due to the bad conditions of the track.
(Source: Volta o Trem 23-3)
Fequent Derailments
Incidents involving passenger and freight trains keep being a common feature, particularly the highly frequent derailments affecting freight trains which happen daily. Critical spots in this regard are the passage through the city of Santa Fe and the lines in the Salta, Jujuy and Tucumán provinces. Early in April, one and the same freight train managed to derail twice. At first, three laden wagons jumped off the rails. The train crew then succeeded to uncouple the damged section of the train, but after restarting the train, the locomotive also derailed a few hundred metres further ahead. A couple of weeks earlier, passenger traffic had resumed on the branch line between Matheu and Capilla del Señor after an extended period of closure following a derailment. Allegedly, the track had been rehabilitated during that closure, but the passengers of the first journey had the „luck“ to sample the quality of that work – one coach came of the rails at Zelaya. Thankfully, no casualties were reported. Only a few hours later, another local train derailed at a spot very close to the previous one!
(Source: Local newspapers, Misdiasenlavía, Crónica Ferroviária)
Freight traffic
The train drivers' trade union „La Fraternidad“ doesn't concede defeat in their fight for the Urquiza (standard gauge) lines. By own initiative, they have secured contracts with freight customers in the Corrientes and Entre Rios provinces and began hauling logs from Tapebicuá to Holt (near Ibicuy port on the Paraná river). Some grain trains also operated from Villaguay to Holt.
(Source: Misdiasenlavía, Crónica Ferroviária, La Fraternidad)
Belgrano Sur suburban railway
Track work is currently being carried out between Aldo Bonzi and Kilómetro 12 on the Belgrano Sur suburban railway. It is expected that in the coming months passenger traffic will resume on this 2 km long section. Whether the following 12 km until Puente Alsina will also be refurbished and reopenend is currently unclear, although residents along the route demand retaining the route and, on own initiative, keep removing rubbish from the trackbed.
(Source: Crónica Ferroviária)
Buenos Aires – Córdoba
As from 16 April 2019, the twice-weekly train Buenos Aires to Córdoba will additionally call at Marcos Juárez (between Cañada de Gómez and Bell Ville).
(Source: Misdiasenlavía, Crónica Ferroviária, Trenes Argentinos)
Tren Patagonico
To save costs and effective14 April 2019, Tren Patagónico operates the new diesel railcar on its Viedma to San Carlos de Bariloche route instead of the locomotive-hauled train. This means that during the winter no sleeping cars and car conveyors will be available.
(Source: Tren Patagónico)
Posadas – Garupá
The ex-dutch DH1 Wadloper railcars, which had been acquired by Casimiro Zbikosky and put into storage at Encarnación (Paraguay), were transferred by road to Garupá where they will be rehabilitated. Local traffic between Posadas and Garupá should then start. There is some talk about extending the service from Posadas to Paso de los Libres.
(Source: Crónica Ferroviária, Misdiasenlavía)
Paraná – Colonia Avellaneda
The local train service from Paraná to Colonia Avellaneda in Entre Rios province is becoming more and more popular. When local bus routes were stopped due to industrial action, the trains were virtually brimmed, and the operator (Trenes Argentinos Operaciones) had to increase the number of journeys for the first time. Another incentive for the passengers was that the train fare is 2 Pesos while the buses charge some 22 Pesos for the same route.
(Source: Crónica Ferroviária, Misdiasenlavía)
A further Alerce railcar has been transferred from the Belgrano Norte suburban railway to Córdoba in order to operate on the Tren de las Sierras route. It is intended to reopen a stretch of 600 metres of line to connect it with the Mitre Station of Córdoba. This would allow to bring the very popular trains closer to the city centre and use the Mitre main railway terminus as departure point instead of Alta Córdoba.
(Source: Crónica Ferroviária, Misdiasenlavía)
Tren del Valle resumed operations
The Tren del Valle has resumed operations after repair work on a bridge damaged by a lorry was completed. Also, it has come to light that the transport ministry diverted funds which originally were earmarked for the extension of the train route to Plottier to an upgrade of the 5 km-long city bus route of Neuquén instead. Overhaul work on the two additional railcars which had started at Remedios de Escalada (Buenos Aires) was halted as a consequence of the subsidy cuts to the railway sector; and the two vehicles may never get to Neuquén.
(Source: Crónica Ferroviária)
La Plata Station – Policlínico – Circunvalación
Local train service at La Plata, currently operating from the railway station to Policlínico halt, is to be extended to the Circunvalación area of the city. A one-day test operation has been successfully carried out and proved that there is sufficient demand. However, the respective authorisation from the transport minstry is still pending.
(Source: Crónica Ferroviária)
Tren Patagonico
The northern section of the „Trochita“ (in Río Negro province), on which Tren Patagónico operates steam trains between Ingeniero Guido Jacobacci and Ojos de Agua stations, is seeing a very positive development. Therefore, two additional public runs were scheduled in March 2019, followed by a further one in April 2019.
(Source: Crónica Ferroviária, Misdiasenlavía, Tren Patagonico)
La Trochita
La Trochita between Ing. G. Jacobacci and Ojos de Agua was such a success during January and February that additional trips on March 16 and 30, and April 19 2019 have been programmed.
(Source: Volta o Trem 23-2)
Viedma - San Carlos de Bariloche
Since end-March the passenger train Viedma – San Carlos de Bari-loche was replaced by the new railcar to reduce operating expenses.
(Source: Volta o Trem 23-2)
Buenos Aires – Marcos Juárez – Córdoba
rom April 4, 2019 on the Buenos Aires-Córdoba passenger train will also stop at Marcos Juárez between Cañada de Gómez and Bell Ville.
(Source: Volta o Trem 23-2)
Aldo Bonzi – Kilómetro 12
There are rumors that the 2 km section from Aldo Bonzi to Kilómetro 12 of the closed suburban line (Belgrano Sur) to Puente Alsina may be reopened for passenger traffic. Works are currently going on.
(Source: Volta o Trem 23-2)
Villa Maria – Manfredi – Tío Pujio – Córdoba
Since December 2018 the regional train Villa Maria – Córdoba got new stops at Manfredi and Tío Pujio and the journey time was reduced by 10 min. From 4 February 2019 on all long-distance trains to Rosario, Córdoba and Tucumán are only serving Buenos Aires Retiro San Martin station, because Retiro Mitre station undergoes refurbishments and the connection to the new viaduct will be completed.
(Source: Volta o Trem 23-1)
Increases of Fares
Driven by the devaluation of the Peso there will be monthly increases of fares until at least March 2019. In addition, starting 01 January 2019, the federal government ceased to transfer funds to subsidise public transport to the provinces which means that price increases will be substantially higher outside Buenos Aires. Long-distance passenger trains saw less frequent and rather limited fare increases, however, in December of 2018 low-cost bus services were introduced which benefit from state subisidies. All of these bus routes run parallel to the long-distance trains and offer fares which are only slightly higher than train fares, but they are considerably faster and operate more frequently than the trains.
(Source: Newspapers, Misdiasenlavía, Crónica Ferroviária)
Avia Teraí – Tostado
Heavy floodings in the pampa, in particular in the Santa Fe, Santiago del Estero, Córdoba and Chaco provinces, led to a widespread inundation of agricultural surfaces. Along the railway line Avia Teraí – Tostado it has come to light that during the refurbishment only rails and sleepers had been changed, but no work had been done to the substructure. There was a complete failure to rehabilitate culverts or build new ones. Now, after the heavy downpours, the railway alignment is holding back the water like a dam and aggravates the problems caused by the flooding. Private parties in the first place, but then also the proper railway company started to lift some sections of track in order to establish escape routes for the water. Needless to say that this line will be unavailable for traffic for a long time to come!
(Source: Crónica Ferroviária, Misdiasenlavía, local media)
Cuts to the state budget
The cuts to the state budget for 2019 led to the suspension of the project to build a suburban railway tunnel between Retiro and Plaza Constitución for an undetermined period of time or even for good.
(Source: Misdiasenlavía)
Closing of Routes
Trenes Argentinos has, apparently with the agreement of the transport minister, completely closed the standard gauge line from Monte Caseros north to Posadas as well as the cross-border lines from Paso de los Libres to Uruguayana in Brasil and from Concordia to Salto Grande in Uruguay. The staff depots at Garupá, Paso de los Libres and Santo Tomás have been abandoned.
(Source: Crónica Ferroviária, Unión Ferroviária)
Construction of viaducts
Construction of the two viaducts – one on the San Martín line and one on the Mitre line – in the urban area of Buenos Aires is continuing apace, and their opening is expected to take place later in 2019. A myriad of level crossings along the two busy suburban routes will be eliminated; and more streets which were cut by the railway lines can be opened to traffic.
On the other hand, progress on the Belgrano Sur viaduct is slow. The purpose of this structure is connecting Dr. A. Sáenz and Plaza Constitución stations to integrate the Belgrano Sur routes with the rest of the network. At this time, nobody can tell whether this viaduct will ever be completed in light of the current economic situation of the country.
(Source: Trenes Argentinos Operaciones, Crónica Ferroviária, Misdiasenlavía)
Additional stops
Trenes Argentinos introduced a number of improvements in its summer timetable, effective December 2018. Trains on the Buenos Aires – Córdoba corridor now have a passenger stop at Bell Ville (trains had been calling there anyway for crew change purposes). Both the Buenos Aires – Córdoba and the Buenos Aires – Tucumán trains now serve Rosario Sur station, and the Buenos Aires – Rosario Norte service calls at Empalme Villa Constitución, thereby satisfying a demand on which the city of Villa Constitución had been insisting for a long time. All these new stops are well frequented.
(Source: Misdiasenlavía, Crónica Ferroviária)
Buenos Aires Once – Chivilcoy
Trenes Argentinos stubbornly refuses to increase frequency of the twice-weekly Buenos Aires Once – Chivilcoy train to a daily round-trip and to extend the journey to Bragado. Allegedly, and according to transport minister G. Dietrich, this train is generating a deficit of about €50Mio, as only some 25'000 passengers would be carried on this route. As this is rather a regional service given the circumstances in Argentina, usage will only increase when day trips to the capital city are possible.
(Source: Crónica Ferroviária, Misdiasenlavía)
Ring Line resumed Operation
On 13th October 2018, after electrification works had been completed, operations resumed on the so-called Ring Line from Berazateguí (on the Plaza Constitución – La Plata suburban corridor) via Villa España, Ranelagh and Sourigues to Bosques (on the Gutiérrez – Plaza Constitución corridor). However, track condition is anything than good, as no work was done to improve it and trains keep running on worn-out lines.
(Source: Trenes Argentinos Operaciones, Crónica Ferroviária, Misdiasenlavía)
Tren del Valle currently closed
The promise to refurbish two railcars during 2018 for the Tren del Valle in Neuquén has not been fulfilled. To make matters worse, the line is currently closed after a lorry hit a bridge. It is still unknown when this bridge will be repaired and traffic can resume – also freight trains to Neuquén and Zapala are affected.
(Source: Crónica Ferroviária)
Tren Patagonico reopened
Tren Patagónico officially reopened the 46km long route from Ingeniero Guido Jaccobacci to Ojos de Agua on 19th December 2018. The steam train now operates every Wednesday over this section of line during January and February.
At the same date, Tren Patagónico introduced a new railcar, built by Materfer, which operates every Thursday from San Carlos de Bariloche to San Antonio Oeste, returning on Sunday.
Also in December, an integrally refurbished set composed of coaches acquired from the former FerroCentral took over from its predecessor on the Viedma – San Carlos de Bariloche service.
(Source: Crónica Ferroviária, Misdiasenlavía, Tren Patagonico)
La Trochita
December 19, 2018 Tren Patagonico introduced regular traffic on „La Trochita“, the narrow-gauge stream train in Rio Negro province. During the Summer, January and February the train operates each Wednesday at 11.00 from Ing. G. Jacobacci to Ojos de Agua and after a one hour break and another 2 hours journey passengers are back at Jacobacci at 16.00. For passengers from San Carlos de Bariloche the railway operates a feeder bus.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-A)
Tucumán - Rosario Sur - Córdoba - Bell Ville
SOFSE introduced new stops at Rosario Sur for the long-distance trains to Tucumán and Córdoba and the train to Córdoba stops now also at Bell Ville (between Rosario and Villa Maria).
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-A)
Fares on all railways were increased on 01 September and again on 01 October 2018 by around 30 to 35 per cent on each occasion. Another fare revision is expected for 01 November 2018. This means that fares will have doubled at the end of the current year, compared to their level in August. However, as the bus companies have increased their fares as well, the railways still have an unbeatable advantage pricewise. In just a few relations, flight tickets of low-cost carriers are similar to train fares.
(Source: )
The metre-gauge track across the city of Santa Fe, used by Trenes Argentinos/Línea Belgrano freight trains, is in a very bad condition which leads to very frequent derailments – on some spots almost daily. Most derailments are due to the lack of track maintenance, but some of them were caused intentionally in order to steal commodities (soja, grain or sugar in most cases) from the wagons.
(Source: Crónica Ferroviária, Misdiasenlavía, local media )
Bridges between Andrés Vaccarezza and Bragado
Trenes Argentinos Operaciones have finally completed repair work on the two bridges between Andrés Vaccarezza and Bragado. Stress tests were successfully carried out in August 2018. Since then, freight trains have returned to the line carrying maize from Bragado to Buenos Aires. On the other hand, re-introduction of passenger trains to Bragado or even further to General Pico doesn't seem to be on the cards.
(Source: Misdiasenlavía)
Cuts to the state budget
The cuts to the state budget for 2019 will put the planned refurbishments on the railway network beyond reach. Both the tunnel construction on the Sarmiento suburban line as well as the project to interlink Plaza Constitución and Retiro stations via a tunnel underneath the city centre of Buenos Aires are therefore put in jeopardy.
(Source: Misdiasenlavía)
Dr. Sáenz – Buenos Aires
The section between Dr. A Sáenz and Buenos Aires stations of the metre-gauge Belgrano Sur suburban line has been closed in order to make room for construction of a viaduct. Once completed, this viaduct will extend the Belgrano Sur line to Plaza Constitución station and further integrate the suburban railway network. However, in light of the current economic climate, doubts have been voiced whether this work will ever be built.
(Source: Trenes Argentinos Operaciones)
Paso de los Libres – Posadas
It appears that Trenes Argentinos want to fully close the standard-gauge line from Paso de los Libres to Posadas. Staff have been made redundant, and for a few months now no freight trains have been allowed to stations north of Paso de los Libres. Although demand is high, all potential customers are being turned away. The future of this line and the rail link to Paraguay may be adversely affected should this closure be formally imposed.
(Source: Crónica Ferroviária)
Buenos Aires – Córdoba
Information from various sources suggests that Trenes Argentinos Operaciones intend to reduce the frequency of its Buenos Aires – Córdoba service from twice weekly to only one round-trip per week because due to the extremely long journey time the trains are far from working at capacity. To date, there is, however, no official comment on the matter. On a different note, there is much criticism about the fact that the scheduled stop at Bell Ville, a town of 35'000 inhabitants, is not used for commercial purposes. There is sufficient demand to justify the stop, as train fares even in the more expensive Pullman class are still far below fares of long-distance buses. The stop at Bell Ville takes 10 minutes and is an operational stop for exchanging train crews.
(Source: Misdiasenlavía, Crónica Ferroviária)
Buenos Aires – Junín
As the San Martín line is currently being rebuilt and put on an elevated alignment, the section between Retiro and Caseros is currently closed to all traffic. This also affects the service Buenos Aires to Junín. While passengers of the suburban trains can avail of free bus shuttle services, long-distance passengers are not offered such an option. One possible solution is re-routing this train at Mercedes to the Sarmiento line and terminate at Buenos Aires Once station. This idea fell on deaf ears at Trenes Argentinos Operaciones. Unsurprisingly, passenger numbers plummeted and the timetable has been reduced from three round-trips per week to just one.
(Source: Crónica Ferroviária)
Electrification Ring Line
The so-called ring line from Berazateguí (on the Plaza Constitución – La Plata suburban route) via Villa España. Ranelagh and Sourigues to Bosques (on the Gutiérrez – Plaza Constitución suburban route) has finally been fully electrified. All platforms at the three intermediate stations have been refurbished, and the first test runs using the new chinese electric trainsets took place. According to Trenes Argentinos, the line may reopen to traffic at the end of 2018.
(Source: Trenes Argentinos Operaciones)
Pilgrimage Days
At very short notice, Trenes Argentinos Operaciones announced 9 additional round-trips from Moreno (connection from the electric suburban railway from Buenos Aires Once) to Luján on the weekend of 6 and 7 October 2018. Those are the two annual pilgrimage days to the Basilica of Luján.
(Source: Trenes Argentinos Operaciones)
Urban traffic Resistencia
The urban traffic, connecting Puerto Tirol with Puerto Vilelas and thereby crossing the city of Resistencia, remains closed, although the track is in operational condition. There are even Belgrano Carga freight trains running to Puerto Barranqueras on the Paraná river. The ministry of transport refuses to comment on the matter and not even the government of Chaco province is getting an answer. Staff employed to operate the urban section – quite numerous – are now worried about being made redundant. Communities along the still operational regional route Cacuí – Los Amores have lodged complaints as bus fares for the short haul from Cacuí to Resistencia city centre now exceed the ones for the 147km long railway journey from Los Amores to Cacuí by a multiple. This makes vital journeys to the province capital unaffordable for the rural population.
(Source: Crónica Ferroviária and Misdiasenlavía)
Vehicles for Tren del Valle
The Tren del Valle at Neuquén expects delivery of an additional two railcars within the last months of the current year. The two vehicles, built by Materfer in Córdoba, were originally intended to operate on the Victoria - Capilla del Señor branch line. However, they didn't work there for a long time as they had mechanical issues; and several windows were smashed by stone-throwing. A while ago they were transferred to Remedio de Escalada workshops for overhaul and repair. One of the two railcars will be fitted with a Scania engine from Brasil. Whether the local traffic will be extended from Neuquén to Plottier, 15 km to the west, once the two railcars arrive is still open.
(Source: Crónica Ferroviária und Misdiasenlavía)
Steam Train Ingeniero Guido Jacobacci – Ojos de Agua
Tren Patagónico operated a steam train on the 46 km long section from Ingeniero Guido Jacobacci to Ojos de Agua in September 2018. This was a presentation run for the media, tourist trade and politicians as Tren Patagónico intend to operate a regular service on that route. Envisaged are packages including a bus journey from San Carlos de Bariloche to Ing. G. Jacobacci, then the ride on the narrow-gauge steam train to Ojos de Agua and finally the return trip by bus to San Carlos de Bariloche.
Another offer, mainly thought for tourists, will be the newly built railcar (by Materfer, Córdoba) which is scheduled to run weekly from San Carlos de Bariloche to San Antonio Oeste and back, starting from November 2018. This railcar will depart from Bariloche on Fridays and return on Sundays in order to complement the traditional train but running in the reverse direction.
(Source: Crónica Ferroviária, Misdiasenlavía, Tren Patagonico)
Concordia – Ayuí
The city of Concordia in Entre Ríos province endavours to introduce a tourist train linking Concordia railway station and Ayuí on the Salto Grande dam. Cooperation is being sought with Entre Ríos province, Trenes Argentinos and the bus entrepreneur Casimiro Zbikoski who operates the Posadas – Encarnación international train and owns all the Wadloper railcars. The idea is to transfer one of those railcars to Concordia and to rehabilitate the track to the dam. In a further step it is intended to either lay track to the nearby regional airport or to resume traffic across the dam and the border to Salto in Uruguay.
(Source: Crónica Ferroviária and local media)
Buenos Aires - Bragado
October 3, 2018 a chinese-built passenger train locomotive reached Bragado, 209 km from Buenos Aires. This wakes hopes that passenger trains may again run, perhaps to the National Horses Festival later this month. Freight trains al-ready operated over the rebuilt line which was closed in 2015 after floodings damaged 2 bridges.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-9)
La Trochita
From November 2018 on, the narrow gauge steam train „La Trochita“ runs again regularly in Rio Negro province between Ing. G. Jacobacci and Ojos de Agua. Timings have not yet been published.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-9)
Bosques – Berazateguí
Probably mid-October 2018 suburban trains will again start to run between Bosques and Berazateguí south of Buenos Aires, test trains will start to run from 6 October on.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-9)
Córdoba – Villa Maria
The announced increase of services between Córdoba and Villa Maria by Trenes Argentinos Operaciones didn’t happen.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-8)
Rising of Fares
Fares of all passenger trains are increasing considerably in 2 to 3 steps during September, October and November.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-8)
Transfer of Railcar
The new Materfer-built railcar was delivered to Tren Patagonico and was running by its own means to Viedma.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-8)
Córdoba – Villa Maria
Trenes Argentinos Operaciones announced the introduction of daily services of the Córdoba – Villa Maria local train (until now 3 times per week) and using chinese built rolling-stock from mid-August 2018 on.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-7)
Santiago del Estero – La Banda
Since 6 August 2018 the Tren al Desarrollo (Train to the Development) runs daily over the 8 km long line between Santiago del Estero and La Banda.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-7)
San Carlos de Bariloche – Ing. G. Jacobacci
The local train San Carlos de Bariloche – Ing. G. Jacobacci of Tren Patagonico runs again since May 23, 2018 once weekly. This after several months of repairs on the railcar.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-6)
Güemes – Palpalá
Despite a successful test the government rejects the project of implementing a passenger service between Güemes and Palpalá. The excuse is the « bad » conditon of the tracks – the test run was a lot faster than any trains in the past.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-6)
Rodriguez del Busto – Alta Córdoba
Since May 15, 2018 Tren de las Sierras operates again between Rodriguez del Busto and Alta Córdoba.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-6)
Mechita - André Vaccarezza
Rebuilding of the bridge over the Rio Salado River between Mechita and Andrés Vaccarezza is nearing completion, but it remains uncertain if trains will again reach Bragado.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-6)
Caseros – Buenos Aires Retiro
The San Martin Line in Buenos Aires remain closed to all traffic until mid-2019 due to the construction of the viaducts, which limits the Junin – Buenos Aires train to Junin – Caseros and the suburban services are ending at Villa del Parque.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-6)
Increase of Journey Times
After refurbishment of the tracks between Presidencia Roque Sáenz Peña and Chorotis, journey times of the railcars have been extended by about 30 min.!
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-6)
Buenos Aires Once - Chivilcoy Sud
Trenes Argentinos introduced a second weekly round-trip over the 158 km long line from Buenos Aires Once to Chivilcoy Sud and added a regular stop at Luján. Repairs on the section from Chivilcoy Sud to Andrés Vaccarezza (187 km from Once) commenced too and there is some hope that the train journeys will be extended to Andrés Vaccarezza at a later time.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-5)
Railway Stations Buenos Aires will be demolished
May 5, 2018 after 11.00 (local time) all traffic was ending bet-ween Sáenz and Buenos Aires station of the Belgrano Sur suburban network. Buenos Aires station, serviced since 1911, was the only station with the name of the Argentine capital. It will be demolished and the ground sold for construction purposes. Trains serve now a new provisorial Dr.A. Sáenz station.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-5)
Güemes - Pericó - Palpalá
Early May 2018 a test run was made with an Alerce railcar from Güemes to Pericó and Palpalá over a distance of 52 km in only 1 hour. Palpalá (exactly General M.N. Savio station) is located 13 km south of Jujuy, but the provincial capital can’t be reached since tracks are no longer existing over the entire section there. The authorities of Salta and Jujuy provinces hopes to put a regular railcar service into operation between Güemes and Palpalá together with the planned improvements of the services between Salta and Güemes.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-5)
Bahía Blanca – Viedma
When this Volta o Trem is edited a train of 11 coaches is under way from Bahía Blanca to Viedma. The coaches arrived at Bahía Blanca from Rosario a few days earlier. They came from former Ferrocentral and are in good state of repair. The 282 km long Bahía Blanca – Viedma line, which is closed since 2011, sees “heavy traffic“, because a few days earlier a freight train brought 4500 sleepers to Viedma for track rehabilitation and a further train with 3500 sleepres will follow soon and a few weeks back a refurbished locomotive was also delivered to Tren Patagonico using this line.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-5)
The Brazilian Government realized the value of the 1356 km long railway line from Baurú to Corumbá, together with the line from Santos via Botucatú to Baurú, which has also metre-gauge. The entire corridor has been renamed TransAmericana and the freight concessionaire Rumo Logística has been forced to invest in this line to get an extensión of its conces-sion. The government plans first to rehabilitate the existing metre-gauge corridor Brazil-Bolivia-Argentina-Chile, instead to build a completely new Transcontinental Railway. Many com-panies have shown interest to participate in the reconstruction of the existing line, including some from China. On the other side the Argentine government stopped all works on the rehabilitation of the Pericó – Embarcación – Pocitos line, which caused protests in Salta province, to divert the funds to pro-jects at Rosario and Buenos Aires. Interests to rehabilitate the Salta – Socompa line faded also away. Under these circumstances Brazil hopes that Bolivia will finally build its internal connecting Railway between the Eastern and Andean networks.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-5)
Buenos Aires Once - Chivilcoy Sud
Trenes Argentinos Operaciones announced that the weekly passenger train between Buenos Aires Once and Chivilcoy Sud may get a second train pair per week from a not yet known date in April 2018. At a later date it will also be extended by a further 29 km to Andres Vaccarezza. If the train will also run again to Bragado, when the bridge over the Rio Salado river will be rebuilt is still unknown.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-4)
Aldo Bonzi - Puente Alsina
Trenes Argentinos Operaciones suspended train traffic between Aldo Bonzi and Puente Alsina «until further notice».
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-4)
Puerto Tirol – Cacuí – Resistencia – Puerto Barranqueras
Thanks pressure by the provincial government of Chaco, Belgrano Cargas and Trenes Argentinos started repairs on the Puerto Tirol – Cacuí – Resistencia – Puerto Barranqueras line to reinstate the sub-urban services with the existing railcars.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-3)
More Trains
Trenes Argentinos increased the number of trains on the 3 electrified Mitre suburban lines and put into traffic new trains on the metre-gauge Belgrano Sur line between Kilómetro 12 and Libertad.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-3)
Reduce Journey Times
Trenes Argentinos promised to further reduce journey times between Buenos Aires and Rosario within the next 2 years, after having reduced them by about an hour recently.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-3)
Trains to Retiro
Trains on the San Martin line are again reaching Retiro station after several construction work for the future viaducts reached the foreseen level.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-3)
Buenos Aires - Tandil
The city of Tandil and its inhabitants are still fighting for the reinstate-ment of the passenger train between Buenos Aires and Tandil. There have been several meetings with the responsible people at Trenes Argentinos and the Transport ministry. Now Tandil hopes to get help from the freight train operator Ferrosur Roca to increase pressure against the authorities.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-3)
Passenger Trains
February 7, 2018 Trenes Argentinos Operaciones was running a test passenger train of the San Martin Suburban Railway to Mercedes P. There are rumors to extend 2 daily round-trips of the Pilar – Dr. Domingo Cabred service by another 39 km to Mercedes P calling also at Cortines and Goldney. Introducing stops at Mercedes for the three-weekly Buenos Aires – Junín Service is still not on the agenda. On the other side there are fears that the government will cease the hourly service Moreno – Mercedes on the Sarmiento Line.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-2)
Firing of Emplyees
The complete elimination of Ferrobaires (ex-Railway of Buenos Aires province) over 1000 workers will be laid off in the coming weeks. The state is not willing to reinstate all the train services once operated by Ferrobaires.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-2)
Posadas (AR) - Encarnación (PY)
Because of the very high number of passengers on the railcar service between Posadas (AR) and Encarnación (PY) the operator was trying to get authorization to extend services beyond the current timetable until 18.30. Both countries confirmed the high demand, but at last minute deferred the possibilities to do it so. The operator has now to enlarge the platforms of the two stations to operate double or triple Wadloper railcar compositions and operate them during the normal timetable.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-2)
Reallocated funds
The government has diverted funds destined to the upgrade of railway lines at short notice. The planned rehabilitation of some 500 km of freight lines in the provinces of Salta, Tucumán and Jujuy has been put on hold while the funds will now be used to improve track conditions in the Santa Fe region, to build the railway bypass of Santa Fe and to connect the port of Timbués in the Rosario area to the rail network.
Plans to upgrade tracks in the metropolitan area of Bahía Blanca have also been postponed as the monies earmarked for this have been reallocated to projects in the Buenos Aires area.
(Source: Misdiasenlavía and Argentinian Media)
Too narrow bridge
Upon building a bridge across the main road No. 5 near Luján on the Buenos Aires Once to Mercedes line, too narrow bridge bodies were used. Allegedly, during the survey a mistake had been made, resulting in bridges of only 3,4 metres wide being supplied and installed, instead of structures 4,2 metres wide. In the event of initial test runs, the chinese-built broad gauge trains were unable to cross the bridge. Remedial work consisted of cutting off protruding parts of the lateral beams which allowed for trains to pass the bridge. However, the scratches and even cracks on locomotives and carriages increase after each passage. The only possible solution is a complete replacement of the bridge, but this doesn't seem to be part of the Transport Ministry's considerations.
(Source: Clarín)
Overtake of the Railway Workshops
The Mechita railway workshops near Bragado, 200 km west of Buenos Aires, were closed after the demise of Ferrobaires. The site has now been taken over in December 2017 by the Russian company Transmashholding. This Russian firm intends to refurbish, rehabilitate and even newly build rolling stock there.
(Source: Misdiasenlavía)
Retiro – Pilar – Dr. Domingo Cabred
As the diesel-powered San Martin suburban railway line will be relocated to a new, elevated alignment in the urban area of Buenos Aires, it has to be expected that suburban trains on the entire line Retiro – Pilar – Dr. Domingo Cabred may be cancelled for an extended period of time. The long-distance train Retiro – Junin also appears to be in danger. During the period 10th January to 13th February 2018 its itinerary has been shortened to Caseros (eighth station from Retiro on the suburban stretch) – Junin, while passengers have the option to travel by bus between Retiro and Caseros.
(Source: SOFSE)
Buenos Aires – Mar del Plata
As announced, the non-stop express train Buenos Aires – Mar del Plata commenced on 07th December 2017. Despite protests, the early departure time of 04:15 has been maintained because, allegedly, no crossings of trains are possible on the line to Mar del Plata! According to eyewitnesses, there are indeed passengers using this train, although no public transport operates at that hour to the Plaza Constitución departure station. As this is a seasonal offer, the train is expected to run until about 07th March 2018.
(Source: Misdiasenlavía, regional newspapers)
Temperley – Cañuelas – Lobos – Saladillo – General Alvear / Cañuelas – Monte
Without previous notice, SOFSE cancelled all regional trains of the Temperley – Cañuelas – Lobos – Saladillo – General Alvear and Cañuelas – Monte routes. Bad track condition was given as a reason for the General Alvear route, but SOFSE didn't pronounce themselves about the Monte route.
(Source: SOFSE)
Salta – Güemes
On a trial basis, SOFSE operated an additional round-trip by railcar between Salta and Güemes on 29th December and 05th January. Without the journeys being announced previously, the loading factor reached 75% on both occasions! According to SOFSE, the purpose of this trial was to assess whether additional journeys are required on this route. This should be fairly easy to find out as tickets for the 2 round-trips Monday to Friday and the one round-trip on Saturdays are only available via advance purchase, and all journeys are fully booked year in, year out.
(Source: SOFSE)
Alejandro Korn – Chascomús / Buenos Aires – Lezama
At the beginning of December 2017, SOFSE reinstated regional train traffic between Alejandro Korn and Chascomús, although limited to three daily round-trips with two additional round-trips on weekends. Before these services were withdrawn – this step led to permanent pressure from passengers for their re-introduction – up to 9 daily round-trips operated on the route. On the down side, the by now very popular regional train Buenos Aires – Lezama has been withdrawn, without any reasons given.
(Source: SOFSE)
La Trochita
La Trochita (The old Patagonia Express) operates as follows: Esquel – Nahuel Pan daily except Sundays until 28 Februray 2018; during March Tuesday and Saturday and thereafter every Saturday. El Maitén – Desvío Bruno Thomaé until 8 February 2018 daily except Sunday and Monday; then until 28 February Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and during March every Saturday only. The line from El Maitén to Ñorquincó is currently under rehabilitation together with the help of Rio Negro province and trains may start to operate no later than in March 2018.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-1)
Güemes - Salta
As a trial SOFSE was operating a third pair of railcars between Salta and Güemes, without any announcement on 29 December 2017 and 5 January 2018 and both trains were over 75% occupied, Local authorities hope that this will encourage SOFSE to operate more trains regularily.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-1)
Fares for the long-distance services from Buenos Aires to Rosario, Córdoba and Tucumán have increased by about 35% on 4 January 2018.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-1)
Closing of Railway Lines
The Regional trains Temperley – General Alvear, Cañuelas – Monte and Cañuelas – Lobos have been suspended from 5 January 2018 on until further notice without mentioning the reason for this measure.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-1)
Construction Works
From 10 January to 13 February 2018 due to construction works on the San Martin line, all suburban trains will operate between Villa del Parque and Pilar and Dr. D. Cabred and the long-distance service will operate between Caseros and Junin only.
(Source: Volta o Trem 22-1)
Alejandro Korn – Chascomús / Lezama – Buenos Aires
Trenes Argentinos Operaciones introduced on December 2, 2017 the promised local trains Alejandro Korn – Chascomús, but only with 3 daily round-trips and two additional trains Friday to Sunday. The same day the very popular regional train Lezama – Buenos Aires has been suspended. December 7, 2017 will see the start of the fast train Buenos Aires – Mar del Plata. But the railway don’t want to change the early departure time at 04.15, a time on which Plaza Constitución station in the capital can’t be reached by public transport.
(Source: Volta o Trem 21-9)
Buenos Aires - La Plata
SOFSE introduced electric traction between Buenos Aires and La Plata on October 18, 2017. Trains are operating daily about every half hour in each direction. Since the boarding platforms at Pereyra and Ringuelet are still not adapted to the new trains, they won’t call there until further notice.
(Source: Volta o Trem 21-8)
17/10/2017 Governador Virasoro, Línea Urquiza (1435 mm), freight train with containers
17/10/2017 Olavarría, Línea Roca (1675 mm), freight train due to heat kinks on the tracks
18/10/2017 San Francisco, Línea Belgrano (1000mm), freight train with new chinese rolling-stock
20/10/2017 Zenón Pereyra, Línea Belgrano (1000mm), freight train with new chinese rolling-stock
(Source: Volta o Trem 21-8)
Change of Timings
Early October 2017 SOFSE changed the timings of the long-distance passenger trains North of Buenos Aires. From Buenos Aires to Rosario journey times have been shortened by about 15 mins. From Rosario to Córdoba journeys have been extended by 2 hours and also the journey of the Villa Maria – Córdoba local train was extended by 1 hour. A train journey from Buenos Aires to Tucumán takes now 32 hours for the distance of 1170 km instead of 27 hours, the additional 5 hours have been added between Rafaela and Tucumán. All these longer journeys have been introduced without any explanation and until end September the shorter journeys could be done without any important delays.
(Source: Volta o Trem 21-7)
Museum Railway Ayacucho – Tandil
At Ayacucho (Buenos Aires Province) rehabilitation of steam locomotive no. 3351 has started. The regional Museum of Technology, the city of Ayacucho and the National Institute of Industial Technology are working together to set up a museum Railway on the 63 km long line from Ayacucho to Tandil.
(Source: Volta o Trem 21-7)
In the City of Buenos Aires, works began on 25th September 2017 to relay sections of the San Martin and Mitre suburban lines on an elevated alignment, in order to eliminate a total of 27 level crossings. To that end, the Lisandro de la Torre station on the Retiro – Tigre line (Mitre) and the La Paternal station on the San Martin line were closed to facilitate the works.
The electrification of the link line Temperley – Florencio Varela – Berazategui is progressing well and is expected to become operational within the next weeks.
There is, however, slow progress on the Roca suburban line electrification to La Plata. Recent reports suggest that electric trains may reach the province capital La Plata by the end of 2017.
Work is progressing on the refurbishment of the Belgrano metre gauge lines in the north of the country. This will be to the benefit of freight trains. Some 500 km of lines in the provinces of Santa Fe, Chaco and Santiago del Estero have already been modernised. The upgraded section from Pampa del Infierno via Chorotis, Tostado and Santurce now allows to run heavy freight trains from Chaco province to the port of Rosario.
During September, refurbishment work started on some 400 km of lines in the Jujuy and Salta provinces.This mainly includes the El Chalicán – Pichanal – Embarcación and Pichanal – Joaquín V. González – Talavera lines, but there is also work being carried out on some sections between Talavera and Pampa del Infierno. The overall plan is to refurbish 1600 km of metre gauge lines. It has also been decided to build an avoiding line for freight trains around the city of Santa Fe with a length of 63 km.
Works on the Buenos Aires – Rosario track relay project have concluded; there is, however, very little impact on travel times.
(Source: SOFSE; Misdiasenlavía and Argentinian media)
Long-distance passenger traffic
SOFSE introduced the long-awaited additional train services between Buenos Aires (Plaza Constitución) and Bahía Blanca on the 10th July 2017. This brings the number of weekly round-trips to three: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from Buenos Aires and Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays from Bahía Blanca. Only the line via Pigüé is being used. All trains now serve the town of Saavedra; the protests from local civilians and the local authorities which went on over months were eventually successful.
Further progress was achieved, when Trenes Argentinos Operaciones (SOFSE) finally introduced an improved timetable between Buenos Aires (Retiro) and Junín on the San Martin line, effective 11th September 2017. A train departs early in the day from Junín to Buenos Aires on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, while the return journeys leave on Mondays, Wednesday and Friday evenings from Buenos Aires. Additional intermediate stops were also introduced; and trains now call at Franklin, Castilla, Rawson and Chacabuco. However, the trains still omit Mercedes, the biggest town along the route. Efforts are currently made to convince SOFSE to introduce daily round-trips on the route as there is sufficient passenger potential, and additional stops are also suggested.
A new timetable became effective on 1st October 2017 on the Buenos Aires – Tucumán route. SOFSE cut travel times between Buenos Aires and Rosario Norte by 16 minutes, but significantly extended travel times north of Rafaela with the result that the overall travel time now stands at 32 hours, a hefty 5 hours more! There is no obvious reason for that step as the trains could usually cope with the scheduled 27 hours travel time. Similarly, the Buenos Aires – Rosario train now takes 15 minutes less for the journey, while travel times of the Buenos Aires – Córdoba trains remain unchanged.
(Source: SOFSE)
No additional Trains
Transport Minister G. Dietrich has made clear that no further railway lines will be re-opened for passenger trains. This came as a reply to various demands by the city of Tandil regarding the restitution of the Buenos Aires – Las Flores – Tandil service. The Transport Minister also specified that no passenger trains will run anymore on the lines Lobos – 25 de Mayo – Bolívar, Tandil – Gardey, Olavarría – Pringles – Bahía Blanca, General Guido – Pinamar, Mar del Plata – Miramar and west of Chivilcoy to Bragado, Lincoln, Pehuajó and General Pico.
(Source: Misdiasenlavía, regional newspapers)
Buenos Aires Once - Chivilcoy
Various reports suggest that SOFSE may increase the number of services between Buenos Aires (Once) and Chivilcoy from one train per week to at least five round-trips. Both the city of Chivilcoy and trade unions demand this improvement.
(Source: Misdiasenlavía, regional newspapers)
Buenos Aires – Junín
A press release by the Ministry of Transport, dated September 2017, mentioned the possibility of a once-weekly extension of the Buenos Aires – Junín train beyond Junín to Rufino or even San Luis. This would, however, have to wait until water levels of the Laguna La Picasa recede so that the track in that section can be repaired. It seems that all this is rather election propaganda in the wake of the parliamentary elections this October, as it contradicts with other facts. Some two years ago, an extension of the journey only to Laboulaye was proposed – nothing happened, and on the other hand, the city of San Luis tirelessly requests the lifting of tracks in the urban perimeter, which would make it unreachable by rail.
(Source: Misdiasenlavía, regional newspapers)
Alta Córdoba – Cosquín – Cruz del Eje
Emepa have built some new railcars of the „Alerce“ class for the Tren de las Sierras Córdoba – Cosquín. The government has now announced that the line from Alta Córdoba to Cosquín will be refurbished and service will be enhanced with the 5 new railcars. Allegedly, there is a prospect of the entire line beyond Cosquín to Cruz del Eje going in traffic again, but no date for this has been mentioned. On the other side, the already quite extensive fleet has never fully been taken advantage of and, despite sufficient passenger potential, no local/suburban traffic to Córdoba has been introduced.
(Source: Misdiasenlavía, regional newspapers)
Güemes - Salta
All stations and halts from Güemes to Salta have been fitted with boarding ramps in order to allow operation of the Alerce railcars that were delivered a few months ago. A first run of the new railcars over this line took place on 2 October 2017, but it is still unclear whether the timetable will be increased in the future. Local communities along the line are demanding this for some time, and SOFSE confirmed it about a year ago.
(Source: Misdiasenlavía)
Asociación Rosarina Amigos del Riel
Members of the society Asociación Rosarina Amigos del Riel (ARAR) have, in cooperation with members of the Rosario City Government, presented plans to introduce regional rail links around Rosario. The ever increasing road traffic and the very many severe accidents, many of them involving public buses, require a speedy introduction of a suburban railway network. The railway lines exist, some of them in good condition, but most of them not sufficiently used. Services from Rosario to San Nicolás, Cañada de Gómez or places to the north of the city have been suggested. This was, however, met by a less than substantial reply from the government in Buenos Aires.
(Source: ARAR)
Villazón - La Quiaca
Empresa Ferroviaria Andina (FCA) and the Argentinian province of Jujuy have signed an agreement which evisages the re-opening of the Villazón (Boliva) to La Quiaca (Argentina) railway line. FCA will rehabilitate the track to the border and also the bridge spanning the border river, while the Jujuy province will have to refurbish La Quiaca station and the access to the bridge.
Cacuí – Los Amores / Presidencia Roque Sáenz Peña – Chorotis
Problems with the railcars in service led to several interruptions of the passenger services on the lines Cacuí – Los Amores and Presidencia Roque Sáenz Peña – Chorotis, often during several weeks without any service. These and the continuation of the suspension of the Resistencia local train services are increasing many problems in Chaco province. But a change may not come soon, because these services aren’t seen as „strategically important“ according to the federal government, without taking care of the local population.
(Source: Volta o Trem 21-6)
Close and dismantle Railway Lines
A presidential decree allows now the transport minister to close and dismantle railway lines without any consultation with the government. As indicated in the decree this is „to the benefit of the Argentine population!“
(Source: Volta o Trem 21-6)
Elimination of level crossings
In the Buenos Aires area some mega projects have started now, to eliminate the many level-crossings. The San Martin and Mitre Lines will be put on viaducts and the Belgrano Sur suburban line gets an elevated connection to Plaza Constitución station. The main stations Retiro Mitre and Plaza Constitución have been heavily refurbished.
(Source: Volta o Trem 21-6)
Buenos Aires – Bahía Blanca
July 10, 2017 Trenes Argentinos Operaciones increased the number of weekly train services between Buenos Aires and Bahía Blanca from one to three. After blockades and many calls to the Argentine Government Saavedra got again a stop of the train to Bahía Blanca. Fares to Bahía Blanca have been increased considerably.
(Source: Volta o Trem 21-5)
Buenos Aires – Junin
It was foreseen that the number of weekly trains between Buenos Aires and Junin may increase from one to three, but this plan was cancelled at the last minute for security reasons. But in fact the main line is in good shape and the recent accidents didn’t occur on this main-line.
(Source: Volta o Trem 21-5)
Roque Sáenz Peña – Chorotis
July 25, 2017 the daily railcar service Roque Sáenz Peña – Chorotis was withdrawn until further notice without mentioning the reason. .
(Source: Volta o Trem 21-5)
Buenos Aires - Lezama / Buelos Aires - Mar del Plata
First information indicate the passenger trains from Buenos Aires to Lezama and Mar del Plata are well patronized with occupancy rates of more than 85%.
(Source: Volta o Trem 21-5)
Presentation of project
Workers Unions presented a project to run the weekly long-distance train Buenos Aires Once – Chivilcoy six times a week and to introduce also two daily regional trains between Merlo (connecting with electric suburban trains from Once) and Chivilcoy to serve again smaller intermediate stations like as M.J. García and Gorostiaga.
(Source: Volta o Trem 21-5)
Pericó - Pocitos
The Argentine Government decided to rehabilitate the C-15 line from Pericó (Salta Province) to Pocitos on the border to Bolivia to reinstate international freight services between Argentina and Bolivia. No passenger services are planned on the C-15 line.
(Source: Volta o Trem 21-5)
After construction work of a tunnel to put the Sarmiento suburban line below ground within Buenos Aires started, building of a new, 20 km long high-level line has also commenced. This line will introduce the Belgrano Sur suburban railway, currently terminating at the Buenos Aires station, by way of viaducts to the Plaza Constitución station. Plaza Constitución is to be upgraded and converted into a major regional transport hub where suburban railways, regional express railways, underground and bus lines converge.
(Source: Fahrplancenter)
Long-distance passenger traffic
On 3rd July 2017, Trenes Argentinos Operaciones finally resumed passenger traffic between Buenos Aires and Mar del Plata. There is one daily round-trip over the full length of the line. Trains take 6 hrs 45 min to connect the two cities which are 399 km apart. 12 intermediate stations are being served: Coronel Brandsen, Chascomús, Lezama, Castelli, Sevigné, Dolores, General Guido, Maipú, Las Armas, General Pirán, Coronel Vidal and Vivoratá. For the first time, fares are varied according to expected demand. Tickets for the two classes of accommodation (Pullman and First) cost more than double on Friday, Saturdays and Sundays as well as during holiday periods as they do on other days.
The day after, a local train between Buenos Aires (Plaza Constitución) and Lezama was introduced, calling at Coronel Brandsen, Jeppener, Altamirano, Gandara, Chascomús, Adela and Monasterio. As the train to Mar del Plata, it runs daily, leaving Lezama in the early morning and returning from Buenos Aires in the evening. It is also formed of new Chinese carriages, and Pullman and First Class are available. The fare structures mirrors the one to Mar del Plata, too.
(Source: SOFSE)
Buenos Aires - Bahía Blanca/Junín
An increase from one to three weekly passenger trains on the lines from Buenos Aires to Bahía Blanca and Junín has been announced for mid-July 2017. It is, however, still unclear whether this includes calling at more intermediate stations, as this has been demanded by numerous local authorities and organisations.
(Source: Misdiasenlavía, regional newspapers, Rieles)
Tourist traffic
After a long period of closure, the tourist train of Villa Elisa in Entre Rios province has resumed its operation.
(Source: Fahrplancenter)
Neuquén – Cipolletti
Despite multiple announcements to introduce more trains on the local route Neuquén – Cipolletti and its extension to other settlements in the area – to Senillosa or Plottier -, nothing has come about so far. The government in Buenos Aires is withholding the already allocated funding as they consider local train traffic at Neuquén as «not strategically important».
(Source: Misdiasenlavía)
Buenos Aires - Mar del Plata
July 3, 2017 Trenes Argentinos Operaciones offers again the long awaited passenger trains between Buenos Aires and Mar del Plata on a daily base. There is one pair of trains with a journey time of about 6 hours 45 min. Fares for travelling during holiday times and on weekends have increased heavily, but there is a discount of more than 50% for journeys made Monday to Thursday.
(Source: Volta o Trem 21-4)
Buenos Aires – Chascomús – Lezama
On July 3, 2017 regional trains would have to run again between Alejandro Korn (terminal station of Buenos Aires suburban trains) and Chascomús, but these services have been postponed at the last moment for unknown reasons. From July 4, 2017 a new service will operate between Buenos Aires – Chascomús and Lezama Mondays to Fridays, from Lezama at 05.30 and from Buenos Aires at 18.12, with a journey time of approximately 150 mins.
(Source: Volta o Trem 21-4)
Buenos Aires - La Plata
Electrification of the line to La Plata is going ahead at full swing. Hudson station is getting the promised higher platforms, but at Pereyra works have not yet started against all promises by the state.
(Source: Volta o Trem 21-3)
Villa Ballester - Zárate
June 5, 2017 Trenes Argentinos Operaciones increased finally the number of weekday trains between Villa Ballester and Zárate from 2 to 6 pairs (4 on weekends) and the Railway company promises reduction of the journey times as soon as the two new tracks are stabilized.
(Source: Volta o Trem 21-3)
Buenos Aires – Mar del Plata
Ferrobaires (of Buenos Aires Province) has now been finally trans-ferred to the state, including about 1200 employees. The government has still not guaranteed that trains to Mar del Plata may resume. Every Tuesday and Wednesday there are still „test-passenger-trains“ running between Buenos Aires and Mar del Plata, without passengers. There are now fears that many employees may be released since these additional aren’t included in the budget of Trenes Argentinos.
(Source: Volta o Trem 21-3)
Neuquén - Cipolletti
Due to the great demand there are plans to increase the number of trains between Neuquén and Cipolletti on Mondays to Fridays from 8 to 10 pairs, but the government isn’t allowing it for financial reasons.
(Source: Volta o Trem 21-3)
End March 2017 the Transport Ministry ordered the immediate sus-pension of the Resistencia suburban trains between Puerto Tirol, Resistencia and Puerto Vilelas in Chaco province, without mentioning any reason for this step. This operation got new railcars just a short time before this very very unpopular step. Train fares have been a lot lower than those for the busses.
(Source: Volta o Trem 21-2)
Buenos Aires - La Plata
After many protests by travellers and municipalities the Argentine government promised to complete the electrification of the very important suburban line from Buenos Aires to La Palta by July 2017. The catenary already reaches the station at City Bell, but trains could not operate because the intermediate stations at Hudson and Pereyra have still no elevated platforms. These platforms are now under construction and should be ready within 50 days. All works on the 8 km section City Bell - La Plata should now go ahead and be completed within 3 months.
(Source: Volta o Trem 21-2)
Temperley – General Alvear
The local train Temperley - General Alvear is again running twice weekly, the twice weekly turns Temperley-Saladillo remain suspended.
(Source: Volta o Trem 21-2)
Santa Fe
The Santa Fe local railcar has again been put into service after a gap of 8 weeks.
(Source: Volta o Trem 21-2)
Tren Patagonico
Technical problems with the railcar stopped the local service San Carlos de Bariloche – Ingeniero G. Jacobacci for 2 months. It has now been put again into service April 12 2017 by Tren Patagonico twice weekly.
(Source: Volta o Trem 21-2)
Temperley - Saladillo - General Alvear
Technical problems with the Nohab railcars (ex-Portugal) forced operator Trenes Argentinos to suspend the passenger traffic between Saladillo and General Alvear. The twice weekly service between Temperley and Saladillo is now run with locomotive hauled stock.
(Source: Volta o Trem 21-1)
Buenos Aires – Mar del Plata
Operation of the Buenos Aires – Mar del Plata corridor still hasn't resumed, although this was announced for December 2016. More than 30 trial runs took place, as it appears without major problems; and at this time it is still unknown what prevents the line from going in service.
(Source: El Reportero Ferroviario; Misdiasenlavía, La Razón de Chivilcoy)
Buenos Aires Once – Bragado
Reconstruction work on the La Clarita and Río Salado bridges near Chivilcoy is due to be completed shortly. Local authorities along the line are campaigning for an immediate re-opening to passenger traffic between Buenos Aires and at least Bragado once work has finished.
(Source: El Reportero Ferroviario; Misdiasenlavía, La Razón de Chivilcoy)
Railway station Saavedra
The municipality of Saavedra (in the southwest of Buenos Aires province) has, along with a numerous squad of volunteers, started refurbishment of their railway station. This happens to emphasise the request to re-introduce a stop at Saavedra to the weekly Buenos Aires – Bahía Blanca train, as after the closure of Ferrobaires in mid-2016 no stops are provided anymore at Saavedra.
(Source: El Reportero Ferroviario; Misdiasenlavía, La Razón de Chivilcoy)
New Freight Wagons
Scores of new freight wagons manufactured in China were received at the port of Buenos Aires during November and December 2016, featuring vehicles for all three track gauges. So far, more than 2000 wagons have been delivered, including container flats, gondolas, hoppers, tank cars and others.
(Source: Misdiasenlavía)
Buenos Aires – Bahía Blanca
The Ministry of Transport and the operator SOFSE have announced during the first weeks of 2017 that they intend to increase the frequency of the Buenos Aires – Bahía Blanca train from one to three round-trips per week.
(Source: SOFSE)
Suburban lines of Buenos Aires
The Minister for Transport, Mr Dietrich, announced the procurement of a further 174 Electric Multiple Units for the suburban lines of Buenos Aires. At this time, it is not yet clear whether these trains will be manufactured in China. The communication just mentions that they should be similar to those currently in operation on the Mitre and Sarmiento lines (and those are, as everybody knows, from China).
(Source: Misdiasenlavía)
Jujuy – La Quiaca
Jujuy province has been granted funding to the tune of ARP 10m from the federal government towards the reconstruction of a section of the Jujuy – La Quiaca route. It is planned to rebuild a stretch of line in the Quebrada de Humahuaca. Included in this work is a competition for refurbishment of the stations along the route.
(Source: Jujuy on line)
São Paulo – Argentinien
Freight operator Rumo (formerly known as ALL Logística) has announced that they will cease to serve the Customs facilities at Santana do Livramento and Uruguaiana, which would effectively mean the end of international freight traffic. Various freight customers who ship a total of over 25'000 containers per year via the São Paulo – Argentina corridor have lodged a protest with the National Authority for Land Transport (ANTT). As the public administration is in an ongoing process of downsizing, ANTT are not in a position to intervene in favor of re-opening those Customs facilities.
(Source: Revista Ferroviária)
Buenos Aires - Mar del Plata
Reintroducing of Buenos Aires - Chascomús - Mar del Plata passenger services may again be delayed and can be postponed to January or February 2017. Exact reasons are not known, but apparently the authorities are detecting further irregularities on the tracks.
(Source: Volta o Trem 20-7)
Neuquén - Cipolletti
Timings of this service have changed and there was a slight reduction of services. Mid december a road bridge collapsed between the two cities causing an extraordinary demand on the train. But no additional services have been put into service with the result that the few trips have been such overloaded that the door system of the railcars was blocked and many passengers couldn?t been conveyed at all.
(Source: Volta o Trem 20-7)
La Trochita
In Rio Negro Province a special service will run over part of the well known narrow gauge on 21 January 2017! First a trip by diesel railcar from San Carlos de Bariloche dep. 07.00 to Ing. G. Jacobacci. At Jacobacci a Steam train will make the connection to Ojos de Agua (km 47 on the narrow gauge line) The return journey will commence the same day at 16.30 from Ojos de Agua with an arrival at San Carlos de Bariloche at 22.00, prices start at ARP 2582, Operator Tren Patagonico.
(Source: Volta o Trem 20-7)
Fire in DMU in Santiago del Estero
Two days after inauguration of the city railway of Santiago del Estero, the Tecnotren DMU caught fire because of a short circuit. This event is discouraging many people to use the new train.
(Source: Volta o Trem 20-6)
Increased Pressure against the Government
The Argentine public increases pressure against the government to reinstate passenger trains. The communities between Buenos Aires and 25 de Mayo initiated a petition in this sense, like as the inhabitants of Brandsen and Rio Negro province wants the rehabilitation of a direct passenger train service between Buenos Aires and San Carlos de Bariloche. Meanwhile the government hopes to have the line to Mar del Plata ready for passenger trains in January 2017.
(Source: Volta o Trem 20-6)
No more long-distance Trains
In a press statement of 6 October 2016 the Argentine government stressed that no new long-distance passenger trains may be put into operation. Even the Ferrobaires services which have been suspended end June 2016 may not come back. Only the services to Rosario may be increased and those to Mar del Plata reinstated.
(Source: Volta o Trem 20-6)
Refurbishment Infrastructure
Various sources have now confirmed that refurbishment work on the Buenos Aires – Rosario and Buenos Aires – Mar del Plata lines has resumed. The Ministry of Transport is also expecting major progress until the end of 2016 and it is envisaged to resume train operations between Buenos Aires and Mar del Plata for the upcoming summer season (January 2017 at the latest). It is also planned to reduce travel time between Buenos Aires and Rosario from 7 to 5 hours.
(Source: ARAR and private observers)
Rolling Stock of Casimiro
The company Don Casimiro, operator of the international train Posadas – Encarnación (Paraguay) appears to have taken over the remaining 20 Wadloper railcars which belonged to TBA. At the end of September they were transferred by low-loader vehicles from Pilar and other locations to Zárate. News from Argentina suggest that the railcars will be brought to Encarnación in order to be refurbished and overhauled. At present it is unknown where they will be used, but as Don Casimiro is interested in operating the suburban line from Posadas to Garupá on behalf of Trenes Argentinos, it is thinkable that some of the railcars will be used for this.
(Source: Crónica Ferroviaria)
Technical Problems at Tecnotren
The mechanical issues of the Tecnotren railbus used to cover the urban traffic at Santa Fé seem to be resolved only partly. Although some parts for the power unit could be sourced, the derailments continue. As track repairs have been carried out, it appears that the vehicle itself is the reason for the problem. However, the train runs as often as possible.
(Source: El Litoral)
Line Closuers
Yet another round of line closures happened on 28 July 2016, and this time it was the state railway who surprisingly cancelled all trains between Buenos Aires Plaza Constitución and Chascomús, without previous notice. Depending of the weekday, there were up to 12 round-trips on this 114 km-long line. Presumably, this was a consequence of the closure of Ferrobaires, as the line Buenos Aires – Chascomús – Mar del Plata is concessioned to Buenos Aires province with the infrastructure operated by Ferrobaires. Voices in Chascomús claim, however, that bus operators heavily pressurised Transport Minister Dietrich, because the trains were very popular and the number of bus passengers plummeted by over 80%. This doesn't come as a surprise, as a return ticket in tourist (i.e. Standard) class came at 100 Pesos, while the cheapest bus connections were priced at 200 Pesos for a single ticket and most of them actually charging 300 Pesos.
(Source: Fahrplancenter News; Trenes Argentinos)
June 30, 2016 Ferrobaires suspended all long-distance passenger trains within the province of Buenos Aires. The services which have been suspended « until further notice » are: Buenos Aires – Bahía Blanca (via Pigüé and via Pringles) Buenos Aires – Tandil – Vela, Temperley – 25 de Mayo, Mechita – Bragado – Olascoaga and Buenos Aires – Junín – Alberdí. The provincial government hopes that the federal state may take these services over.
(Source: Volta o Trem 20-5)
Trenes Argentinos
State Railways Nuevos Ferrocarriles Argentinos/SOFSE have been again renamed to Trenes Argentinos.
(Source: Volta o Trem 20-5)
General La Madrid
Trenes Argentinos added a further stop at its Buenos Aires – Bahía Blanca train at General La Madrid.
(Source: Volta o Trem 20-5)
For unknown reasons all passenger trains between Buenos Aires and Chascomús have been suspended on July 28, 2016.
(Source: Volta o Trem 20-5)
Tren a las Nubes
Since July 9, 2016 Tren a las Nubes, the tourist train out of Salta is back and operates every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
(Source: Volta o Trem 20-5)
Buenos Aires – Neuquén – Zapala
A representant from Neuquén presented the project to reintroduce a direct Buenos Aires – Neuquén – Zapala passenger train (like the former “Estrella del Valle” Express) and this was backed by deputees from Rio Negro. In a vote in the federal senate the plan passed with 40 yes and 11 no, so the government may be urged to implement the project.
(Source: Volta o Trem 20-5)
Augusta Victoria - Socompa - Salta
Ferronor of Chile reopened the line from Augusta Victoria (Chile) via Socompa to Salta (Argentina) in April 2016 for freight traffic. Though trains are only running irregularly and not very often.
(Source: Volta o Trem 20-4)
Paraná – Concepción and Basavilbaso – Villaguay
After several months without trains between Paraná and Concepción del Uruguay and Basavilbaso and Villaguay SOFSE/FA started to rehabilitate railcars and the tracks between Paraná and Concepción del Uruguay, the date for the resumption of traffic was not mentioned.
(Source: Volta o Trem 20-4)
Buenos Aires, Bragado - Provinz La Pampa
A few days ago reconstruction of the La Clarita Railway bridge West of Chivilcoy commenced. This bidge collapsed during the floods of August 2015. With this reconstruction train services from Buenos Aires to Bragado and La Pampa province will resume later this year.
(Source: Volta o Trem 20-4)
Wadloper railcars damaged
The Wadlopers railcars, which have been stored at Pilar station have been heavily damaged by arson, it is unclear if they will ever been rebuilt.
(Source: Volta o Trem 20-4)
Buenos Aires – Rosario
The unfinished remedial and relaying work on the Buenos Aires – Rosario main line resumed after a 9-month break. The first step is to replace the faulty (although newly laid!) concrete sleepers. There is some criticism about the fact that the works will continue with the same contractors and the same material as before the change of the federal government and it is expected that this will cause further problems. Construction work has resumed on a total of 94 km of line.
(Source: El Litoral)
Local traffic
According to local sources, the electrification of the suburban railway line to La Plata will suffer a delay of several months. However, electric trains started running between Buenos Aires (Plaza Constitución) and Quilmes in mid-February 2016. With some delay, electrification work has begun on the 7km-long section Quilmes – Berazateguí; poles carrying the overhead line were being put in place during March 2016. Official sources have confirmed that the remaining 29 km between Berazateguí and La Plata will see work commencing in the next weeks with a finishing date envisaged for the end of 2016. This is quite urgent as the bus substitution service is somewhat chaotic and insufficient.
(Source: El Día)
Neuquén - Cipolletti
Although the two Materfer railcars at Neuquén have been subject to frequent repairs, it appears to be impossible to operate them for a prolongued period. During some months now the trains were repeatedly cancelled, a fact that annoys customers and motivates them to revert to the bus in order to make their way from Neuquén to Cipolletti and vice-versa. Whether and when these problems can be solved is unknown.
(Source: La Mañana Neuquén)
Tandil – Barker und Tandil – Vela – Benito Juárez
During the coming weeks Ferrobaires will introduce regular passenger services from Tandil to Barker (69 km) and to Vela and Benito Juárez (85 km) using a former Portuguese railways Nohab railcar. According to the press these services may run daily. The service Buenos Aires - 25 de Mayo gets former Por-tuguese Sorefame electric-multiple-units with a diesel loco to replace the Nohab railcar.
(Source: Volta o Trem 20-2)
Tren Urbano in Santa Fe
Early January the Urban Train at Santa Fe started its opera-tion, but 4 days later it was suspended due to technical prob-lems which have not been released until now, due to the lack of spare parts.
(Source: Volta o Trem 20-2)
Alejandro Korn - Chascomús
Dezember 18, 2015 SOFSE introduced new local services between Alejandro Korn and Chascomús, offering 11 weekday, 9 Saturday and 8 Sunday connections to and from the electric suburban trains.
(Source: Volta o Trem 20-1)
Damages caused by Floods in Bragado and Mar del Plata
The damages caused by floods have still not been repaired, so the lines to Bragado and Mar del Plata remain closed and for the first time Mar del Plata can not be reached by train during Summer.
(Source: Volta o Trem 20-1)
Concordia area
The heavy rainfall at the end of December 2015 has caused severe flooding in the Concordia area (Entre Ríos province) which damaged railway infrastructure currently under renovation. The rail infrastructure administrator ADIF is currently unable to tell at what stage freight traffic can be restored.
(Source: Crónica Ferroviaria)
Tren a las Nubes
Heavy rainfall in Salta province on 05 December 2015 led to the collapse of the railway bridge crossing the San Lorenzo river. Operation of the Tren a las Nubes has, therefore, been suspended. In difference to other line closures, Salta province, Nuevos Ferrocarriles Argentinos and ADIF immediately began with a provisional repair of the bridge to rescue the Tren a las Nubes stock which was blocked at Campo Quijano, west of Salta. This was possible after a few days of work. In the meantime, full reconstruction of the bridge is under way and according to local sources, the line is expected to be operational again in March. Tren a las Nubes is currently accepting bookings starting from 19 March 2016.
(Source: Crónica ferroviária, Tren a las Nubes)
Rio Salado Bridge
Ferrobaires has started provisional repair work on the old Río Salado bridge, which had been damaged by flooding in August 2015. This should make it possible to resume train traffic to Mar del Plata in January 2016. Construction work on the new bridge, in the immediate vicinity of the old bridge, has progressed but is currently stopped due to financial problems.
(Source: Ferrobaires)
New Coaches for Metro Buenos Aires
The metro of Buenos Aires (Subte) has started testing of the first 6 Metropolis carriages supplied by Alstom on 27 August 2015; this on Line H. The fleet will eventually consist of 120 vehicles and will replace older trains.
One day earlier, testing of some of the 105 new metro carriages supplied by CRRC (China) had started on line A. These will replace the old FIAT/Materfer trains.
(Source: Tramways and Urban Transit)
Several Changes of Offers
On 18 December 2015, SOFSE increased the number of trains between Temperley, Alejandro Korn and Chascomús. Monday to Friday there are 11 round-trips, 9 on Saturdays and 7 on Sundays on this route. They connect with the electric suburban trains on the Roca line to and from Buenos Aires. Early in January 2016 it has been announced that the extension of some services from Chascomús to Lezama is intended.
At the same date in December, local trains were introduced between Cañuelas, Lobos and Monte; however, these will only run on weekdays. Lobos and Monte had been served by just a few long-distance trains per week from Cañuelas.
(Source: Trenes Argentinos/SOFSE)
Buenos Aires Plaza Constitución – La Plata
Electrification of the Buenos Aires Plaza Constitución – La Plata line is going ahead and the overhead wire is energized until Quilmes station and some of the new Chinese-built trains ran experimentally to Quilmes. The entire line to La Plata should be electrified by early 2016.
(Source: Volta o Trem 19-9)
Buenos Aires - Chascomús
After the floods of July/August 2015 the local passenger trains between Buenos Aires and Chascmoús are running again.
(Source: Volta o Trem 19-8)
Victoria – Capilla del Señor
Because of heavy technical problems with the new Materfer-built diesel railcars on the Victoria – Capilla del Señor line these railcars have been withdrawn and all services are again operated with loco-hauled trains.
(Source: Volta o Trem 19-8)
Railwaylines interrupted
After heavy rainfall during July/August 2015 some railway lines have been interrupted:
Buenos Aires – Mar del Plata, since September 12 a limited service between Buenos Aires and Lezama is again running.
Buenos Aires – Pinamar was closed again completely
Buenos Aires – 25 de Mayo and General Alvear; the line to General Alvear was reopened September 12.
Buenos Aires – General Pico over both lines, only Buenos Aires – Chivilcoy Sud remains served with one weekly train, and another weekly railcar Service operates Santa Rosa – Catriló – General Pico.
(Source: Volta o Trem 19-7)
Buenos Aires - Bahía Blanca
Since September 18 the Friday service from Buenos Aires to Bahía Blanca and back on Sunday is operated with a new Chinese-built SOFSE train instead of the Ferrobaires consist.
(Source: Volta o Trem 19-7)
Buenos Aires - Pinamar
On July 17, 2015 Ferrobaires reintroduces the passenger train between Buenos Aires and the coastal ressort Pinamar, after a gap of 5 years. This train runs weekly only, from Buenos Aires on Fridays, returning Sundays. It will operate during the main travel seasons in July, December to March and on Holidays only.
(Source: Volta o Trem 19-6)
Neuquén - Cipolletti
On July 20, 2015 a new suburban traffic between Neuquén and Cipolletti will be inaugurated. The first Materfer-built railcar does already make test runs over the 6 km long line between both cities since July 9. In a few days a second railcar, this one which runs between Bragado and General Pico, will arrive as relief vehicle. It is still unknown which rolling-stock will then operate the service from Bragado.
(Source: Volta o Trem 19-6)
Fórum, Santiago del Estero
Transportminister Randazzo was attending the opening of the new Fórum station at Santiago del Estero. This station will serve the new Tren del Desarrollo (Train of the Development), which will be built over a more than 4 km long high-level alignment to La Banda. The first of three railcars built by Technotren was put on the rails for this event.
(Source: Volta o Trem 19-6)
Ferrocarriles Argentinos
The Argentine Government created again FERROCARRILES ARGENTINOS.
(Source: Volta o Trem 19-5)
San Nicolás and Zárate
From May 1, 2015 on the new daily SOFSE/FA passenger train between Buenos Aires and Rosario will also serve San Nicolás station and on June 1, Zárate station may follow.
(Source: Volta o Trem 19-5)
Victoria – Capilla del Señor
After rehabilitation of part of the line from Victoria to Capilla del Señor Trenes Argentinos reduced the travelling times on this line and a new Materfer-built railcar was introduced to run a faster service.
(Source: Volta o Trem 19-5)
Tren a las Nubes
April 4, 2015 Tren a las Nubes (Train to the Clouds) recommenced its operations. It is now operated by a daughter company of SOFSE/Ferrocarriles Argentinos and runs most Saturdays until early December. For more information go to fares have been increased heavily.
(Source: Volta o Trem 19-4)
Neuquén – Cipolletti
July 20, 2015 the suburban service between Neuquén and Cipolletti may finally start, this after 15 years of intentions to establish this service. The two new railcars will be delivered about 4 weeks prior to the start of the service and the trains may then operate 16 times a day over this 6,1 km long line.
(Source: Volta o Trem 19-4)
Ferrocarriles Argentinos/FA as a State Holding for the Railways
The Argentinian governement has proposed a bill which will re-establish Ferrocarriles Argentinos/FA as a state holding for the railways of the country. FA will include the following subisidiaries: ADIF for infrastructure, SOFSE for passenger traffic and Belgrano Cargas y Logística BCyL for freight traffic. In the meantime, both houses of the Argentinian parliament have passed the bill and it will shortly be signed into law.
(Source: La Nación)
20 new Dieselunits for Belgrano Norte
The Argentinian manufacturer Grupo Emepa in Chascomús is currently producing a batch of 20 two-piece Diesel Multiple Units, known as „Alerce“ (larch). This fleet will be used on the metre-gauge Belgrano Norte suburban line of Buenos Aires and will cover limited-stop services between Buenos Aires/Retiro, Ciudad Universitaria, Aristóbulo del Valle and Boulogne-sur-Mer. Each two-piece will offer 120 seats, air conditioning, on-board WiFi, CCTV and LED lighting. The first of these trains has been presented in March 2015. 90 per cent of all materials and parts are being sourced in Argentina, while the brake systems are produced in Germany and door operation systems come from Austria.
(Source: Telám)
Rehabilitation Rosario – Tortugas
ADIF has started track rehabilitation on the 90 km long section Rosario – Tortugas of the Rosario – Córdoba trunk line.
(Source: Fahrplancenter correspondents)
Track Repairs Colonia Alvear Oeste - Bowen
Track repairs will begin during April 2015 on the 23 km long section between Colonia Alvear Oeste and Bowen; funding has already been secured. As a first stage, local passenger traffic will be introduced on this absolutely straight line in the Mendoza province. After that, it is planned to re-open the 306 km long stretch from Bowen to Realicó via Polledo, Nueva Galia, Chamaicó and Rancul. At Realicó (La Pampa province), connection will be established with the existing train to Buenos Aires. The Colonia Alvear – Realicó section was closed for passenger traffic in the late 1970ies, and with the closure of the Mendoza – Colonia Alvear line in 1982, that city lost any rail passenger traffic.
(Source: Sitio Andino)
Neu Project San Antonio Oeste - Tierra del Fuego
A project, created in 1994, to build a 1636 km long trunk railway line from San Antonio Oeste across Patagonia as far as Tierra del Fuego (Fireland), has been put on the agenda again. Former state president Menem halted the project in 1999 as being „useless“.
(Source: Tiempo Sur)
8000 Passengers Posadas - Encarnación
The new train link between Posadas and Encarnación, operated by dutch Wadloper railcars, sees now daily frequencies of up to 8000 passengers.
(Source: SOFSE)
Puerto Tirol – Resistencia – Puerto Vilelas
SOFSE has rescheduled its local traffic on the Puerto Tirol – Resistencia – Puerto Vilelas line during the second half of 2014. A new halt, Cocomarola, was openend between Bouvier and Gusberti on the Resistencia – Puerto Vilelas section. The number of services has remained almost unchanged, however, travel times were extended by 6 to 15 minutes.
(Source: SOFSE)
Buenos Aires Retiro – Rufino
On 27th February 2015, SOFSE introduced train service on the 421 km long route Buenos Aires – Retiro – Rufino. The train, formed of newly-built chinese carriages and offering both First and Pullman classes, departs Retiro on Fridays and returns on Sundays. The service only calls at Mercedes, Chacabuco, Junín, Vedia and Alberdi stations. While this train is being operated by SOFSE, the local Ferrobaires train between Retiro and Junín keeps operating on weekdays.
There are talks about extending the SOFSE train beyond Rufino as far as Justo Daract.
(Source: SOFSE)
Buenos Aires - Córdoba
he overnight trains between Buenos Aires and Córdoba are composed of new Chinese-built rolling-stock since 9 March 2015.Two weeks later state Railways SOFSE reintroduced passenger services of Tren de las Sierras between Rodriguez del Busto and Alta Córdoba.
(Source: Volta o Trem 19-3)
Buenos Aires – Junín - Alberdí
Mid-March 2015 the Ferrobaires local train Buenos Aires – Junín – Alberdí was reintroduced.
(Source: Volta o Trem 19-3)
Ferrocarriles Argentinos
The Argentine Government is issuing a new law to create again FERROCARRILES ARGENTINOS as mayor organi-sation, which will combine SOFSE (passenger services), ADIF (infrastructure) and Belgrano (freight operations).
(Source: Volta o Trem 19-3)
Posadas – Encarnación
The number of daily passengers between Posadas and Encarnación reached now about 8000 per day.
(Source: Volta o Trem 19-3)
Buenos Aires - Junín - Rufino
SOFSE introduced a new weekly passenger train between Buenos Aires, Junín and Rufino, formed of new chinese-built rolling-stock.
March 2, 2015 Ferrobaires suspended ist local train between Buenos Aires and Junín after a derailment.
(Source: Volta o Trem 19-2)
Posadas - Encarnación
The local service between Posadas and Encarnación is be-coming more popular, in the meantime up to 7000 passengers use this service which is run daily every 30 mins. with Wadloper railcars.
(Source: Volta o Trem 19-2)
Buenos Aires - Rosario Sur
SOFSE expects to inaugurate long-distance passenger trains with new chinese-built rolling-stock on April 1, 2015 between Buenos Aires and the new station at Rosario Sur. Test runs are operating currently and the signal systems are currently adapted.
(Source: Volta o Trem 19-2)
End 2014 SOFSE changed timings of the Resstencia local services and a new halt at Cocomarola was opened.
(Source: Volta o Trem 19-2)
San Carlos de Bariloche - Ing. G. Jacobacci
Because of the reduction of of road services between San Carlos de Bariloche and Ing. G. Jacobacci Tren Patagonico plans to run its local train three times per week.
(Source: Volta o Trem 19-2)
Tacna – Arica
Reconstruction of the railway from Tacna to Arica has started. The works are done by the Peruvian Transport ministry. Sleepers and some rails will be replaced and the only useable railcar undergoes rehabilitation including the installation of a toilet. Services should commence towards the end of 2015 and later on the line should be privatized.
(Source: Volta o Trem 19-2)
New Coaches, new Relations
SOFSE introduced a daily round-trip between Buenos Aires and the new station Rosario Sur on 1st April 2015. Currently, this train does not call at intermediate stations. At present, travel time ascends to about
6 hrs 30 min, while the now discontinued slow service took some 9 hrs to connect Buenos Aires and Rosario Norte (315 km).
(Source: SOFSE)
Tren a las Nubes
The famous „Tren a las Nubes“ resumed operations on 04th April 2015. According to media reports, track repairs took place previously, and the fleet of carriages has been refurbished at the Alta Córdoba workshops. Although a timetable with outward and return times has been published, passengers currently return by bus from San Antonio de los Cobres to Salta in the afternoon/evening. At present, it is unclear whether passengers can choose to remain on board and return by train to Salta. The fare for this tour is ARP 1540.00 (some € 160.00), while residents of Salta province pay a single fare of ARP 350.00 (€ 36.60). The new operator is Sociedad del Estado Tren a las Nubes/SFTSE, a subsidiary of the state railway Ferrocarriles Argentinos/SOFSE.
(Source: Rieles)
Posadas - Encarnación
December 31, 2014 saw the beginning of the regular passenger traffic between Posadas and Encarnación with ex-Dutch Railways Wadloper railcars. Trains operates daily every 30 min. Between 07.00 and 18.30, one-way fare is ARP 18.00.
(Source: Volta o Trem 19-1)
Posadas - Encarnación
The international link between Posadas (Argentina) and Encarnación (Paraguay) was opened on 31 December 2014, operated by railcars. There is still no permanent train station at Encarnación, and passengers have to use mobile steps in order to board and alight from the “Wadloper” railcars. Travel time between the two stations is 7 minutes, the trains are running between 7am and 6pm while the fare for a single tickets is 18 ARP or 7000 PYG. Initial press reports suggest that demand is high as the border crossing via the road bridge usually consumes some 90 to 100 minutes.
(Source:, Rieles)
Long-distance traffic
On 19 December 2014, SOFSE/Trenes Argentinos have, in co-operation with Ferrobaires, started operations between Buenos Aires and Mar del Plata with new Chinese rolling stock. Initially, one daily round-trip with one additional round-trip on weekends is offered.
The existing 4 weekly round-trips operated by Ferrobaires – one of them being the “Marplatense” - keep running, however with slightly altered timetables.
At the same time, the new avoiding line which skirts the city of Chascomús on the eastern side became operational along with the new “Ferroautomotora” station located on that new line. A few days after, the regional trains Buenos Aires – Chascomús from SOFSE/Trenes Argentinos were also diverted to the new station; they are since running on 7 days of the week (2 daily round-trips). Additional stops were introduced on these regional trains: Temperley (weekends only), Guernica (weekdays only), Alejandro Korn, Coronel Brandsen, Jeppener and Altamirano.
As a consequence of the still ongoing track relay/upgrade the timetables on this line will suffer from periodic alterations.
Over 5000 tickets were sold for the new trains to Mar del Plata on the first day!
(Source: Trenes Argentinos; Satelite Ferroviario)
The Buenos Aires – 25 de Mayo service, operated by Ferrobaires and established in October 2014, is only running twice per week and not three times as originally promised.
Trenes Argentinos have cancelled the twice-weekly round-trips Buenos Aires – Saladillo in December 2014. Only the twice-weekly round-trips Buenos Aires – Saladillo – General Alvear remain on this line.
(Source: Satelite Ferroviario)
Buenos Aires - Junin
The number of weekly round-trips between Buenos Aires and Junín has been reduced from 7 to 5 with the beginning of the summer timetable.
(Source: Ferrobaires)
Transfer of nine Coaches
Eyewitnesses report that SOFSE ran a stock transfer train in December 2014 from Buenos Aires to Tucumán, consisting of 9 Inox coaches ex CP and two luggage vans, apparently in order to run a third weekly train on this line. There is, however, no information available about when this train is supposed to run.
(Source: Private reports)
November 1, 2014 state railways SOFSE took over operation of all former Ferrocentral passenger trains from Buenos Aires to Tucumán and to and around Córdoba.
(Source: Volta o Trem 18-9)
Buenos Aires - Junin
Ferrobaires reduced the weekly number of trains between Buenos Aires and Junin from 7 to 5.
(Source: Volta o Trem 18-9)
Buenos Aires - Catriló - General Pico
The new SOSFE service Buenos Aires – Catriló – General Pico has proven to be very popular, the number of coaches per train had been significantly increased to meet the demand.
(Source: Volta o Trem 18-9)
Buenos Aires - Mar del Plata
December 19, 2014 SOFSE started to run new chinese-built trains between Buenos Aires and Mar del Plata. One daily pair and one additional service on weekends are operating, along with the four weekly round trips of Ferrobaires. On the first day over 5700 tickets have been sold for the new services. Because of the ongoing rehabilitation works of the line, journey times are at about 7 hours for the 400 km. The same day the new station at Chascomus on the new line avoiding the city centre was opened and operator Argentren introduced also weekend services of its local trains between Buenos Aires and Chascomús.
(Source: Volta o Trem 18-9)
Buenos Aires - Neuquén
Currently a new project is under consideration to reintroduce a direct passenger train between Buenos Aires and Neuquén. The federal secretary for transport is evaluating the amount for level-crossing protection along the line and there are also negotiations with Neuquén for the provision of diesel-railcars for the long-planned Neuqué-Cipolletti suburban service.
(Source: Volta o Trem 18-9)
Posadas - Encarnación
The bus company Don Casimiro bought two Wadloper railcars and brought them by their own means from Pilar to Posadas. For this journey even missing rails on the 1435 mm gauge main line have been laid again.. The company wants to provide a shuttle service between Posadas and Encarnación (Paraguay) over the international rail and road bridge. The railcars have been refurbished and newly paint at Posadas and a new station has been built close to the customs offices. A similar station should also be built at Encarnación, but is suffering some delays despite active support by Paraguayan authorities. The new train service may get some relief to the intense road traffic over the bridge.
(Source: Volta o Trem 18-9)
Buenos Aires - 25 de Mayo
With some delay Ferrobaires may begin with the operation of a railcar between Buenos Aires and 25 de Mayo in the last week of october. This service may run three times a week and the ticket price has been set at AR$ 60.
(Source: Volta o Trem 18-8)
Posadas - Encarnación
The bus operator Don Casimiro is in the process of acquiring some Wadloper railcars which were formerly used by TBA in order to establish an international shuttle service between Posadas (Argentina) and Encarnación (Paraguay) across the international bridge. The operator would build temporary platforms at either side of the bridge and offer a 15 minute headway. Meanwhile, this news has been confirmed by the authorities of the Paraguayan department of Itapúa. There is a hope on both sides of the border that EBY (Empresa Binacional Yaciretá) will see to build permanent stations for passengers and freight in both border cities.
(Source: Fahrplancenter correspondents)
Buenos Aires Once – Bragado – Trenque Lauquén – Catriló – General Pico
On 03 October 2014 Trenes Argentinos/SOFSE took up their service Buenos Aires Once – Bragado – Trenque Lauquén – Catriló – General Pico. It is an extension of their service to Bragado with the outward journey leaving Buenos Aires on Friday evenings and the return journey starting on Sunday evenings from General Pico. The train consists of newly built Chinese coaches offering seating accommodation in First and Pullman classes, and it also features a sleeping car. Travel time over the 614 km long line takes 15 hours. After a long pause, a number of towns and villages west of Pehuajó (terminus of Ferrobaires trains) have been reconnected to the passenger railway network. This includes places like Beruti, Trenque Lauquén, Pellegrini, Catriló, Quemú Quemú and Dorila.
At Catriló, a railcar provides a connecting service to Santa Rosa, capital of the La Pampa province. No detailed timetable has been issued as yet, but travel time is expected to be slightly over 2 hours depending on the number of intermediate stations served.
As it is the case with other long-distance passenger trains, fares in the cheapest class are just about 40% of bus fares for the same journey. More and more mediums-sized and small towns are currently losing their bus connections due to a lack of interest from the part of bus operators to operate regional services; and only the re-introduction of rail services can fill the gap.
The province of La Pampa is already pressing to increase the number of weekly journeys, a request which in light of the impending national elections in 2015 may have a good chance to go through.
(Source: Trenes Argentinos, Satélite Ferroviario)
Buenos Aires Plaza Constitución - 25 de Mayo
Ferrobaires will re-introduce passenger train services from Buenos Aires Plaza Constitución to 25 de Mayo during the month of October. To this purpose, the train operator received a Nohab railcar which had been painted in the current Ferrobaires livery. A number of these now 60 years old railcars had been purchased by the Argentinian state some years ago second-hand from Portugal. It is planned that the service will run 3 times per week. The previous train service connecting Buenos Aires, 25 de Mayo and Bolívar ceased to operate in 2010 forced by lack of motive power and poor infrastructure. Ferrobaires has now refurbished the track as far as 25 de Mayo. Some months ago, regional bus operators terminated services to 25 de Mayo, a town of about 22'000 inhabitants!
(Source: Ferrobaires, Clarín)
Tandil - Gardey - Vela
At the start of August 2014, Ferrobaires resumed passenger service from Tandil to Gardey and Vela. This is a 45 km long section of the former Tandil – Tres Arroyos line. The train set used is the one of the Buenos Aires – Tandil service which stables over the weekend; one round-trip on Saturdays Tandil – Vela and back is scheduled. To be able to charge a slightly higher fare, this train is declared a tourist train. It appears, however, that this new travel option is highly accepted among the local population.
(Source: Ferrobaires)
The company Ferrocentral, operator of the trains from Buenos Aires to Córdoba and Tucumán as well as the metre-gauge trains around Córdoba, has been integrated into the state train operator Trenes Argentinos/SOFSE.
(Source: Ferrocentral)
Extensions around Buenos Aires
After the limited-stop trains between Buenos Aires Plaza Constitución and La Plata had been very well accepted by customers, Trenes Argentinos/SOFSE introduced similar services between Plaza Constitución and Cañuelas (1 round-trip/day Monday to Friday) and Plaza Constitución – Chascomús (2 round-trips/day Monday to Friday). Due to high demand, the trains to Chascomús have also been scheduled to call at Altamirano and Jeppener. Newly-built Chinese long-distance carriages cover these services and no standees are accepted.
(Source: Trenes Argentinos/SOFSE)
Infrastructureextensions Buenos Aires – Mar del Plata
Under state supervision and on behalf of the infrastructure owner ADIFSE, Ferrobaires is currently refurbishing various sections of the Buenos Aires – Mar del Plata line. Between Maipú and Mar del Plata work is about 80% complete, thus allowing increased speed and improved punctuality of trains for the peak season starting in December. The never opened avoiding line of Chascomús will finally be refurbished and completed by ADIFSE. Work also includes completion of the new “Ferroautomotor” station – a multi-modal hub – of Chascomús. The avoiding line will allow for the closure of a huge number of level crossings within the urban perimeter of Chascomús as the new line will only feature over- and underbridges but no level crossings.
(Source: Fahrplancenter correspondents, Ferrobaires)
Buenos Aires Once - Santa Rosa
SOFSE and Ferrobaires are planning to reintroduce long-distance passenger trains between Buenos Aires Once and Santa Rosa in La Pampa province, Ferrobaires is currently repairing the tracks between Pehuajó and Santa Rosa.
(Source: Volta o Trem 18-7)
Empalme Lobos - 25 de Mayo
Ferrobaires is currently repairing the line from Emaplme Lobos to 25 de Mayo to introduce a passenger service with an Allan railcar (ex-CP of Portugal).
(Source: Volta o Trem 18-7)
Chascomús - Buenos Aires
SOFSE introduced together with Trenes Argentinos fast trains from Chascomús to Buenos Aires (2 pairs per day Monday to Friday) and between Cañuelas and Buenos Aires (1 pair per day Monday to Friday) using new Chinese-built long-distance rolling-stock.
(Source: Volta o Trem 18-7)
Buenos Aires - Rosario
For the introduction of a new faster passenger train service between Buenos Aires and Rosario and great new station may be built at Rosario Sur at a cost of over US£ 4,3mio.
(Source: Volta o Trem 18-7)
Tren Patagonico
Tren Patagonico reinstated the local passenger service be-tween Ingeniero G. Jacobacci (dep. early morning) and San Carlos de Baroliche (dep. in the evening). The TER railcar operates Tuesday and Thursday in both directions.
(Source: Volta o Trem 18-6)
Realicó – General Pico
SOFSE/Ferrocarril Unión Pacífico put a passenger train into operation between Realicó and General Pico from 26 July 2014 on. The weekly railcar from Bragado to Realicó has been extended to General Pico, so La Pampa province can again be reached by train. The 85 km long section between Realicó and Gen. Pico has not seen passenger operations since the late 1970s.
(Source: Volta o Trem 18-6)
Pehuajó - Santa Rosa
Ferrobaires was running a test train from Pehuajó to Santa Rosa to evaluate the extent of additional repairs on this section, which was submerged by floods for a longer period in the region of Trenque Lauquén. Probably from the end of 2014 it is planned to operate a weekly passenger train from Buenos Aires to Santa Rosa (Province La Pampa).
(Source: Volta o Trem 18-6)
Ferrobaires - Tandil
Ferrobaires operates a weekly tourist train from 2 August 2014 on over the 25 km between Tandil and Gardey on a section of the line to Tres Arroyos. The train operates every Saturday using rolling-stock of the Buenos Aires-Tandil train.
(Source: Volta o Trem 18-6)
Tren a las Nubes
Tren a las Nubes operator Ecotren lost its operating license after derailment of the train on 19 July 2014. No fatalities have been registered on this event, but the train is no longer running for an unknown period. There are plans to transfer the license to Salta province for this popular tourist train.
(Source: Volta o Trem 18-6)
Transport Politics
The recently nationalised railway lines in Argentina are gradually being integrated into a new public corporation under the name of “Trenes Argentinos”. At this time, it consists of the freight train operator Belgrano Cargas y Logística SA, parts of SOFSE (Tren de la Costa and the suburban section of the Sarmiento system) and also parts of the infrastructure authority ADIF. The San Martín (broad gauge) and Urquiza (standard gauge) appear to be fully integrated in Trenes Argentinos already.
(Source: El Reportero Ferroviario)
Tucumán – Concepción
For many years, the Tucumán region was fed with promises about improvements in rail transport, however, nothing ever happened. The rehabilitation of the Tucumán – Concepción line was abandoned in 2004, without any reasons given and after spending 8 Mio ARP. This would have been a local rail connection. Years later, the regional line Tucumán – Tafi Viejo was inaugurated with much pomp, but not even the inauguration train left Tucumán station – a work in progress of its own – because the level crossings across the city hadn't been upgraded yet. Just the Tafi Viejo station looked shiny new...
The Tafi Viejo workshops finally resumed business in 2014, and a few locomotives have been repaired. It is planned to repair some 4000 freight wagons in these workshops.
A multimodal freight hub is due to be built at Cevil Pozo as a link between rail, road and air freight. Works are expected to start in the second half of 2014.
The government intends to use funds from the loan granted by the chinese government (a total of 2,47 billions US$ for the metre-gauge network) for the rehabilitation of the line to Concepción. There was nothing said, however, about what will happen to the squatters currently dwelling on the track alignment.
(Source: El Intransigente)
Mendoza – Los Andes
Quite some confusion exists among the people living along the old Transandine Railway (Mendoza – Los Andes) as more and more parts of that railway are being dismantled in the Las Cuevas area. Two firms are involved, and they have already extracted many tons of wood and sheet metal roofing. Not even station buildings are saved. The two firms were denounced by members of the public, however, they were able to provide documentation which allowed them to dismantle the materials and export it to Chile. Allegedly, those firms paid 1,5 Mio US$ for it.
(Source: Diario Uno)
Buenos Aires – Pilar
The San Martín suburban line Buenos Aires – Pilar was extended on 08 May 2014, the new stations being Manzanares and Dr. Domingo Cabred.
(Source: Corredores Ferroviarios Argentinos)
Buenos Aires Retiro - Rosario Sur
In June 2014, a full rake of newly-built chinese long-distance carriages was on exhibition and open for public viewing at Rosario Norte railway station. These trains are expected to operate from 2015 between Buenos Aires (Retiro) and Rosario Sur (Apeadero Groenewold) once track relay works between the two city will be completed.
(Source: Fahrplancenter correspondents)
Bragado - Realicó - General Pico
SOFSE is planning to extend its Bragado – Realicó service to General Pico. This would satisfy the long-standing call from the La Pampa province to be connected by rail.
(Source: SOFSE and others)
Buenos Aires – Córdoba And Buienos Aires – Tucumán
The night trains Buenos Aires – Córdoba and Buenos Aires – Tucumán, currently operated by Ferrocentral, can't be booked any more via the internet. No reason for this has been given, but local sources assume that both services will be integrated into the public corporation SOFSE. This is expected to happen within the next months, up to the completion of track renewals between Buenos Aires and Rosario at the latest.
(Source: Ferrocentral and Satélite Ferroviario)
Tourist trains
The operator of the narrow gauge La Trochita steam railway in Chubut province is carrying out some extensive track repair work between Esquel and El Maitén; the stations of Leleque and Lepa have already been fully renovated. The entire railway (track, stations, rolling stock and the El Maitén workshops) has been listed as a historical monument. After completion of the track repair it is planned to operate an increasing number of charter trains over the full length of 200 km.
(Source: Fahrplancenter correspondents)
Rio Turbio
The coal railway of Rio Turbio was forced to cease operations on 22 April 2014 until further notice. Reason for this was a defect on the last operational FAUR diesel locomotive which broke down in the middle of nowhere (at about km 100) while hauling a laden freight train. Warnings that this may happen were issued from 2010 on, as there were just 3 locomotives in operational condition at that time. Delegates from the railway travelled to Bucharest in order to arrange and negotiate the purchase of 10 second-hand locomotives (5 mainline and 5 shunters) for the 750 mm track gauge. However, only one mainline and one shunting engine arrived at the Port of Buenos Aires where they are still awaiting customs clearance. Repeatedly, calls for refurbishment of some of steam locomotives were made and one of them was sent in 2003 to the Pérez workshops in Santa Fe province for that purpose, but nothing has ever been done to it. Nothing happened after an announcement that 10 brand new narrow gauge locomotives would be purchased for this railway. The staff fear that this means the end for the railway.
In June 2014 technicians from the Czech Republic travelled to Rio Turbio in order to assess the possibilities of repairing the locomotives.
(Source: El Reportero Ferroviario)
Serrezuela – Chamical
The metre-gauge line Serrezuela (Córdoba province) – Chamical (La Rioja province) will be re-opened to traffic in 2015. A logistics hub for air freight is being built at Chamical with the rail mode feeding the goods as rail freight is 60 per cent cheaper than road haulage. For this purpose, that line which hasn't been used for 20 years is currently under repair.
(Source: El Reportero Ferroviario)
Pilar - Dr. Domingo Cabred
Corredores Ferroviarios San Martin Line extended the sub-urban service by two new stations from Pilar to Dr. Domingo Cabred, this section is now served by 14 trains on weekdays and 12 on Sundays.
(Source: Volta o Trem 18-5)
Viedma - San Carlos de Bariloche
Early May Tren Patagonico reinstated its direct service bet-ween Viedma and San Carlos de Bariloche, after a gap of 5 months. On the other side the Ing. G. Jacobacci – San Carlos de Bariloche local was again suspended.
(Source: Volta o Trem 18-5)
Basavilbaso - Villaguay - Concordia
SOFSE reinstated services between Basavilbaso, Villaguay and Concordia. Unfortunately people started to through stones against the railcar, which forced the company to tun the railcar until Yeruá only, 19 km south of Concordia.
(Source: Volta o Trem 14-4)
Basavilbaso – Villaguay – Concordia
Since a fire of unknown reasons destroyed the Materfer built railcar which operated between Basavilbaso, Villaguay and Concordia, this service remains suspended. State railway operator SOFSE was not able to send a replacement railcar from existing spare rolling-stock at Paraná to reinstate this important service.
(Source: Volta o Trem 14-3)
Suburban and local traffic
The Mitre and San Martín suburban lines in and around Buenos Aires have been re-grouped in the new company Corredores Ferroviarios S.A. (COFESA). This is in fact a proper privatisation as the only shareholder of COFESA is the Grupo Roggio. The Grupo Roggio also owns Metrovías, operator of the standard-gauge suburban line from Federico Lacroze station to General Lemos, the Subte (Underground) network and the Premetro line P.
The Grupo Roggio, headed by Benito Roggio, has other business activities in fields like tourism, construction, refuse collection, water supply, sewage, technology, IT and more.
(Source: COFESA)
Universidad Católica
On 17th February 2014 the state railway SOFSE opened the new halt Universidad Católica east of Salta on the Salta - Güemes line. That stop had been promised to students since the introduction of local trains on the line. As currently no additional rolling stock is available, the timetable just offers 2 round-trips Monday to Friday (one on Saturdays) and the trains are usually 100% full as SOFSE doesn't allow standees. An improvement will only be possible once SOFSE has refurbished another DMU and transfers it from Resistencia (Chaco) to Salta.
(Source: Radio Salta)
La Plata – Avellaneda
The new Secretary for Planning and Public Services of the Buenos Aires province, Mr Franco La Porta, has annonced the reconstruction and reopening of the metre-gauge line La Plata – Avellaneda, closed in 1977. The track alignment, built over at a couple of locations and with the tracks partially dismantled, had been transferred in 1993 to Ferrobaires, but they have so far failed to produce any viable project. The first stage should be the line from the Estación Provincial on the outskirts of the town to the station San Francisco Solano in the southwest of Quilmes municipality at a cost of about US$ 40 Mio. The second stage of the line – overall length 51 km – between San Francisco Solano and Avellaneda will be more difficult because many squatters have settled on the track and erected their dwellings. Estimated passenger demand, once the line is fully operational, is 18 Mio journeys per year. However, the project is being criticised from many parts because the line doesn't reach the city centres at either end of the line, neither La Plata nor Buenos Aires. It remains to be seen if this project will be realised.
(Source: La Nación)
Buenos Aires - Junín
Ferrobaires resumed traffic on its Buenos Aires to Junín line on 3rd February 2014 after an interruption of exactly two months. However, services operated just twice a week instead of 6 journeys per week before. Even that was very short-lived: only three weeks later, services were cancelled again after the only available locomotive for this train became defective. Apparently, the Junín – Alberdi section has been abandoned altogether and it is doubtful if Ferrobaires has the resources to operate that line permanently.
(Source: Ferrobaires, Fahrplancenter)
Buenos Aires Once - Lincoln
In mid-February, Ferrobaires terminated its services from Buenos Aires Once and Lincoln after several temporary interruptions in the recent past. The company is struggling to maintain service from Buenos Aires Once to Bragado and Pehuajó. The state railway SOFSE now offers train service to Lincoln and onwards to Realicó, once a week.
(Source: Ferrobaires, Fahrplancenter)
Buenos Aires Retiro - Rosario
The Minister of Transport, Mr Florencio Randazzo, has announced that the new long-distance service from Buenos Aires Retiro and Rosario will start during 2015. Track renewal work is expected to be completed in the first six months of 2015. In a first phase, trains will terminate at the Rosario Sur/Apeadero Groenewold halt. After that, the dwellers in the shantytowns along the track alignment through the city will be relocated so that, at a later stage, trains can again reach the current station Rosario Norte. In the meantime, plans to re-use the Rosario Central Córdoba station have been abandoned.
(Source: Agencia Rieles)
On the San Martín suburban line, the third stage of platform heightening works has begun so that the platforms can accommodate the new trains. Currently, the chinese-built trains can only serve Buenos Aires Retiro, Villa del Parque, Devoto, Saenz Peña, José C. Paz, Sol y Verde, Presidente Derqui, Villa Astolfi and Pilar.
Track renovation on the Mitre line has now reached suburban traffic from Buenos Aires. At present, timetables on the electrified lines remain unchanged, but as per 17th March 2014 timetables were drastically reduced on the diesel-operated lines Villa Ballester – Zárate and Victoria – Matheu – Capilla del Señor in order to facilitate track works. It has, however, not been communicated for how long these reductions will be in place.
(Source: COFESA)
Ferrobaires suspended definitively its passenger train between Buenos Aires Once and Lincoln February 14. This line continues to be served by the SOFSE train
February 26, Ferrobaires was withdrawing again the Buenos Aires Retiro – Junin passenger train, for the second time in a short period. The locomotive used on this train is out of order.
(Source: Volta o Trem 14-2)
Suburban railways of Buenos Aires
The renationalized suburban railways of Buenos Aires (operated by UGOFE’s) have again been privatized by transfering them to the remaining two concessionaires Ferrovias and Metrovias. This step includes also the services from Buenos Aires to Rosario and from Buenos Aires to Alvear.
(Source: Volta o Trem 14-2)
Universidad Católica de Salta
February 17, 2014 SOFSE opened the long awaited train halt Universidad Católica de Salta between Güemes and Salta.
(Source: Volta o Trem 14-2)
Tren Patagonico
During January 2014 Tren Patagonico reintroduced a twice weekly service between San Carlos de Bariloche and Ingeniero G. Jacobacci, using the ex-Renfe TER DMU.
(Source: Volta o Trem 14-1)
On February 3, 2014 Ferrobaires reinstated a limited twice weekly passenger service between Buenos Aires and Junín, the section from Junín to Alberdí remains without traffic.
(Source: Volta o Trem 14-1)
Passenger traffic
The argentinian railway system is dilapidating faster than it can be refurbished. Ferrobaires withdrew its services from Buenos Aires to Junín, Alberdi, Bragado, Lincoln, Carlos Casares and Pehuajó at the start of December because the locomotives didn't meet the safety standards anymore. The trains to Bragado, Lincoln and Pehuajó resumed operations at the end of 2013 based on the initiative of the state administrator of Ferrobaires. It has been reported, however, that the train of Saturday 28th December 2013 was cancelled due to unavailability of a locomotive. Since November, the state railway SOFSE operates a weekly train from Buenos Aires (Once) and Bragado with a set of new chinese-built coaches. At Bragado, SOFSE offers a connecting service with a brand-new Materfer railcar to Realicó. That train is scheduled to run late evening/overnight, but at the end of 2013 it ran also on noon time. One of those additional services derailed due to heat deformation of the track; a result of the extremely hot weather at the time.
Right at the beginning of the summer season, Tren Patagónico had to cancel its weekly train from Viedma to San Carlos de Bariloche in December 2013, allegedly due to problems with the locomotives and the infrastructure. As the trains were fully booked until February 2014, all fares had to be reimbursed to the customers. Bad planning seems to be the reason for this desaster as the company failed to execute impending work in November. It is also reported that the Rio Negro province withheld a part of the funds pledged for the train.
At present, it is unclear when operations will be resumed. Some sources have indicated that it may only happen in March 2014. Early in January, some changes happened at senior management level of Tren Patagónico.
SOFSE Belgrano Sur have completely overhauled the CML number 1 which is a 2-piece light railcar built in the 1980ies. It was stored during two years. The vehicle was transferred by road to the Buenos Aires Retiro/Belgrano Norte station and it will travel under its own power from there to Resistencia to replace an Apolo railcar. That Apolo railcar will, in its turn, be transferred to Guemes with the aim to increase timetables between Salta and Guemes. At present, only one Apolo railcar is based at Salta for local traffic.
Ferrocentral have resumed through traffic from Córdoba (Rodríguez del Busto station) to Cosquín after the line was disrupted for a considerable period due to track repair works.
(Source: Fahrplancenter)
Theft of rails near Pilar severed the standard-gauge Urquiza network from the Buenos Aires area. This led to the closure of the remaining minimal freight traffic.
Repair work on the Buenos Aires – Rosario line has started, although at a rather slow pace. There is still no decision about where the passenger station in Rosario will be. The state declared that it will resume passenger traffic on this route only when a new railway station is available. The current terminal Rosario Norte has been ruled out because the trains have to cross a number of slums. However, the same applies to all alternatives in discussion (Rosario Oeste, Rosario Sur, Rosario CC) and the problems with stone throwing remain without solution.
(Source: Fahrplancenter)
Freight traffic
Belgrano Cargas have resumed transport of wine. That product hasn't been transported by rail since the end of Ferrocarriles Argentinos.
(Source: Fahrplancenter)
Tren Patagonico
Tren Patagonico suspended train services „Just in time for the Summer season“ between Viedma and San Carlos de Bariloche from mid-december 2013 on. This suspension may be until about March 2014. Because all seats and beds have been sold until February 2014 the company had to pay back the money to all passengers!
(Source: Volta o Trem 17-8)
Tren Patagonico
Mid November Tren Patagonico brought the TER DMU (ex-Renfe) back into service, running a weekly service between Viedma and San Carlo de Bariloche and a local service between San Carlos de Bariloche and Ing. G. Jacobacci, but only one week later these new services have again been withdrawn for unclear reasons.
(Source: Volta o Trem 17-7)
Buenos Aires-Junin-Alberdí and Buenos Aires-Bragado-Lincoln/Pehuajó
December 1 Ferrobaires suspended the Buenos Aires-Junín-Alberdí and Buenos Aires-Bragado-Lincoln/Pehuajó passen-ger trains because the locomotives in service apparently no longer met the saftey requirements of the Secretariat of Transport.
(Source: Volta o Trem 17-7)
Fiesta del Tren a Vapor
The „Old Patagonia Express“ (La Trochita) celebrates again the Steam Train Festival in 2014. Trains will run between El Maitén and Ñorquincó on February 14, 15 & 16, 2014.
(Source: Volta o Trem 17-7)
Buenos Aires Once - Bragado - Realicó
SOFSE introduced a new weekly train between Buenos Aires Once and Realicó on October 18, 2013. Between Once station and Bragado a new set of Chinese-built coaches and locomotive is running, at Bragado passengers have to change into a new Materfer-built two coaches DMU to proceed the trip to Realicó. Departure from Once is Friday and from Realicó Sunday and passengers have to change in both directions in the middle of the night at Bragado (between 1.00 and 2.00 a.m.)
(Source: Volta o Trem 17-6)
Breaking Problmes
October 19, 2013 a suburban train of the Sarmiento Line passend again a stop block and 99 passengers have been injured. This time it was a refurbished train with braking problems.
(Source: Volta o Trem 17-6)
Buenos Aires Mitre – Rosario
Refurbishment of the Buenos Aires Mitre – Rosario line has commenced. At Rosario a new emplacement for the station for services to Buenos Aires is still sought, the nice station building of the former Central Córdoba Railway could perhaps became this new station.
(Source: Volta o Trem 17-6)
Cars from Mdrid for Buenso Aires
The subway of Buenos Aires has decided to purchase a substantial fleet of second-hand trainsets from Madrid. This has been heavily criticised after it became evident that they are in a deteriorated condition and that a costly adaptation to the technical parameters of the Buenos Aires system is needed.
(Source: Cronica ferroviaria)
Retiro – Pilar
Im September 2013 hat der Ausbau der Bahnstationen an der San Martin S-Bahn Strecke Retiro – Pilar begonnen. Die Bahnsteige werden erhöht, damit die neuen chinesischen Zugskompositionen eingesetzt werden können.
(Source: Cronica ferroviaria)
Transfer to SOFSE
After the Tren de la Costa, the suburban railway systems Belgrano Sur, Roca, San Martín, Mitre and Sarmiento were also transferred to the state railway operator SOFSE.
(Source: Cronica ferroviaria)
Credit from BID
The Interamerican Bank for Development BID has established a credit line of up to 1,2 billion USD for Argentina. This should enable the state to upgrade the suburban network in and around Buenos Aires. The first step will be the electrification of the Buenos Aires (Plaza Constitución) to La Plata line, a matter which is already pending for decades.
(Source: Cronica ferroviaria)
Buenos Aires - Rosario
The daily round-trip from Buenos Aires to Rosario has been cancelled in connection with the impending track repair and upgrade. In the end that train ran only occasionally, and it took 8 hours to cover the 300 km which separate the two cities.
(Source: FLB correspondents)
Buenos Aires - San Carlos de Bariloche
A test train consisting of brand-new chinese vehicles (diesel locomotive and coaches) travelled from Buenos Aires to San Carlos de Bariloche early in September. It was noted that a 70 km long section of track south of Bahía Blanca needs repair before SOFSE can offer regular train service on this route.
(Source: Cronica ferroviaria)
Currently renationalization of passenger train companies is in full swing. During September FerroCentral with its services from Buenos Aires to Córdoba and Tucumán and the Tren de las Sierras at Córdoba have been incorporated into SOFSE. Discussions have also been held to integrate UEFER, out of Paraná in Entre Rios, into SOFSE.
Early September a test train completely made up by new chi-nese built coaches and locomotive travelled all the line from Buenos Aires to San Carlos de Bariloche. It was discovered that a 70 km section south of Bahía Blanca has to be rebuilt to start regular services over this line.
Within the next few days reconstruction of the Buenos Aires – Rosario main line may begin. These works will be executed directly by the Transport ministry.
SOFSE plans to introduce its own passenger service on Fridays and Sundays between Buenos Aires Once and Bragado using chinese-built coaches.
The local passenger train Buenos Aires – Rosario with intermediate stops has been withdrawn.
(Source: Volta o Trem 17-5)
Buenos Aires suburban lines
Buenos Aires suburban lines San Martin, Roca and Belgrano Sur operated by UGOFE have been transferred to state rail-ways operator SOFSE. The news does not state if the infrastructure of these lines will be transferred to infrastructure authority Adif.
(Source: Volta o Trem 17-4)
Subte buys Scrap
Buenos Aires Metro Subte buys for the second time second-hand trains from Metro Madrid for Line B. This despite the bad experience with a first delivery in 2011 of trains close to the state of scrap. The Madrid trains must also be rebuilt at high costs for the conditions at Buenos Aires, for example the change from overhead to thrid-rail electric supply.
(Source: Volta o Trem 17-4)
Local traffic San Martin
The chinese manufacturer China Southern Railway Industries delivered until the end of April 2013 all 24 new diesel locomotives and 60 of the 160 ordered new passenger coaches to the port of Buenos Aires. All vehicles are destined for the San Martín suburban line Retiro – Pilar. The remaining 100 coaches will follow until early 2014. As the platforms on the San Martín line are not high enough to accommodate the new fleet, they need adapted at all 20 stations of the route. These works are due to start “in a few months”. Therefore, the Minister of Interior and Transport, Mr Florencio Randazzo, has decided that the new vehicles will be used during peak hours on the Mitre suburban line, until further notice.
(Source: La Nación)
La Plata
In La Plata, the 4,6 km long “Tren Universitario” started operations on the 26th April 2013. Light railbuses from TecnoTren run at fixed intervals Monday to Friday from 0730 until 2230 and on Saturdays from 0730 until 1330 over this line which connects the La Plata railway station (suburban trains from Buenos Aires) with 4 stops at various faculties, the stop at Diagonal 73 and the outpatient's clinic. Purpose-built stops were erected. The line is also occasionally being used by freight trains; and the travel time of the university train is about 25 minutes. The lightweight railbuses suffer, however, from frequent problems caused by the poorly maintained tracks, leading repeatedly to cancellations.
(Source: own research)
At Paraná, the number of journeys on the suburban line to Oro Verde has been reduced from 3 to 2 daily round-trips, while traffic on the route to Colonia Avellaneda was reduced from 7 to 5 round-trips. The trains prove to be very popular, but the number of serviceable TecnoTren light railbuses was reduced considerably after several derailments, particularly on the route to Colonia Avellaneda. Despite of well-known problems with infrastructure (worn turnouts, flooded tracks in rainy periods, much rubbish on the tracks), nothing is being done to remedy the situation.
(Source: UEFER)
Transport politics
The worsening situation in Argentina's railway sector, particularly in passenger transport, force the state to re-nationalise more and more railway lines and networks.
After the suburban systems Mitre, Sarmiento, San Martín, Roca and Belgrano Sur, which were re-organised as “UGO” (state-supported emergency operators), also the Tren de la Costa (Maipú – Delta) was nationalised and transferred to the state-owned operator SOFSE.
At the end of May 2013, the more than 10'000 km long metre-gauge network Belgrano Cargas was re-nationalised under the name of Belgrano Cargas y Logística S.A. Belgrano Cargas is one of the most important networks of Argentina as it provides connections to Bolivia and Chile and opens up 14 provinces of the country. It was noted that just 400 km of that big network are in technically good condition. Shareholders of Belgrano Cargas are the state agencies ADIF (rail infrastructure), SOFSE (train operator) and AGP (port authority).
Currently (mid-June 2013) the procedure to re-nationalise the two networks of San Martín (broad gauge) and Urquiza/Mesopotámico (standard gauge) is under way. Both networks are operated by the brazilian company ALL (América Latina Logística), and the government stresses that ALL didn't comply with the obligations of the concession contract. ALL, however, is seeking legal action against the revocation of concession. The government plans to integrate the San Martín and Urquiza routes into the aforementioned Belgrano Cargas.
After Tren Patagónico (Viedma – San Carlos de Bariloche) had claimed huge support from the state to repair the track and to provide passenger coaches, negotiations between the Rio Negro province and the federal government have started and things seem to move towards re-nationalisation. The state railway SOFSE is already planning to operate a direct train Buenos Aires – San Carlos de Bariloche with the new fleet currently being delivered from China.
(Source: La Nación, Clarín, local sources)
Long-distance traffic
The new vehicles ordered from China Northern Railway at Dalian are currently being delivered to the state railway SOFSE. Some details of the fleet have been known.
The fleet comprises (all vehicles for 1675 mm broad gauge) 20 diesel locomotives and 220 passenger carriages including 20 sleeping cars, 20 dining cars and 20 car-carrying coaches. The locomotives have an output of 2200 kW and will be built in a variant for 120 km per hour and a variant for 160 km per hour. Delivery of the entire fleet should be complete by the end of 2013. It is planned to formate 10 to 20 rakes to cover long-distance services to Córdoba, Tucumán, San Carlos de Bariloche and Bahía Blanca.
The track upgrade on the Buenos Aires – Rosario route has been advertised; it is, however, yet unknown when the Mar del Plata route will follow.
(Source: various sources)
he argentine Government startet nationalization of some railway companies: Juni 7, 2013 Tren de la Costa was incorporated into SOFSE. Very soon the ALL concessions (Urquiza 1435 mm gauge and San Martín 1675 mm gauge) will be incorporated into state owned Belgrano Cargas. Furthermore there are plans to renationalize Tren Patagonico (Viedma-San Carlos de Bariloche)
(Source: Volta o Trem 17-3)
Delivery from China
The first 17 of 220 long-distance passenger coaches and some diesel locomotives for long-distance passenger trains have already been delivered from China to SOFSE.
(Source: Volta o Trem 17-3)
Buenos Aires - Rosario
The line from Buenos Aires to Rosario will now be rehabilitated.
(Source: Volta o Trem 17-3)
Urban traffic
At the start of January 2013, the owner of the Buenos Aires subway system (SBASE) closed Line A for traffic. Allegedly, the trainsets which were delivered in 1913 by the belgian firm La Brugeoise, were considered “unsafe”. However, the technicians of the subway have a completely different opinion about it as they knew them thoroughly; some units having been completely refurbished in recent years. Line A is due to re-open about mid- to end of March of the current year and will feature new EMU's purchased from China. It has been reported that the first units were running for testing and crew training at the end of January. During those runs, the trains appear to frequently have come in contact with platform edges. Technicians from China arrived along with the trains, but they didn't have any knowledge of Spanish. Local subway staff say that the manuals are very imprecise and extremely poorly translated into Spanish. In the meantime, people along Line A have to cope with overcrowded buses as only on two short sections along the route bus schedules were improved during rush hours.
In January, an initiative supported by over 50 organisations from Buenos Aires requested that the Brugeoise fleet (or part of it) be listed as historical monument and also that the entire Line A – the first subway line in Latin America – be listed as Unesco world cultural heritage. It seems that SBASE doesn't appreciate those plans as most of the heritage fleet is dumped in the open without guarding. Precious parts disappear from the coaches day by day. The government of the City of Buenos Aires are not interested in those preservation plans either. Shortly after closure of Line A, the Mayor of the city and a councillor reportedly voiced the opinion that traffic didn't collapse without the subway and that the entire system could be scrapped!
(Source: and others)
Suburban traffic
The first diesel locomotives for the San Martin line (Buenos Aires – Pilar) arrived from China at the end of January.
In order to replace the ageing commuter fleet of the Sarmiento and Mitre lines, the federal government ordered 400 electric coaches from China Southern. 220 coaches will be assigned to the Sarmiento line and the remaining 180 to the Mitre lines. The first 100 coaches are expected to arrive from July 2013 and delivery of the fleet is due to be completed until June 2014. The value of the purchase is 1265 Mio USD with China financing 85% of the total price by a loan over 10 years.
(Source: La Nación)
Long-distance passenger traffic
At the end of January 2013, Ferrobaires withdrew the train featuring standard class coaches and running from Buenos Aires to Mar del Plata. With this, most intermediate stations lost their service, and parcel service was also cancelled as it was carried on this train. This happened during the main travel season of the year! The technical condition of the coaches didn't allow any further use. Only 2 weeks before cancellation, the route of that train was extended once a week from Mar del Plata to Miramar. The mayor of the seaside resort of Miramar had campaigned for the extension of the service.
With this, only the following services between Buenos Aires and Mar del Plata operate:
“El Marplatense” - Superpullman, twice a week
Trains 315/316 – First class and Pullman only, three times per week
Never in the history this line had such a minimal service.
Addenda: after a couple of weeks, Trains 315/316 were extended to Miramar once a week, again after pressure from Miramar.
Ferrobaires withdrew passenger service between Carlos Casares and Pehuajó due to flooding which had reached the track alignment. A few weeks later, freight traffic resumed, but passenger trains haven't returned to that section (yet?).
(Source: Ferrobaires and others)
Buenos Aires - Mar del Plata
Ferrobaires supended the daily second-class train between Buenos Aires and Mar del Plata during the main travel season due to the bad condition of the coaches. This left this important line with just 5 weekly services. Never in the history of this line train services have been such reduced.
(Source: Volta o Trem 17-1)
Carlos Casares – Pehuajó
After some floodings Ferrobaires suspended the Carlos Casares – Pehuajó passenger train, even after reopening of the line for freight trains, the passenger train didn’t went back.
(Source: Volta o Trem 17-1)
San Martin suburban line
The first two Chinese-built diesel locomotives for the Buenos Aires San Martin suburban line arrived in Argentina.
(Source: Volta o Trem 17-1)
Freight traffic
A free trade area is planned at General Pico (La Pampa province), and this should trigger the re-activation of the railway line from Realicó to General Pico. La Pampa province hopes that this move would also lead to the extension of the weekly SOFSE Lincoln – Realicó passenger service to General Pico. The existing lines from Olascoaga and Pehuajó to La Pampa still suffer from flood damage and their repair hasn't even been discussed.
(Source: Fahrplancenter)
Long distance passenger traffic
The federal government has announced that it will repair the infrastructure of the Buenos Aires – Rosario and Buenos Aires – Mar del Plata lines. Reports suggest that a new track could be laid parallel to the existing double track line in the case of the Rosario route.
(Source: Fahrplancenter)
Materfer delivered a fifth new railcar for the weekly Paraná – Concepción del Uruguay service. All new railcars operated by the Entre Rios province rail operator UEFER were paid for by the federal government. Despite the more than sufficient number of units for the scheduled services offered, all passenger trains within Entre Rios won't run during January 2013 in order to facilitate maintenance of rolling stock.
(Source: Fahrplancenter)
Regional traffic
Contrary to repeated announcements, the “Tren Expreso Regional Puntano” didn't start operations neither in October nor in November 2012. A new starting date hasn't been given as yet. That service with the marvellous name is supposed to connect the cities of Justo Daract and Villa Mercedes and will consist of a single railcar.
(Source: Fahrplancenter)
The Los Amores – Cacuí railcar service in the Chaco province has recently been extended to the Resistencia railway station on weekdays.
(Source: Fahrplancenter)
The Resistencia station building has been fully refurbished.
(Source: Fahrplancenter)
Buenos Aires - Rosario & Buenos Aires - Mar del Plata
The Argentine government finally decided to rehabilitate the main lines from Buenos Aires to Rosario and Mar del Plata and new trains from China may be bought for these two very important main lines.
(Source: Volta o Trem 16-8)
Ceaseation of Talgo Trains
SOFSE has to cease the operation of its Talgo trains between Buenos Aires and Mar del Plata for the high maintenance costs of the trains.
(Source: Volta o Trem 16-7)
Journy Time Extension
Between Presidencia Roque Sáenz Peña and Chorotis journey times of the railcar service had to be extended by more than 30 minutes due to bad track condition.
(Source: Volta o Trem 16-7)
Train services between Linclon and Realicó have been suspended for an unknown period due to inundation of the line.
(Source: Volta o Trem 16-7)
Tranvía del Este
Tranvía del Este tram line in Buenos Aires ceased operation definitively October 11, 2012. Services operated on an experimental base since 25 July 2007.
(Source: Volta o Trem 16-6)
Suburban Traffic
After the devastating train accident at Once railway station in Buenos Aires, which killed 51 persons and injured over 700, and the subsequent intensive investigations, the licence of the train operator TBA (Trenes de Buenos Aires) was finally revoked. Operation of the TBA lines was handed over to another UGOFE, formed by Metrovías and Ferrovías.
Remedial work has started eventually; extensive repair work on the Once – Moreno line has begun.
(Source: Fahrplancenter correspondents; Satelite Ferroviario; Rieles Latinoamericanos; Crónica Ferroviaria)
Following revocation of the licence of Trenes de Buenos Aires (see Suburban traffic), the Pilar to Apostoles and Pilar to Paysandú (Uruguay) services were withdrawn without any substitution services. Those trains were operated by Wadloper multiple railcars ex NS. The Buenos Aires/Retiro to Rosario service is now operated by UGOFE.
(Source: Fahrplancenter correspondents; Satelite Ferroviario; Rieles Latinoamericanos; Crónica Ferroviaria)
On 2nd July and after several delays, the public passenger train operator SOFSE started passenger services between Salta and Güemes. An „Apolo“ DMU ex FEVE (Spain) is being used. The new service has proved to be very successful right from the beginning and tickets are usually sold out the previous day. Therefore, a second round-trip (Monday to Friday) has been introduced in August, along with a round-trip on Saturdays.
SOFSE has started rehabilitation work on the railcars used on regional services in the Chaco province. For this, the vehicles are transferred by road to the Laguna Paiva workshops near Santa Fe.
(Source: Fahrplancenter correspondents; Satelite Ferroviario; Rieles Latinoamericanos; Crónica Ferroviaria)
The line Buenos Aires – Mar del Plata, currently used by both operators, is in such a bad condition that even for the Talgo trains of SOFSE travel time from end to end had to be extended to about 6 hrs. As a consequence, SOFSE reduced its offer to one train per week during August. Ferrobaires alone is responsible for the infrastructure on this line.
(Source: Fahrplancenter correspondents; Satelite Ferroviario; Rieles Latinoamericanos; Crónica Ferroviaria)
Justo Daract – Villa Mercedes
A local initiative will operate local services between Justo Daract and Villa Mercedes from October 2012, using a railcar. Justo Daract is located at kilometer post 654 of the Buenos Aires – Mendoza main line. The plans also include re-activation of a section of the former branch line to Villa Dolores (Villa Mercedes to La Toma, 79 km) for freight and passenger traffic and, at a later stage, the 99 km section Mercedes – San Luis. This would invalidate the plans of San Luis city to dismantle the railway tracks within its jurisdiction and use the space for construction of an expressway.
(Source: Fahrplancenter correspondents; Satelite Ferroviario; Rieles Latinoamericanos; Crónica Ferroviaria)
Freight traffic
Freight traffic between Encarnación and Posadas (Argentina) has been resumed in June 2012. During the first week, already 500 tonnes were carried.
According to information from the railway administration in Asunción, a full reconstruction of the line Encarnación – Asunción seems to be more and more unlikely. It is intended to focus on the section Encarnación – Ruta VI – Fram – General Artigas.
(Source: EntornoInteligente; FEPASA; local newspapers)